
Reincarnation Of The Supreme God

In A World Where The Strong Strive Only Gods Reign Supreme

Smart_Fun · Kỳ huyễn
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Encountering The New World Environment

Anyways he was feeling thirsty so he decided to quench his thirst he walk for 15 mins before he found one he was exhausted as this body of his was not used to walking for long distances he quenched his thirst as he saw his reflection he was sgock he was looking good too good in fact handsome was an understatement he looked gorgeous he admired himself for some time and decided what he would do next he thought for sometime and soon he decided he would work hard to be one of the best cultivators of this world.


Days passed as Kelvin trained himself in the secluded part of the forest he developed new ways to hunt his daily meal as be was exceptionally intelligent in his formal life Kelvin work on his body and the results were impeccable he faced many challenges along the way but some way some how he managed to go through it his frame became a bit average as he was weak to begin with. He did [100 push ups]

[100 squats]

[100 jumping jax]

[10km of running]

This was his daily routine as he reaped the reward bountiful and was proud of his results he decided to go into the cities to earn money for the time being still while enacting his plan to be the strongest cultivator.

He ventured into the Kingdom of Akwatia know for its gold and diamond also known as DIAMOND KINGDOM. Kelvin did some digging and found out that cultivation were in stages and it started from,



*Advanced Stage


*Master Mage

*Great Mage

*Sage Mode

*Great Sage Mode

*Emperor Stage

*Holy Emperor Stage


*Pure Saint

*Divine Entity


This was the truth of this world but only The Great Ancestors knew about it in Akwatia the town folk knew only about Emperors Stage cultivator and tbe were very rare. Kelvin upon investigation found out that he had to get to empor stage if he wanted his voice to be heared.

Kelvin apply for a job in the royal stables because he knew that if he would get strong

the royal palace had all the cultivation techniques he would need to get strong fortunately he was favoured by a princess as she got enchanted by his looks.

The princesswould go to the stables every morning just to see him under pretense of going for a ride and will order Kelvin to accompany her.

The two got closer and closer and Kelvin became comfortable around her as she too became comfortable around him.

Kelvin decided to make use of this opportunity and asked the princess to help him get a perfect cultivation technique and the princess also decided to be of help as she was very fond of him.

Slowly Kelvin worked his way into the heart of the princess who he got to know that her name was Arincess Ariel and she was the 2nd princess of the land.

The princess who didn't know how to express her feelings towards Kelvin not because she was afraid but because of her status was confused. She did everything she could to be of help providing Kelvin with books on how to cultivate and many others.