
Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God - Side Story

DISCLOSURE: FOR PROMOTIONAL AND PERSONAL USES ONLY. All information used to create this novel can be located on the Author's "Lucky Old Cat (天运老猫)" Public Wechat (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/appmsgalbum?__biz=Mzg3ODU3MDI3OA==&action=getalbum&album_id=1736590865898209290&scene=173&from_msgid=2247483960&from_itemidx=1&count=3&nolastread=1#wechat_redirect) and no premium services are being provided except for translating the public RAWs using chatgpt to English. DESCRIPTION: Side Stories for Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God published by the author on his WeChat. You can find the Professional translation of this novel by @Hellscythe at https://hostednovel.com/novel/reincarnation-of-the-strongest-sword-god-side-stories

Earth_Kingzz · Du hí
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25 Chs

Chapter 24: Beyond Epic  

"Is this even possible?"


"What a powerful magic domain!"


The members of the Soulfire Adventure Team felt the almost solidified space and the mist-like magic surrounding them. They couldn't help but look at Shi Feng, especially Yu Lin, who was amused by Shi Feng's actions. She was completely stunned, her eyes filled with disbelief. She had originally wanted to say something, but now she swallowed her words completely, like a lifelike stone sculpture.


On the other hand, Wu Lingling and the others, who had been silent behind Shi Feng, wore a slightly smug and proud expression.


Because when Wu Lingling and the others experienced Shi Feng's magic domain, they were just as shocked as Yu Lin and the others are now.


In the Divine Realm, although it was not extremely rare for players to use magic domains, it was still quite uncommon. Generally, it was only when players reached the Fifth Order profession level that magic domains became relatively common. However, out of ten people, only one or two could use them, and the majority of them were players of the magic profession.


The Fifth Order profession was the pinnacle existence in the entire Divine Realm. Even in the major super guilds that ruled the Divine Realm, they were absolute core members and guild leaders.


Being able to use a magic domain at the Third Order profession level was a legend in the Divine Realm. It was said that only those early Divine Realm experts and legendary masters had such ability at the Third Order profession level!


"Miss Yu Lin, I wonder if I have the qualifications now?" Shi Feng couldn't help but look at the slightly dazed Yu Lin and calmly asked, his tone devoid of any anger or arrogance, as if he were talking about an insignificant matter.


However, Shi Feng's inquiry made Yue Lin, who had just regained her senses, unsure of what to say. There was an indescribable awkwardness on her fair cheeks.


If we talk about qualifications, she doesn't have them. With just her position as deputy team leader, she doesn't have the authority to agree to Jiuyi's price. But if we talk about not having the qualifications, if this were to spread, her position as deputy team leader would probably be directly revoked by the Adventurer's Guild. After all, a master who can use the magic domain at the third-order profession level is not someone the Soul Fire Adventurer's Guild wants to offend easily.


Just as Yue Lin didn't know how to respond, a deep voice sounded in everyone's ears.


"Yes! Brother Black Flame definitely has the qualifications. If Brother Black Flame doesn't have these qualifications, then I'm afraid there aren't many people in the entire God's Domain who do!" South Heaven Scarlet Tiger, who hadn't spoken much, revealed a friendly smile and said directly, "I can represent the Soul Fire Adventurer's Guild and agree to Brother Black Flame's cooperation!"


"Guild Leader?" Upon hearing this, Yue Lin couldn't help but look at South Heaven Scarlet Tiger.


This cooperation with Jiuyi is definitely the first time for their entire Soul Fire Adventurer's Guild since its establishment. In the beginning, it was just cooperation with some super guilds, occupying only 80% of the benefits, while they were just auxiliary.


But now, they contribute the most manpower, risking great danger, yet only receive 10% of the drops. If this were to spread, it would definitely have a negative impact on the guild, even for someone like Shi Feng, who can use the magic domain as a third-order Sword King.


"It's fine, I understand in my heart." South Heaven Scarlet Tiger glanced at Yue Lin, who had a hesitant expression, and smiled, "Let the others prepare."


"I understand." Yue Lin could only nod and contact the other members of the Soul Fire Adventurer's Guild who were resting in the distance.


As Yue Lin began to contact the other members of the guild, Wu Lingling and the others who had been observing were also wide-eyed, showing a surprised expression.


