

With his hand wrapped around the slender and smooth waist of Allison, Xu Feng patiently gave his two piece advice that her so-called defense mechanism was laughable when in the face of an expert.

Additionally, he did it to let her understand the severe danger she would be in. 

It was done out of goodwill, mainly because Xu Feng didn't wish to see her in harm. 

Sure, they might have many discords in his past timeline, but none of them were to the point where they wanted the other person dead. It was just a difference in perspective and views. 

And to ensure they don't argue any further, they simply decided not to meet anymore. 

As Xu Feng released his grasp on her waist, he explained, "The turret is probably the latest defense mechanism but it's not reliable. I'll help you modify it later on and add some more features."