

Shortly after the next scene orchestrated by Xu Feng finished, OneManMedia felt overwhelmed emotionally. 

Physically, he was still fine, given the weakened NPC was no threat to him. However, emotionally, he wondered if he was still humane. 

These red-named NPC act and behave very much like normal players, making it suffocating for them to fight. What was worse was that the killing blow was promptly done by Xu Feng, saving him from being the actual person who had killed them. 

'I'm never asking for a favor.' OneManMedia thought. He plopped to the ground, unable to move his body any longer. 

The video was completed and in each scene, he had to act aggrieved and angry that there were no rare pieces of equipment dropped. 

Additionally, he even had to give false information such as the possibility of rare equipment drop was low, but it was not an impossibility. Maybe if they searched for a more similar hideout, they would get lucky again.