quick note befor the synopsis. this is a test fic for myself to practice writing romance and intimate incounters, so it’s basically going to be porn with plot but I’m still going to do my best to write a great story. ——————————————————— the story is about a young man who has been reincarnated into the dc universe. one day, after a certain incident, he is invited to an experience like any other…. let me know what everyone thinks.
Arriving at the faculty room they all funneled in with Anthony being the last to enter. Locking the door and placing a few desks in front of the door for additional protection Anthony then found a chair and promptly sat down to rest. Everyone els found their own corner to rest in and Saya went over to the sink to clean herself up.
After a few minutes of having his eyes shut Anthony noticed it became really quiet. Opening his eyes he looked around and saw everyone els staring at him with questioning and suspicion on their faces. Rei just looked curious at Anthony, already trusting him. Anthony let out a sigh, "I guess I'll start my story. But fair warning you most likely won't believe it or just think I'm spouting bullshit. Well to preemptively answer that, I don't give a shit if you believe me or not. I'm sorry if I sound rude but I just want to cut out all the bull right from the start." Anthony said as he looked at everyone.
Saya seemed a little disgruntled and had a displeased face from what Anthony said but kept her mouth shut. Saeko raised an eyebrow and waited for what Anthony would say. Kota looked a little uncomfortable by Anthony's blunt way of speaking. Shizuka just had a smile and tilted her head. Rei just leaned forward ready to hear Anthony's story.
Seeing everyone was listening, Anthony decided to get the biggest bombshell out of the way and told them that he wasn't even from there universe. That got Saya to start screaming about how stupid he sounded. He just glared at her and she promptly shut her mouth but not without sending a glare right back at him. Continuing Anthony told them how something significant happened in his own world that he was apart of and due to that some god like beings then had a interest in him for some reason. They then gave him the option to go to hostile worlds in exchange for strength. He then finished by telling them how he prepared and his arrival in their world.
Saeko and Saya stared at Anthony with skeptical looks. Rei had shock on her face and Kota had a look of wonder. Shizuka had stars in her eyes as she looked at Anthony with a big smile and said, "oh you're like a comic book character."
Saya then turned to Shizuka and exclaimed, "you can't really believe that?!" She turned to Anthony and exclaimed again as she stomped her foot, "You can't expect us to believe that?!"
Anthony simply crossed his arms and shrugged his shoulders in indifference, "like I said earlier, I don't care if you believe me or not. I'm telling you the truth, it's not my fault you don't want to accept it."
Saya got an angry face and was about to say something els before Saeko put a hand on her shoulder calming her down. Saeko then asked Anthony, "so does that mean you can go back to your world at anytime?" To Saekos question everyone perked up. If Anthony could, that would mean he could take them out of there.
Anthony shook his head no, "I can't just go back whenever I want. When I first came here I was told I would need to survive six months here, then I would be able to go back." Most everybody deflated that they wouldn't be able to leave right away. Saya snorted saying figures, thinking that because he couldn't show any proof right now it was evidence that he was telling lies.
Saeko continued her questioning, "so after the six months, would you be able to take people with you back to your world from this one?"
Anthony thought on it then replied, "I'm not sure. When I came here a tunnel in space time appeared right in front of me. I suspect if people went through before I did they would come with me to my world. This is the first time I've jump to another universe by the way." Anthony isn't counting his initial reincarnation cause it's not the same.
Saeko just nodded to Anthony's words keeping a straight face, not showing her thoughts. Saya was grumbling about something Anthony didn't care to hear. When it seamed like everyone was about to go do there own thing, kota came right up to Anthony, looking at his gloves. "What are these? The design is spectacular and the blast that comes out seems to be quite powerful. What's the power source? How did you even get something like this?" He asked with rapid fire and looked at Anthony, stars still shining in his eyes.
Anthony was a little stunned by his reaction at first but then answered. "These are gloves that fire repulser blasts, which you saw before. The power source is the arc reactor." He points at it then, thinking about his last question, thought of the perfect answer. "And how I got them? Well kota, I'm something of an inventor myself." He chuckled at the end but kota had a confused look as to why Anthony was chuckling. Anthony just sighed. "I made them. In my world I invent things." He decided just to simplify it for the kid.
Kota, hearing Anthony's answer, had a look of admiration on his face. Off to the side Anthony could hear a scoff. Looking over he could see Saya who apparently was eavesdropping on the conversation. "You made those?" Anthony just nodded to her question. She just laughed and smirked at him, "how can someone as delusional as you have made those? I bet you just stole them from somewhere…"
Anthony stood up abruptly cutting her off as she took a step back. He walked up to her and she kept taking steps back till she was up against the wall. No one did anything cause they were all shocked. Standing in front of Saya Anthony looked down at her. "Look, I know you're going through a lot right now and I'm the most convenient outlet for you because you don't know me. But I'm not going to sit still and just take someone's shit. You don't want me around for some reason? I can just go. I'm confident in myself that I can survive out there on my own." Sure Anthony is interested in staying with the main cast, but he's not going to have constant accusations come his way for it. He would rather go it alone than have to deal with all that bullshit.
Hearing Anthony's words everyone had wide eyed shock on their faces, not thinking he would leave just like that with everything going on. Abruptly Rei stood up, "If you go I'm going with you." To that everyone's face had even more shock that Rei would just go with him.
The next moment a teary eyed Shizuka jumped on Anthony's back, her giant breast enveloping his neck, and exclaimed, "Noooo Anthony-kuuunn!! Don't leeeaaave!! The bad girl wont say anymore hurtful words." She then starts to pat Anthony's head sending a pout towards Saya. Anthony could only blush and enjoy the treatment Shizuka was giving him.
Saya looked at Shizuka with a mild blush at her action. Before she could retort Saeko came up as well, "I would suggest we all stick together and it would be beneficial if there wasn't any disagreements." She looked at both Anthony and Saya.
Anthony just shrugged, squishing his face more between Shizukas boobs accidentally. To Anthony's indifference Saeko looked to Saya who just sputtered for a second, "I…you…but…" looking at everyone she seemed to struggle but ultimately sighed. "Fine fine. I'll try and have a bit more of an open mind. But when six months come and there's no portal, I'm going to soooo tell you I told you so." She finished by pointing her finger at him.
Anthony smirked, "and I can't wait to see the look on your face when you see I was telling the truth." Sayas face turned crimson to Anthony smirking at her. She just Humpfed and stomped off, ears red.
Anthony then decided to address the blond who was clinging to his back. Clearing his throat he asked, "*cough* umm Ms. Shizuka? Do you think you can get off? I promise I'm not going to leave." He can feel her entire body pressed up against his back and can't help the erection he starts to have. Good thing his pants hide it well.
Shizuka shakes her head no and clings to Anthony harder. "Nooo i like it here." She then nuzzled her face into Anthony's hair.
With a blushing face and annoyed expression Saya pulled Shizuka off Anthony. "Your a teacher you should really be acting like one." Shizuka just giggled at Saya which only annoyed her more so she just walked away to cool down.
Anthony noticed that the entire time Shizuka was on Anthony's back Rei only seemed to have a mild annoyed face. 'Interesting.' Anthony thought. From what he remembers in the anime Rei had a major jealousy to any woman getting close to her man but here she didn't seam to have that hostility like she should have had. 'Maybe it's the perk at play again?' Anthony thought again. 'Maybe the perk makes it so girls won't get jealous or at least not as easily. It is called [harem protagonist] perk for a reason.' Finishing his thought Anthony nodded to himself going with that answer. Everyone then begins to rest in preparation for what's to come next.