
Reincarnation... To Save Myself?

A demon king, a beacon of hope for humanity, that is who Daril was. As the final key to elevate to a higher world, Earth becomes a battleground to the angels and demons. To survive, humanity must choose a side. After leading the human race to cooperate with the demons, the human Daril Dagonet is betrayed and his body is destroyed by his closest comrade Ezekiel Gavi. For countless years, Daril’s soul drifted in a void, living out the torment and withstanding insanity. Eventually, Daril opens his eyes to find that he has travelled back in time to before the invasion, and in the body of… Ezekiel? Update every week.

IamIntolerable · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

A Series of Unfortunate Events

In a way, I was also a god in my last life, except I could freely use my powers on Earth regardless. So belief is useless to me in this aspect. In my past life, I had transferred to the demon side, moving the belief and faith in me from human to the demon race. In a way, the demons ended up winning the fight in the end, but I ended up dying before the contract was complete.

For Avesta to have become a god, she must have had power above Aldrich, considering how she didn't have any followers. Now the next question is, how reliable is Avesta? Is she secretly a disguised god or a dimensional creature of another race? This also brought me back to the possibility with Anastasia. Could these two be related? I need to be more careful when interacting with them.

Just as I think this, a small crack appears by the swing I sat on earlier. Aldrich and Avesta didn't notice, but I can see it. A dungeon portal is opening.

I must have triggered it when I sat on the swing. But, considering how long it took for the dungeon to fully open, it must be at least D-rank or higher. 

Either way, these two can't sense it, and I am currently too weak to enter it. I still turn my attention back to the two of them. I suddenly catch a glance at a small blue diamond above Avesta's head, growing bigger and bigger.

Ah shit, she's awakening.

Looks like I won't have to worry about the first part: Avesta can't be a god or an outer-dimensional being right now. If she is, she couldn't possibly be awakening, which is something exclusive to humans in the system.

When a person awakens, ordinary humans can't sense it. Only the person themselves and other awakened people can see. Avesta's boy is covered by a bright blue light, lighting up the entire road. But Aldrich didn't notice. He still rambles on to Avesta, completely oblivious to the light or the fact that she is levitating.

I still have no clue why Avesta's awakening would occur row. It is probably because of the dungeon portal opening, causing the system to awaken her ability.

She is in a dangerous position now. If she awakens that close to the dungeon portal, she will likely be sent into the dungeon as a newly awakened. 

It's a D-rank dungeon at least for God's sake. She's gonna die no matter how strong her ability is. 

I run to the playground as fast as I can. However, it is too late. The moment the blue light around Avesta fades, she is sent through the portal, screaming. Aldrich stands petrified, horrified that Avesta disappeared in a split second.

Without thinking, I run to the portal as well. It has already grown to as large as the entire swing set. Avesta is the only clue I have to the things that have been happening. I can't let her die in the dungeon.

I brush past Aldrich but he doesn't seem to notice me. His panicked eyes still stare at where Avesta had disappeared. I brace myself and jump into the portal. 

This time, I land on solid grass. I am in the middle of a grass meadow, the sun shining bright. It's a scene straight out of a fairytale. Before I can walk around, the dungeon begins.

|| Dungeon Quest!

Survive for 2 days.

Rank: C

Time limit: Unlimited

Rewards: 1 Active Skill (C), 1 Passive Skill (D) ||

Well, this is a problem.

Forget about the fact that I came into this dungeon without any preparation, the dungeon rank is rank C??? This is going to be difficult to accomplish, even without needing to look for Avesta.

Survival-based quests are more difficult than progression quests. In progression quests, you only need to defeat the boss to complete the dungeon. But survival-based quests require you to fulfill the time allotted, regardless of how many enemies you defeat or bosses you kill. 

My surroundings are quiet, but this is a dungeon, something doesn't add up. The flowers close up and in the distance stand deathly still. There is no wind, that's the issue. 

I sweep my hands over the grass and make a fanning gesture. The grass doesn't move. Like I thought, this world isn't real. Normally, dungeons would at least maintain properties that make it indistinguishable from reality, but this world seems too fake, almost like a hologram or an illusion.

Since this world is an illusion, everything here must be fake. The entire dungeon must be created by a catalyst, something powerful enough to keep the illusion. Avesta is in grave danger.

These types of dungeons are extremely dangerous for most awakened people, as it only aims to influence the human mind. No matter how much physical strength you have, you can still go crazy mentally. Avesta being a completely newly awakened can lose her mind here.

I begin running in a random direction. Because the environment was made to be as realistic as possible, there must be a limit or border to the illusion. After all, a C-rank dungeon can only contain so much power. As fate would have it, it only took about 4 minutes of running in a straight line before I spot a huge wall of dense trees. I run up to the trees and lay my hands on the bark, only to feel a thin, barely visible, barrier between my hands and the tree.

Once I felt it, I begin to tap around. To break out of the illusion, one has to decode the spells that were ingrained into the illusion. Tapping the barrier makes it easier to find the code from the inside. Lucky for me, an illusion barrier of this calibre is nothing to me. For some time in my last life, I got to learn magic from the best human magicians, most of them eventually becoming my subordinates.

After only fiddling with the magic for 3 minutes, the illusion began to fall. Then, did I really see the actual dungeon.