

"You dare?!" 

"Aren't you afraid of our guild's revenge?" 

The moment Steelshot announced the order to kill them, the bunch of representatives were livid and confused. 

At the end of the day, representatives were equivalent to a messenger, and killing the messenger was equivalent to wanting war. Hence, they were rather bold and brazen enough to disrespect Gentle Wind publicly. 

Alas, no matter their argument and defense, Steelshot and his fellow comrades easily slaughtered these representatives. 

After all, they were geared up with the equipment that their guild leader had managed to obtain from somewhere.

Once the killing was done, Steelshot glared at the other parties who were frightened deeply. 

"If you want to discuss, then our guild is happy to discuss. But if you think that means you're allowed to disrespect us in our territory, then this is the outcome." Steelshot snorted, giving one final glare at them before leaving in style.