
Reincarnation Pill: The Retired Assassin

Before the nuclear war of the 21st century, a vampire named Voltaire took a pill for him to escape the troubles of the dystopian reality of our apparent world. Then, the pill made him dream about his life-long reincarnation to a post-apocalyptic world, where time became medieval again, in a fantasy-like world. Then, he meets his past-self from the current era, as they converse and travel together as one soul but different people, bounded by fate.

KleiNightwriter · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Sorcerer's Academia Pt. 2

"I've been… expecting you, as cliché as that may sound, my child."

"Master." I bowed with my right hand over my left chest, "Why have you called me here, this early?"

"Early? You've been studying here for quite a while, for your 'human' clock, it had been quite too long since I appeared myself to you. Yes, you are a vampire, but your youth is still there to make an eternity seem too long for you. For me, it felt like it's been since this dawn we first met."

"How may I assist you?"

"You're not my only servant but the only one I've ever embraced. In fact, you're the only servant I ever turned, to the point of affection and such attachment, my dear… I was given a message by one of my thralls. A report of some sort…."

"Spill the cats."

"The mystery is up to you to find out, that makes it seem more fun for you, wouldn't I?"

"I suppose, but what should I do?"

"I went to the Thieves' Guild, they seem… shaky. But one of them tried to use some form of martial arts on me, they didn't think I knew how to use another form of martial arts that could counter attack it, even if I was still human."

"You visited them?"

"I did. In fact, they were talking everything about you! They seem very fond of you, quite a lot, I must say!"

"Stop talking in riddles, just tell me what to do."

"Patience… patience… how could you be a vampire that would have to wait an eternity for some miracle would happen and not be bored? Just like having to wait for two eternities after the dreadful plague of the coronavirus back in the 21st century… and finally meet you."

"Alright, forgive me."

"No need to be sorry. Remember, if it's not your fault, don't apologize. You understand me?" Voltaire spoke this one first time to intimidate me, which was terrifying to the core.

"I have a question… before you tell me what to do. Because I am patient after all, there is a lot for me to learn. A few, actually."

"What is it? I am willing and open-minded to anything. Unlike the generation of the ancient human of the cyberpunk era that created good technology to be weaponized when it was for the betterment of mankind… tell me."

"Why is everyone here afraid of you? And you told me to tell your name, you could have at least used a code, so they will not be triggered by utter terror."

"Oh, I just wanted to see the mortals here feel afraid when you mention my name, on God, I swear to fucking God it's hilarious. Indeed! It was humorous!"

"What were those encrypted messages you sent me by the phone?"

"Oh those? Those are… well, how do I say it? Slangs… yes, that's how we used to communicate back in the day. LOL means Laugh out Loud, ISTG means I swear to God, TBH, means to be Honest, and much, much more! Most of them don't even make sense, such as using the skull emoji- "

"Enough! Enough! I- … it's hard to comprehend it… I get it, you were smart back then, but… I don't know. I'm confused by how you and the ancient humans used to live back in the day. And you mentioned a plague?"

"I would not love to get into that… never talk about the plague again…."

"Alright. Sorry…"

"It's okay, any other more questions?"

"Why choose me, out of all people?"

"Because… you are my reincarnation."

"I've heard about it, but how? You're still alive, and I'm right here."

"Because, once a human turns into a vampire, their human souls are no longer there, replacing with the vampire blood's demonic soul spawn into the vessel. Making them immortal with the mythical power."

"Does that mean my human soul is gone, and I am no longer who I used to be? And the vampiric soul in my body just has the same memories as I was before all because my brain still has the memories? At least the 'brain' itself is how the psyche of the human functions in the Academia."

"That is why I put you here in the first place."

"Then why didn't you just tell me that before?"

"Because you wouldn't comprehend it by your still developing mortal brain."

"Makes sense… so… I am not who I used to be anymore… that… is just existential…."

"That's what most vampires don't know, once humanity is gone, they become evil."

"But why am I still the same? I am chaotic good as usual."

"This bloodline of ours is not just by the blood. It is by generations of vampirism to come from time to time, generations to generations from reincarnation to reincarnation, born and born again. Is it the same cycle of vampirism? That is the cycle of life and death, just like humans. The bloodline itself is by the soul of the vampire. Wherever the human dies, the vampire will live and find its humanity eventually as a repetitive cycle to fulfil its very purpose.

Once the vampire finds its human soul, it will pass on that legacy of kindness no matter how evil it is, making its human counterpart a vampire. Then the vampire will direct the newborn vampire, who used to be their human counterpart, to do good. Just for redemption to get into Heaven once they finally die and rest in peace for all eternity. To Heaven, which you mortals nowadays call 'The Celestial Realm' as your own version of the afterlife.

If we die without fulfilling our purpose, the vampire soul, the human memories from the past, and its personality. Will suffer in the 9 realms of the Inferno for all eternity."

"By the Celestials…" I expressed shock.

"I am not… doing this for that, back then I used to be good, I still am, I still have that humanity… I know I do. I may be an evil vampire that caused a lot of havoc, but I know deep inside, I just want to be free. I want to be good, but society has shunned me since the ancient era of technology.

They were evil towards me when I've done no wrong. Society itself back in the day was foolish and selfish. Refusing to be open-minded to good things and wanting nothing but to do poorly against others because of their carnal desires.

Then, I prayed to God to be powerful enough to crush my enemies for revenge but wishes come at a price, and it was not God who gave it to me, but the Devil himself and made me his Son. Lucifer had been my companion for all these decades, not to mention Vayne. Now I know deep inside I still linger in my humanity, that I am good and kind like I've always been, but society turned me into a misanthropist.

I just want to help everyone and be friendly and fun… but NO! They had to reject me as an outcast, a hermit who had done nothing but good until vampirism seduced me into a lust for power to destroy everyone in my path.

And ever since, I asked the priest, 'Is their redemption for such creatures?' He told me this quest that I must do, and it is this one that I am doing right now."

"By the Celestials… that is… madness…."

"Yes… indeed… now your task is to go to the Thieves' Guild, but not now. Finish your studies, since you are about to graduate soon enough. They have some news for you. Let's just say… I made it a bit easier for you because you can never trust thieves, can you? Because of how they are good with their words~" Voltaire gains back his charismatic composure.