"Is this really okay?"


"The price offered by Jiuyi is quite high. Even if those super guilds come, they wouldn't offer such a price, right?"


Originally, Wu Lingling and the others didn't have high expectations for Jiuyi's price because the cooperation prices among the major adventure teams in the industry were well-known among players in the Divine Realm. After all, cooperation in clearing dungeons had already formed some established rules in the Divine Realm.


Cooperating with Jiuyi was almost the same as working for free.


You see, even for drops from bosses, even for fourth-tier legendary bosses, they generally drop around thirty to forty items, and the most useful drops are only about three or four. If nine-tenths of them are taken away at once, it's certain that the best drops will be gone. As for the remaining drops, even if they are valuable, they are not valuable enough. It's better to go and individually kill weaker bosses, which not only yields higher profits but also carries less risk.


Because of this, cooperation in clearing dungeons among industry insiders is generally split fifty-fifty, with the stronger side taking seventy percent at most. It's impossible for Jiuyi to offer a ninety percent split.


However, while Wu Lingling and the others were discussing in hushed voices, Shi Feng turned to look at Nantian Chihu and said, "Since Brother Nantian has agreed, can I take charge of the team's command later?"


This sentence from Shi Feng made Wu Lingling and the others nervous once again.


The command of a team can be said to be crucial, as it holds the lives of all the team members. Now that Shi Feng wants the command without any hesitation, it's equivalent to controlling the life and death of all the members of the Soul Fire Adventure Team.


If this were an ordinary situation, it would be fine. But now, all major forces are leveling up like crazy in the Ancient Small World. If we accidentally wipe out, the losses would be devastating.


"There's no problem with that." Nantian Chihu nodded without hesitation and smiled. "I'll leave it to you, Brother Heiyan."


However, as Nantian Chihu nodded in agreement, Yue Lin, who was the contact person on the side, frowned slightly and looked at the team leader, Nantian Chihu, as if she was meeting him for the first time. She couldn't help but whisper, "Team leader, isn't this going too far? If he intentionally or improperly commands and causes us to wipe out, then all our plans in the Ancient Small World would be in vain! Is it worth it?"


Their Soul Fire Adventure Team has quite ambitious plans in the Ancient Small World this time. Otherwise, they wouldn't have allowed Captain Nantian Chihu, who is just half a step away from reaching the peak of the fifth rank, to come in and start over from the third rank profession.


And they took a huge risk to befriend Shifeng. This is already a significant sacrifice. If they were to give up command, they would be gambling the future of the entire Soul Fire Adventure Team in the Ancient Small World...


"Worth it!" Nantian Chihu said confidently.


"Is it worth it?" Moon Lin couldn't help but turn her head to look at Shifeng, who was arranging Wu Lingling and others not far away, with a puzzled expression.


Being able to use the Magic Domain at the third rank profession is indeed impressive, but the current Divine Domain is not like the early days of the Divine Domain. Players' understanding and control of magic have long surpassed the ignorant players at the beginning of the server. Not to mention the peak experts in those super guilds, even the members of their Soul Fire Adventure Team who master the Magic Domain can do it, after all, this is just a restart.


"No, there are some things you still don't understand." Nantian Chihu smiled and shook his head slightly, whispering, "You haven't reached the threshold of the fifth rank yet, so you may not know that the Magic Domain he displayed is not the pseudo-domain displayed by those legendary experts in the early days, but a truly complete Magic Domain!"


"A truly complete Magic Domain?" Moon Lin was also a little confused. "What's the difference?"


In her impression, a Magic Domain is a Magic Domain, capable of mastering the magic power of a certain world. There is no distinction between true and false, at most, there are differences in strength.


And Nantian Chihu seemed to have guessed what Moon Lin was thinking, and couldn't help but shake his head. "Of course there is a difference. It's not just a difference in strength. The biggest difference is that in order to display a complete Magic Domain at the third rank profession, two conditions must be met."


"What conditions?" Moon Lin asked curiously.


"The first condition is that the level of control over the magic array must reach the level of a Magic Grandmaster!" Nantian Chihu said, then looked at Shifeng in the distance, his gaze filled with seriousness. "As for the other condition, the magical body constructed by the third rank profession must reach epic level or above!"