
Reincarnation Protocol: Book 2 Dark Magic

there has been five months of peace between the humans, elves, and dwarves since our three remaining Heroes defeated Commander Zog and his orc army from uniting the entire world under one banner; but with Zog's wife on the loose things will not remain peaceful forever. will the heroes be able to stop her in her goal with the newest villain candidate of The Reincarnation Protocol; and will they finally get some answers on why exactly they were chosen as candidates for The Reincarnation Protocol or will it always remain a mystery.

Casson_Westerfield · Kỳ huyễn
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Zog's Return

As I made my way out of the temple I then noticed that my shirt on my head that was my AI when I originally reincarnated was still on my head even in my new body which let me know that my theory of killing the heroes and their AI disappearing was incorrect partially at least.

I now knew that as long as the soul remained on this plane of existence that the AI would still remain intact once they found a new host body to inhabit.

This time though my AI was no longer red it actually shined two different colors. It cycled between turning its original red color as well as turning a dark green color which meant that I might possibly have a new ability that I can give myself when I shatter the crystal shard. I wondered why I got a second color; but that did not matter right now.

The main thing that mattered was the fact that I had a chance to get revenge on those heroes who obliterated me and this time I was doing it along with my wife which made me very happy. I was also motivated me to move forward and embark on a second attempt to fulfill my desire of uniting the world under one banner.

"Are you ready my love?" I asked her passionately as we walk through the ruins and all of the citizens started to scream as we walked by them.

I swung my fire axes at the people around me to both keep them silent and to make sure that I was not rusty before I engaged in this major battle.

"Yes Zog I am ready to kill these humans and elves that are in between us and our eternal happiness". My wife said as she activated one of her gravity spells that caused all the people to kneel that were beside us as we walked to the magical barrier around this sanctuary of ruins.

As I made it to the barrier I swung my fire axes such a large amount of force that they literally cut open the barrier and I was able to walk through it after my wife passed through it first.

After we both made it through the barrier I noticed that a lot of the men in the army started to shake out of fear and tear.

I knew that the people of this world had not forgotten me enough to not be terrified at my presence.

"If it is okay with you my dear since I am a little rusty I want to take them on all by myself; please only intervene if you believe that my life is in danger". I said to my wife as I looked at the armies that I was about to have to defeat.

"Yes I will let you leave your fun; after I know that you are much more powerful than 1000 men in battle". My wife said as she backed away after bowing at me.

I then looked at the army of assassins with the deepest part of my red eyes so that they knew that I was going to attacking them with the intention to kill them.

"Do not be fearful men!!! It is only a pair of orcs that stand between us and obliterating this barrier " Zestaria said to the group of assassins that she led. "They do not stand a chance our numbers alone will cause them to beg for mercy".

Then after she spoke I started wielding my fire axes in a circular motion which caused a small ring of fire to be created around me as if I was protected like I had activated a protective barrier of fire.

"You can try to defeat me, but the age of men, elves, and dwarves have come to an end. It is time for the age of the orc to begin once again". I said as I approached them.

I noticed that a group of ten assassins approached me while all of the rest of them stayed completely still as if they were going to just watch the carnage begin.

When the assassins approached me half of them murdered some words that I could not hear and vanished from My sight as if they were using a stealth spell of some kind.

I knew that the fire like armor that I had created with my axes would protect me from one or possibly two lethal attacks from behind so I focused on the assassins that I could see.

Even though they were moving fast for elves to me it seemed as if they were attacking me in slow motion.

They then started attacking me with a flurry of strikes using their daggers which I was able to easily fodge each blow one after the other without even putting in much of an effort.

When they're flurries of strikes stopped I then swung my axes at the first of the visible wood elves' head which then rolled around before stopping.

The body of my first true victim in this new life started to gush with blood from the neck until it stopped moving completely and fell over onto the ground.

"Fireball of Despair". I said as I swung my axes behind me which caused the fireballs to not burn them enough to kill them but instead of that the rest of the wood elves but we're not hiding behind stealth to fall into their knees and beg for mercy.

"Kneel before me and whine to me as if you were left with no other option. If you do the I might make your deaths swift". I said as I laughed at how weak these elves were.

Assassin's kneeled to me on their feet and then did an almost full bow at me.

"Please make it swift we want to die in battle for the glory of our ancestors". The entire group said in unison to me.

I then started to laugh since I thought that they would fight rather than roll over like helpless little sheep to the slaughter.

"I honestly thought that you would put up more of a fight than this; but it goes to show how weak and useless you are as a member of your race.

Your race allows weakness to thrive while in my race I kill anyone who is a weak and pathetic individual without having any kind of hesitation or nercy".

When I started my swing at the first of the assassins that were bowed down at my feet one of the assassins that was in stealth lunged at me from behind but as I predicted my barrier of fire magic had protected me from their possibly lethal attack.

"How did you survive that? That was my strongest attack, and it is supposed to instantly kill whatever it touches". The assassin stated to me when the attack bounced off of my barrier instead of making contact with my flesh.

"I am the orc that haunts the dreams of humans and elves. I am the terror of the world that parents tell their children about in order to control them.

My name is Zog and I am the commander of the orc race. Now that I have returned this world will know my wrath in my sweet quest of revenge against that dwarf named Gilltrude. She will pay for what he has done to me with the ultimate price!!!!!!" I yelled at the assassin that was falling on the ground out of fear of what he had just heard.

I then swung my ax at his shoulders and cut off his arms so that he could not use them in battle anymore.

He then started to squeal in pain and roll around on the ground like a dog whimpering for its master.

So that I could put him out of his misery and move on to my next target I did an attack across his stomach that cut his guts open and caused them to spill out which led to almost instantaneous death due to the intense amount of blood loss and oregon loss that he was suffering from.

After he died I returned to my position to kill the assassins that were still begging me to put them out of their misery.

When I killed all of them I smiled at the massive army so that they would know that I was enjoying every second of this pain that I was putting them through.

"You will pay for this; you are nothing but an insulin orc!!!". I heard one of the assassins yell at me as he deactivated his stealth to attack me.

Before he was able to make contact with my body though I noticed that he was suddenly forced down by a separate force of nature.

"I did not know if you had high enough defenses to withstand another stealth attack so I will help you kill the rest of this group of assassins". My wife said to me as I looked over at her and noticed that she was the one that had cast the spell that saved me from the attack.

I nodded my head in acceptance of the help that she was offering me.

"Moderate Gravity Well!!!" She yelled and I saw an orb that caused the other two assassins to decoke themselves and become prostrated at my feet.

I then swung at their necks one by one slicing their heads off single solid swing.

"Do you really think that you can defeat me?" I asked the Invaders that were present in front of me. "You will all bow at my feet. As I originally stated the age of men, elves, and dwarves has come to an end; and it is time for the age of the orc to begin. You can either come side with me and live or die like these assassins that you have sent after me". I said to them as last head stops rolling around as an attempt to let them know that their fates were sealed.

I knew how beautiful this new life was that I had been offered and the fact that I got to live it with my wife this time unlike last time made every ounce of blood, sweat, and tears worth it.

These inferior creatures were either going to be bowing to my every wish or become dead individuals by the end of the day. They did not have any other choice at all in the matter.