The next morning, all fifty-five recruits had gathered on F-29, in a room made for all recruits to have meetings. There were lots of chairs so everyone was seated.
On the small podium in front of them, stood the aging agency head. Tenice Lauretta.
She cleared her throat before she began speaking. "I'm sure you all know why you've been called here."
"Yes, agency head." The recruits responded in one voice.
"And I'm certain you've been given enough time to prepare for your class selection." She spoke again after their reply.
"Yes, agency head." They answered again. Not everyone was replying. Luke simply nodded his head.
"Good. Then I guess I won't need to explain much. We'll be heading to the class selection floor, F-09. It contains everything you'll need to know about the classes you'll choose." She went straight to the point since there was no need to waste time.