
Reincarnation... To Save Myself?

A demon king, a beacon of hope for humanity, that is who Daril was. As the final key to elevate to a higher world, Earth becomes a battleground to the angels and demons. To survive, humanity must choose a side. After leading the human race to cooperate with the demons, the human Daril Dagonet is betrayed and his body is destroyed by his closest comrade Ezekiel Gavi. For countless years, Daril’s soul drifted in a void, living out the torment and withstanding insanity. Eventually, Daril opens his eyes to find that he has travelled back in time to before the invasion, and in the body of… Ezekiel? Update every week.

IamIntolerable · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Recruiting A Boy

Before I leave, I claim the extra skill reward from the quest.

||Random F-Rank skill


Congratulations for rolling F-Rank skill [Adrenaline (F-Growth)] ||

Well, I can't say no to a growth-type skill. These are usually very rare but somehow, I managed to get one first try. 

I inspect the skill for its description.

|| Adrenaline (Active)

You temporarily gain a boost in your physique and mental state.

Upon usage grants for 5 minutes:

Stamina +10

Strength +15

Intelligence +15

Agility +10

Cooldown: 24 hours, -5 all stats ||

Overall the skill did have its drawbacks. The buffs are quite minimal but the drawbacks are also quite minimal. For now, it's only useful for certain situations, but as an F-rank skill, it has the potential to grow.

I also noticed that there is no first clear achievement in the system. In my last life, a system announcement was made for the first completion of every rank of the dungeon. I should be the first one to beat the F-ranked dungeon…

Perhaps the system isn't fully integrated yet or there is not enough awakened. I put this thought into the back of my head.

I use the portal to teleport me back. Time travels differently in the two dimensions so when I get through, it is night. I open the door to find that the entire shop is closed. The dressing room which I am in is also locked, though only from the outside. The security and staff must have thought I disappeared and just ignored me outright.

The shop is closed, and since it's the dead of night, I wait until there is no patrolling security in the small section of the mall before slipping through the cracks of the shutters and taking a back exit.

I make my way back to the apartment. As I walk on the still bustling streets of the city, old memories begin to surface. Memories of me and Ezekiel, vague scenes of things we used to do. Blurry images of people I can't remember. It is somewhat soothing and somewhat eerie.

I am not Daril anymore.

As much as I like to believe that it is a chance for me to start over, I can't shake off the feeling that something is off. Perhaps it is the way the system acted. Or maybe it's my interaction with the past Daril.

When I arrived at the apartment, that's when I realized, I hadn't brought my keys. They must have been left on the counter or something. Either way, I do not want to go buzz myself in, considering how it's the middle of the night and nobody is awake. I turn away and plan to move elsewhere.

I walk down the street to where a children's playground is. The streetlamp vaguely illuminates the air. I sit down on a nearby swing, pondering my next steps. Undoubtedly, I look like someone who has taken one too many drinks at the local bar. Nobody would disturb me.

Is the current Daril still dating Anastasia? If so, how will things be different now that Anastasia is left alive? And why is she in the dream I had before? What kind of secret does she have to be that powerful?

She is, without a doubt, someone dangerous. Perhaps that dream is the outcome of what would happen if I had not interfered and beat the dungeon. Either way, I need to be cautious around her and keep the current Daril away from her. 

As I sit in thought, I hear a rustling sound to my right. Quickly jumping off the swing, I pull my knife out to find... a middle-schooler? First of all, why is there a middle schooler spying on me in the middle of the night?

The most confusing part is that he's someone I recognize. 

Aldrich Wylcliffe. A future sword prodigy and a hero for the angels. The angels had scouted him from an early age due to his growth ability in swordsmanship. He was someone who wasn't as strong as me but could have been truly an annoying force fighting for the angels. His potential in the future is terrifying. 

After the invasion of the demons and angels, a fight began for control of humanity. Although the reason is unclear, from my understanding it was that Earth had become a large dungeon, where demons and angels were both trying to complete some sort of mission, which I assume is world domination.

But they can't just kill every living human or leave only a few alive. The method of completing this dungeon seems to be the takeover or integration of humanity into either race. In my last life, I chose the demons as there was no choice left. The angels did not appreciate humans in the same way that the demons did. 

Usually, demon kings and angels like to forcefully possess humans as their avatars. This way, they can use power to increase their followers. But sometimes, a person cannot be controlled by either side due to their limitless growth potential or immense power. Aldrich is one such person. 

Although Aldrich couldn't be possessed to be an avatar, he was young and helpless in the apocalyptic setting, so he took hold of whatever opportunity was given. The angels were faster and managed to gain his trust. 

Perhaps it was the sympathy I felt for Aldrich's fate, or the innocent-looking face popping out from the bushes, but I felt some sort of connection to him. Aldrich's parents were not the most ideal, and his talent in combat sports was never seen by anyone. I'm not quite sure what happened to make Aldrich was so desperate, but in this life, I'll make sure to get him on my side. 

It isn't that I feel bad for him, but rather he is a perfect piece to be in my group. In the future, I hope to create some reliable comrades who can help me complete the dungeons that I know of.

Thinking this, I slowly approach the boy.