
Reincarnation Protocol: Book 2 Dark Magic

there has been five months of peace between the humans, elves, and dwarves since our three remaining Heroes defeated Commander Zog and his orc army from uniting the entire world under one banner; but with Zog's wife on the loose things will not remain peaceful forever. will the heroes be able to stop her in her goal with the newest villain candidate of The Reincarnation Protocol; and will they finally get some answers on why exactly they were chosen as candidates for The Reincarnation Protocol or will it always remain a mystery.

Casson_Westerfield · Kỳ huyễn
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46 Chs

The Portal Must Be Activated

It was dark outside as I stared at the area around me. I was in a ancient graveyard site that had an ancient temple in it that was sending shivers down my spine as I looked over at it to my right.

"what do you want with me? Why did you even attack the dwarven capital city?" I asked as I looked at Commander Zog's wife.

"Oh it is not about what I want from you; it is all about what my friend brother Ethan wants to do with you". Commander zogs wife said to me as I saw her shift her body and change from looking like a human to the same orc looking form that I remember seeing her show the first time I saw her.

Then I noticed that an elderly man wearing Church robes walked into my field of vision and I somehow knew that that must be this brother Ethan that she spoke of.

"No you must remember to treat her like a delicate little flower. I honestly believe that she could be more helpful to us if she was untied don't you think". He said as he grabbed my grimoire from my satchel that was on my waist and then untied me.

Even though I did not agree with whatever twisted scheme that he had for me I could not do anything to escape without my grimoire; and since I could not sense any primal sources nearby then I knew that I had no other optiona but to go along with whatever twisted thing that he was planning for the time being at least.

"So why is it that you exactly need me above anyone else?".

"Everything will be explained in due time my child". Brother Ethan said as he waved his hand at me to follow him deeper into the temple.

"What did you do with my companion?" I asked them both as I entered the temple behind them.

"Oh your little measly bat. That little creature has been contained in a cage that is made out of the highest grade of steel; and it is also reinforced with a barrier made of blood magic.

You do not have to worry he will remain safe and secure as long as you fulfill my request without causing any kind of trouble". Brother Ethan said to me as we all walked deeper into the temple.

As I made it to the deep part of the temple I noticed that there was a set of five elderly individuals around the room and they started to praise brother Ethan as if he was going to be saving them from something life ending.

"I knew that you would deliver on your promises brother Ethan. I cannot wait until we get our youth restored so that we can live a much more prosperous life". One of the elderly females said to brother Ethan as he approached them.

"I will always deliver on my promises to offer you a better life". He said to her as he shook her hand with his left hand since it did not hold my grimoire.

He stopped at an altar and then he gave my grimoire to Commander Zog's wife.

Then all of the followers in the room walked right in front of him without even saying a word as if he had one of them under a spell of some kind.

I stood still and observed everything without even making a flinch or a sound so that I could find out exactly what it was that he wanted me for.

"Now are you ready to do as I request my believers?" Brother Ethan said to his followers.

They all noded their head in unison showing that they agreed with whatever he was going to ask him to do.

"Then with your consent you will all die for the cause" he said.

They all made an expression as if they had finally learned that they had been betrayed but before they could react to when it happened brother Ethan used blood magic to drain them of all of their blood and gathered it all in a magical vial that was placed on the alter.

The empty elderly vessels dropped to the floor and looked even trailer than usual since they had no more blood in their bodies.

"What are you exactly because no man of the cloth has access to blood magic" I asked him as I started to back away at the fear of what he could do with something as powerful and rare as blood magic.

"Well I guess that there is no need for me to conceal my identity anymore because with this sacrifice we finally have enough living blood to activate the portal that will lead to my ultimate goal". Brother Ethan said as he broke the necklace that was around his neck and I no longer saw the body of a priest. This time I saw an undead body.

'so that is what your true form is. How despicable of you to camouflage yourself as another species just to get people to follow you". I said to him as I looked away and discusst at what he was.

"You do not want me to hurt this companion of yours now do you?" Commander Zog's wife asked me as she held the medium sized steel cage that was surrounded by a blood magic barrier just as brother Ethan had originally said.

I stretched my arm out as if I wanted to reach my companion but she put the cage back away in it's holding place so that I could not see it anymore.

Commander Zog's wife left the temple as if she had something urgent to do it was more important than being present when brother Ethan was about to achieve his goal.

Are you okay? Did they mistreat you at all in any way? I asked my AI mentally using our connection since I had not seen it at all ever since we were both knocked out in our battle against Commander Zog's wife.

Yes I am okay master. While I can say that I found their form of hospitality to be a little more on the annoying side they have not harmed me at all yet.

Since I knew that my AI was safe I wanted to help them with whatever they wanted me to do for them so that we could get out of here as soon as possible.

"Now I need you to use your ice magic to create a bridge for the demons from the netherrealm to cross over on so that they can get to this world". Brother Ethan said to me as he snapped his fingers and all of his guards that were in the room pointed their spears at me.

Brother Ethan then handed me my grimoire since he knew that I would not be able to cause any trouble with the guards that close to me with their spears.

Then all the blood from the vial was moved to the portal and it began to spin on the inside of the portal until I could see a solid red barrier which made it where I was able to see an army of demons that had evil smiles across their faces.

I then opened my grimoire and pointed my right hand at the active portal.

"Black ice bridge". I said and black ice came onto the floor and went through the portal until there was a solid bridge for the demons to cross on.

Then as I activated the bridge I could feel a lot of bloodlust in the air which told me that either there was a giant battle about to occur or I had truly unleashed a great force of evil that I would come to regret later in my future.

"Brother Ethan!!! we are being attacked by a massive army of humans and elves. They are right outside of the barrier that protects us. What do you want me to do?" Commander Zog's wife asked as she came back into the temple.

"Just take all of my Undead soldiers with you to stop them. It does not matter what they do now no one can stop us from succeeding since the portal has been opened.

I know that youupheld your part of the bargain so here". Brother Ethan said as he snapped his fingers and one of his Undead soldiers removed their armor to where all I could see was their skeletal bodies.

The next thing that he did was he used an odd power of his that removed all of the flesh from the three bodies that were sacrificed to open the portal and around the bones of the skeletal warrior formed the flesh of Commander Zog.

""Now by using this vial of blood I will cause it to come to life". Brother Ethan said as he made the undead body that looked like Commander Zog drink the vial that was around his neck. "The final thing that I need is a soul. You would not possibly happen to have your husband's original soul would you?".

"Yes I do just let me grab it off of the table that I placed all of my items on that is against the wall to my left.

She quickly moved and came back with a jar that had a blue orb of energy that was bouncing around within the jar continuously but it was not causing the jar to break due to the slow movement.

"Here it is" she said as she opened the container and the small blue orb flu its way down this new body's mouth which caused the body to move freely.

"My love have I actually returned?" Commander Zog asked his wife as he hugged her as if he had been waiting to do that for over two centuries.

"Yes my love we have been reunited; but there are some people outside that disagree with our beliefs and are going to try to stop us. Let's have fun with this new body that I have been given.

I will do whatever it takes to get revenge on the hero who slayed me. That dwarf will pay the ultimate price for his treachery." Commander Zog said as he walked over to the table where his wife went to grab the jar and picked up his fire axes as well as put on the set of armor that he originally wore in his last battle.

"Just so you don't get any foolish ideas I have countermeasures enabled". Brother Ethan said as a blood barrier was generated in front of me which made it where I could not move.

I saw them both then walk out of the temple and somehow I knew that I was going to regret making a deal with this necromancer.