
Man Down

Having figured out the turning point of his current predicament, Xu Feng gave a small instruction for Flint on when to begin the operation. 

"Flint, when I signaled the go, you will use Earthquake Stomp to disrupt that cheating Warden and follow up with a Burrow to surprise attack it, okay?" Xu Feng whispered to Flint, who nodded joyfully in response.

The communication between them might be weird, but as long as they could understand each other, that was all that mattered.

Very soon, Flint hovered to the other end of the stone wall, patiently waiting for Xu Feng to signal for him to act.

Meanwhile, Xu Feng's eyes continued to scope through the small gap of the wall. He needed to time the counterattack well, otherwise, it was just going to be wasted.

And that was his mistake from earlier. He thought that he could simply bait the Warden out to another direction and then swiftly retreat to the group in time.