
Reincarnation Of The supreme Dao God

' I survived‽ ' Only those thought infiltrated his mentality as he tried unwrapping his eyes but to no avail , his eyes were closed by an unknown object . ... Mike was transmigrated as the son of an imperial highness , his mother was one of the king's concubine and a despised one. The Queen and her children disliked her because of the beauty she has and the love , their father has for her. After succeeding to poison the king ,the Queen and her children stormed the Court of Mike's mother and killed her. Before she died she made her son to bow that he would avenge her soul and become a God..... Come join me as we become a God together.

Mortal_daoist · Huyền huyễn
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10 Chs


[Past life of immortal emperor Shen Xian ]

The first cultivation sect on Earth , 405 years ago.

" Bin Ru my Friend , you can't cultivate your father's technique , it will torment your body , lets us go to the technique vault to obtain a fresh technique for ourselves "

Two young boys were sitting on a stone carved into a bench , one has silver-blonde hair while the other has a long silky hair , Both of the them were age Five.

One of them was Bin Ru, the son of the first human to reach the God king stage of the God realm - God khan ling, the other with black silky hair is shen Xian the son of the greatest alchemist.

Both of them have gotten to the age of 5 and were supposed to Acquire a cultivation techniques , they can either receive it from their father or obtain it from the technique vault.

Bin Ru the son of God Khan wanted to adopt the technique of his father , though he knew it was dangerous because of his body type , of course; he was proud of his self and disregarded the advice from his masters and friends , Shen Xian was his closest friend at that time, He cared for the safety of his friends so he joined the people warning him to leave his father's technique and cultivate his own.

At that time there were more than ten thousand untouched cultivation techniques , because of the lesser population .

" I am going to cultivate that technique no matter what , Shen Xian, you don't have to worry about me , I am going to be very much ok " Bin Ru stopped his friend from talking any further.

" your body type is different from that of your father , your father made progress with his own technique , you can also acquire one for yourself and beat the history your father has created " Shen Xian never stopped pleading with Bin Ru To let go of his father's technique , but the latter paid Deaf ears to his warning.

God Khan Also Warned his son to choose his own technique but he paid Deaf ears. Not that God Khan won't be happy if his son is able to cultivate the same technique as his , But he knew the risk he took before Making this technique fully adapted to his body.

" My father was able to make improvement, I can also achieve it , period , if you want to Jacquin your technique from the technique vault, let us go together "

Shen Xian have tried his best, When Bin Ru refused for the last time , he had to let him be and both of them went to the technique Vault together.

The next day , Bin Ru was in the inner Court of God Khan's house , he sat in a lotus position and closed his eyes, a scroll was in his hands , it was the technique he copied From his father's technique scroll.

Just as he was in the means of breaking through the first path of the true martial stage , his head began with a stinging sensation and his entire body shivered due to the enormous pain coming out from his head and his heart.

" F_ther , save me " Bin Ru realized his mistake but it was already too late , He began calling out for his father, but their was no response coming from anyone.

He tried searching for a meridian soothing pill or A health restoring pill , There was none in his court , he stood up enduring the pain in his body and started walking to his father's court , but before getting there , he fell on the ground and died instantly.

Shen Xian was in his father's court practicing pill forging , oblivious to the fact that his friend is dead , his father , Zhang Xian was with him and his younger brother Hao xian.

Unexpectedly, he saw God Khan walking into his father's court with a very sad and depressed face , shen Xian's Father Zhang Xian is a close friend to God Khan , so he walked up to him and asked what the problem was.

" Bin Ru is dead " God Khan Said immediately he saw Zhang Xian walking up to him.

" What!! " Alchemist Zhang Xian exclaimed , The herbs in the hands of shen Xian dropped to the floor , shen Xian eyes turned blood red and tears started gushing out of it.

God Khan looked at the weeping Shen Xian and found out that he is in the true mortal stage , Feelings of jealousy entered his body and he felt the urge to kill shen Xian , nevertheless , he hid his jealous gaze and turned to Alchemist Zhang Xian.

" He died from cultivating my technique ...Both of us are the most influentialtial and greatest cultivators in this world , I want you to help me with something, Let us announce to the whole world that Bin Ru died because of his young age , it will be a stain on my prestige if anyone founds out about it " God Khan face changed from sad to serious as he said to his friend.

" What? You are actually planning to deceive the whole world and stop the young ones from making progress in their cultivation, because of your son's death , I am not going to be a part of your little deceitful ways " Alchemist Zhang Xian cleared his self out of his friends plan of deceit.

" Do you remember who I am , I am not asking you to , its a commandment not a request , You have to do as I say , all else "

" All else what? , you neglected Your son , I know you wanted your son to become a cultivation genius , Now that he failed , you want to stop every child from cultivating , isn't that self-centeredness and proudness , as you can see , my son is in the true martial realm ," alchemist Zhang Xian said, angrily.

" If you don't to do as I say alive, then prepare to obey me ones you and your entire family are dead" God Khan Said and took a Battle stance "seven dragon slash! "

God Khan been a God king , was able to wield different battle techniques, Alchemist Zhang Xian was only an Alchemist at Dan master realm and a cultivator at the first stage of immortal realm - so he had no superior battle technique compared to the other party.

God Khan and alchemist Zhang Xian engaged in a very fierce battle ,with God Khan claiming the upper hand.

" Savage serpent blood strike! "

Alchemist Zhang Xian lost his stance due to the fierce fight , as he was about getting up a huge explosion landed on his chest , he moved several steps backward due to the powerful strike coming from God Khan's battle technique.

Before he could gain his stance again , a huge golden colored sword appeared in his sight and dropped down speedily at him , Zhang Xian fell to the floor and puked out several mouth full of blood .

Shen Xian took his younger brother and dashed for the entrance of the court, of course, God Khan wasn't going to end it unless the two of them were dead , God Khan used a Fiery snake paw technique and it met Hao xian in his forehead.

Shen Xian felt the sudden attack though he knew that he would receive one soon , but he found out that the attack met with his brother and not Him. Quickly he dropped Hao xian on the floor and tried to wake him up , he would have , If not for the presence of God Khan , He has already Mastered how to forge an earth grade pill.

" Please allow me heal my brother , he is dying " Shen Xian clasped his hands and begged for his freedom and that of his Brother.

God Khan sighed in anger and raised his golden sword to chop off the head of shen Xian , But the later dodge it , he knew the cause of his father's death and his younger brother death , God Khan is still after his life.

Anyone who admit defeat Will leave to fight another day , that is the first stanza of the path of revenge , Shen Xian fled from the sight of God Khan , obviously , God Khan is not letting him go freely , he Did some hand signs and some incarnations , he summoned the Earth sealing technique , another type of technique mostly used in sealing the cultivation progress or powers of an enemy.

With the breakthrough from a kid to a true Martial , shen Xian speed increased and his legs were light , nevertheless , God Khan still caught up with him.

" You can't break through to God realm, that is my persecution upon you , Leave this land and never return or else you want to join your family " God Khan threatened , shen Xian ran away farther.

God Khan made an announcement about the death of his son and the fake cause of death , from that day , humans infants stoped cultivating before the age of Six.

During Shen Xian banishment, he cultivated diligently and when he finished the Last stage of immortal realm , he could not progress any further and was stuck in the Immortal realm.

Time became useless to him , Shen Xian started cultivating alchemy and made many progress in it due to his knowledge about it.

[ End of Immortal emperor Shen Xian past life ]