
Clear Path

As Xu Feng finally came clean and decided to be honest, mainly because he was tired of this detective kind of game, Carmen herself was stunned. 

For some reason, she could sense that his words were genuine, but that was what made it confusing.

Not once had she truly displayed any potential of being an expert, but Xu Feng seemed confident in her more than she did for herself.

How was it possible?

'Is he a prophet and knows about my future?' Carmen thought to herself, before quickly brushing the idea off. 

Prophet… yeah, it was mostly a scam to deceive others and let them learn what they wanted to know. 

After taking a few moments to compose herself, she flashed a solemn expression and questioned, "Are you trying to recruit me in your future guild? And it's not out of some other nefarious intention?" 

Xu Feng equally showed a solemn expression and nodded his head.