
Reincarnations of two werewolves.

Two werewolves were killed in their past life and their love remained somehow incomplete. They were recreated by the God to finish what they started in their past life. Hannah, a 17 year old girl who was abandoned by her parents, was brought up by two strangers. They do love her but she’s barely allowed to go out and that makes her wonder a lot of stuff. The reason for that is still unknown to her. Little does she and her best friend know that the reason behind their parents’ protectiveness is, they’re both werewolves. They wanted to tell her about the truth before the day she turns eighteen because as she turns eighteen, she’ll eventually get to know the truth about her, but the fate has some other plans. Marco, a 17 year old, extremely rich boy who is in the same school as Hannah. He, too, is not at all aware of the biggest truth his life had been hiding. They are two completely opposite personalities but the only thing that remains the same between them is their nightmare. The same nightmare they had been having for the past 15 years, ever since they turned 3. What will happen when they will find out about them being werewolves? But the real question is, how will they find out about this mystery? How will they finish their unfinished business? Will they survive the upcoming lethal complications of their lives?

HermainAnsari · Thanh xuân
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10 Chs

What will change when I turn 18?


"It was still the same nightmare I'd been having ever since." I told mum, grumpily, yawning and putting the back of the palm on my mouth -moving my fingers back and forth on my dehydrated lips, after she woke me up. I, lazily, took away a few strands of my jet black, wavy hair away from my face and opened my eyes to see the wall clock hanging on the opposite wall of my bed and it was 5 in the morning. I exhaled sharply knowing I would have to unwillingly leave my soft and bouncy bed. I turned my eyes to mum to see her predictable reaction and it was the same as predicted.

She was facing the ground, biting the left of her lower lips, her left hand of her hip and the right on her head and seemed lost as if she's debating to herself about something.

Her hair was tied in a bun and she was still in her night dress which means she hasn't even brushed yet and she came to wake me up because she knows I had to wake up early since I have to go to school.

I couldn't resist but shake my head in disbelief that how can someone give the exact same reaction every time you tell them about something exact the same. It actually happens every time I tell her about my same nightmare. She gives this exact same reaction and it makes me contemplate if she knows anything about my past but then I remind myself that she can't, because she's not my biological mother.

How would she know anything about me when she found me lying lifeless on the road. She and Dad brought me up, did everything for me and that is why I consider them as my parents but, not the biological ones. She and Dad does know who I am now, but they don't have any idea about my parents or my relatives or anything about people who can tell me anything about my parents and what are with these dreams I get every single night ever since I turned 3.

I've been trying to find people who can tell me anything about these two biggest mysteries for about 15 years. This hustle started when I was three -after a couple of weeks, I'll turn 18 and it'd be exact 15 years to my unsuccessful struggle- mum told me that she isn't my biological mother and it shook me to the core. It definitely was nothing less than an earthquake to me.

Mum and Dad adopted me when I was only 8 days old. They found me lying on one of the roads on their way back home from their office. (They work in the same office thou. They are both detectives and I'm super proud of that) She told me that I was draped in a single blanket in Raccoon Hills freezing and lethal December.

It still haunts me how my biological parents left me to die out there. On the road. All by my -8 days old- self. If it wasn't for my parents -not biological ones- I wouldn't have been alive. Mr. and Mrs. Anchor are their names and they love me as their own daughter.

They have been married for 19 years and always wished to have a child. When they saw me on the road that night, they immediately made up their mind and took me to their home and never planned to make another baby ever.

They see me as their own daughter. They listen to everything I say and do exactly as I ask them to, but sometimes they act quite weird. It feels like they're hiding something from me. There are days when they do extra shifts at the station. Even on my 17th birthday, they didn't come home for 2 whole nights. I had to stay at home without them but they did leave my Dad's father, brother and sister-in-law with me which was quite fun because I love them and their baby too -who is yet to be born- but I have already fallen in love with him/her.

Another problem with my parents is, they are extremely protective. They barely let me out. Especially when it's daylight, and if they do they're always with me or at least Dad's pregnant sister-in-law is. I don't know why. They never gave me any explanation for that till now. Every time I ask them about these stuff, they talk me off.

I never got to do normal teenage stuff with my best friend since I've extremely protective yet caring parents. They're strict but they have this "One for one" rule. It's a game changer. "You listen to us one time and we listen to you one time" is what this rule is about. If they ask me not to go out and I agree then they have to agree on something I ask them to.

I normally ask them to host dinner where we can call everyone we know -which is about only 6 people overall. It's quite fun. Especially when Sierra is around.

Sierra is my best friend. She is the only friend I've had my entire life and never felt a need to get another one. She, too, has only me as her best friend and doesn't have anyone else as her friend.

She's the daughter of my Dad's childhood friend. She's a month older than me. She's a literal boss lady. She carries herself very well. Her shoulder-length-beige-with-Brown-highlights-hair is the best physical quality that brings out her 5'8 height a lil too much better. She's a bit chubbier than me that's why she looks shorter than me but we're of the same height, 5'8. I have hip-length-long-wavy-jet-black-hair with a frail and perfectly curved slim body.

Sierra has ocean blue eyes that compliments her hair very well and I have lime green eyes that definitely is a lethal combination combined with jet black hair. We two are a lil bit different and a lot similar.

We've always kept our profile low-key since mine and Sierra's parents are quite the same. Same protective nature. Same concern and the same daylight issue. But in Sierra's case, the only difference is, she was brought up by her biological parents and she doesn't get scary and meaningless dreams like me. Well, I consider her lucky for that.

I kept looking at mum being lost in her thoughts and finally decided to shake her till she steps back into the reality.

I threw away my grey and white comforter and got off the bed. I was stepping into my furry slippers while my face was turned into mum's direction who was standing in the right side of my bed and I was getting off from the left. I eventually had to look down at my slippers as I couldn't find where to tuck the right foot in. I looked down and the right slipper wasn't there. I bend down to look under the bed. I half later down, put both of my hands on the mattress on the bed and started to look for the right slipper. I was moving my head fiercely from right to left in order to find it when I bumped my head into the bed as I had crouched a lil too much and didn't realise that I was way too close to the bed. This did give me an advantage as mum shook off her thoughts and came to see me.

She crouched down with me, too and took my head into her hands. She cupped my face with tears in her eyes. She looked worried. I put both of my hands of each side of her hands and asked "The reason for these tear isn't because I bumped into the bed. They have some other reason and what's that, mum?" She left an sobbed exhaled and without wasting a second, she hugged me.

I was flustered by this act for hers but didn't want to make her feel bad so I hugged her back. I could feel her warm and painful tears dropping down onto the back side of my neck and her breath as well, that was extremely shaking. It appeared as if she's terrified of something. I took myself away from her to face her and when I did, I saw tears. A lot of tears. I didn't understand a bit. I was blanked. My mind was blanked at the moment. I helped her to get on the bed and made her sit. After that, I took her glass from the left side-table and poured some water from the jug placed beside the glass and then gave it to her to calm her down. She gulped a single long sip and the only words her lips could utter were "Please don't go to school today"







I really hope y'all will like this story. I'm trying my level best to come up with a different yet interesting and amazing story. It'd be really amazing and appreciating if y'all give me your precious feedback and comment about how you like this story. Thank you<3