
Reincarnation of a forgotten king

Follow the journey of the forsaken king of Britain Arthur pendragon (alter prototype) in a world completely foreign to him wil he finds his reason to live a fullfilling (I don't own anything related to the original story the only thing i own is my oc characters and story)

Lucius_arcadia · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

14. An Unexpected situation

A week passed, and the village gradually settled back into its routine, the memory of the dazzling light and destructive force fading from the minds of the villagers. The once-alarmed community now found solace in the return of calm and peace.

However, the tranquility was abruptly shattered for Paul when a letter arrived. As he unfolded the parchment and scanned the contents, a wave of pale unease swept over him. It was from his cousin Philip, a distant relative with whom Paul had shared more than a few drinks during his early married days.

The letter, written in formal language, detailed an agreement that had allegedly been made in the haze of one particularly spirited night. A promise, a pact, and one that made Paul's stomach churn with apprehension.

"Dear Paul,

I trust this letter finds you in good health and spirits. It has come to my attention that during one of our jovial gatherings, we may have, in a state of high spirits, discussed the union of our offspring. Specifically, the matrimonial connection between your son and my daughter, Eris.

Now, I understand the whims and jests that accompany such merriments, but as fate would have it, our words seem to have taken root. It is with a sense of familial duty and honor that I write to inform you of this arrangement, which I believe would solidify the bond between our families.

I look forward to celebrating this union soon, and I am certain that our children will find happiness in this preordained match.

Warm regards,


Paul slumped into his chair, the weight of the revelation sinking in. He hadn't mentioned this supposed commitment to anyone in his family, let alone Arthur. It was a secret pact made in jest, a drunken promise that now threatened to reshape the future.

"By the gods," Paul muttered, his mind racing. "How did things get so complicated? I never thought a jest over a few drinks would come back to haunt me like this."

He ran his fingers through his hair, grappling with the unexpected turn of events. The informality of that drunken conversation now stood poised to dictate a significant part of his family's future. Paul wondered how he would explain this revelation to Arthur, and more importantly, how Arthur would react to the news of his supposedly arranged marriage.

With a heavy sigh, Paul began to draft his response, carefully choosing words that would convey the complexity of the situation. Little did he know, this letter would mark the beginning of a new chapter in the lives of the Greyrat family.

The next morning, with the weight of Philip's letter heavy on his mind, Paul hesitantly broached the subject during breakfast. As the family gathered around the table, the usual cheerful atmosphere seemed tinged with an air of tension.

Clearing his throat, Paul began, "I, uh, received a letter from my cousin Philip yesterday. It seems, uh, we made some sort of arrangement in the past... about Arthur's marriage."

The revelation hung in the air, and the room fell silent. Zenith, with a furrowed brow, looked at Paul with a mix of confusion and concern. Lilia, surprisingly, displayed a hint of irritation, a rare break from her usual composed demeanor.

"Paul, what on earth are you talking about?" Zenith asked her tone a mixture of disbelief and disapproval.

Lilia, her eyes narrowing slightly, added, "Arranging marriages without consulting the involved parties is not something to be taken lightly, Paul. If there's such an agreement, it should have been discussed openly."

Ruby, picking up on the tension, shot a disapproving glance at her father. "Seriously, Dad? An arranged marriage? What century are we living in?"

However, Arthur, perhaps drawing from his past life's experiences in royalty, remained surprisingly composed. He looked at his father and calmly asked, "When do we meet Eris, then?"

The unexpected question caught everyone off guard. It was a stark contrast to the reactions of the others. While Zenith continued to express her disapproval, and Ruby displayed her annoyance, Arthur approached the situation with a matter-of-fact demeanor.

Zenith berated Paul, "How could you agree to such a thing without consulting us, Paul? Arthur's life and decisions should not be dictated by some old arrangement made in jest."

Lilia, who rarely voiced her opinions so directly, added, "This is not how family matters should be handled. We need to talk about these things openly and reach decisions collectively."

Ruby chimed in, "Exactly! We're not living in the past. Arthur should have a say in his future."

Despite the reactions around him, Arthur maintained his calm demeanor. He saw arranged marriages as a normal part of the world he came from, a product of his past life experiences. To him, meeting Eris and discussing the matter openly seemed like a logical next step.

"Okay," Arthur said, "but when do we meet her? And can I at least talk to her before any decisions are made?"

The room fell into a thoughtful silence as the Greyrat family grappled with the unexpected turn of events and the implications of a long-forgotten pact.

In the days that followed the revelation about Arthur's arranged marriage, the Greyrat family found themselves making preparations for a journey to the Boreas Greyrat family to meet with Philip. The air in the household crackled with a mix of anticipation, uncertainty, and a touch of anxiety.

Arthur, surprisingly unfazed by the prospect of meeting his potential bride, was more concerned about the logistics of the trip. He gathered maps, checked the supplies, and ensured that everything was for the journey.

Ruby, on the other hand, couldn't hide her annoyance. "I still can't believe we're doing this. Arranged marriages are so outdated. What if Eris and Arthur don't even get along?"

Lilia, usually the calm and collected presence, shared a few words of wisdom with Arthur. "Remember, Arthur, communication is key. Talk to Eris openly, and make sure both of you are comfortable with the situation. It's your future, after all."

Zenith, with a mix of concern and motherly care, packed provisions for the journey. She approached Arthur, her eyes reflecting a myriad of emotions. "I just want you to be happy, Arthur. If at any point you feel uncomfortable, don't hesitate to speak up."

Paul, though still slightly pale from the unexpected turn of events, joined in the preparations. He couldn't shake off the feeling that this journey held more significance than a mere meeting between families. Something about the past and the future seemed intertwined in this arrangement.

As the Greyrat family set out on their journey, the landscape changed around them. The familiar sights of their village gave way to new territories, and the air carried the promise of both uncertainty and opportunity.

The journey to the city of Roa was marked by a tense atmosphere within the carriage, as Paul, Arthur, and Ruby headed to meet Philip and his family, the Boreas Greyrats. The prospect of an arranged marriage hung over them like an invisible cloud, casting a shadow on the otherwise sunny day.

As they approached the city gates, the bustling streets of Roa came into view. The city was a hub of activity, merchants peddling their wares, locals going about their daily business, and the air filled with a medley of sounds and scents.

Upon reaching the Boreas Greyrat estate, the family was met with the imposing figure of Sauros Boreas Greyrat, the patriarch of the Boreas Greyrat family. Despite his age, Sauros maintained a formidable presence, his dark brown hair interspersed with hints of white and a physique that betrayed no signs of physical decline.

"Paul, it's been a while," Sauros boomed, his voice carrying through the estate. "And who might these guests be?" He scrutinized Arthur and Ruby with a keen gaze.

Paul, though visibly nervous, managed a polite introduction. "Sauros, this is my son Arthur and my daughter Ruby. We've come to discuss the matter of the arranged marriage."

Sauros eyed Arthur, and then Ruby, with a scrutinizing gaze. "Arranged marriage, you say? Well, let's discuss it inside. Hilda, prepare some refreshments."

Inside the estate, they were introduced to Philip Boreas Greyrat, a man with a slender frame and a smile that seemed to conceal more than it revealed. The tension in the air was palpable, and even Philip's typically lenient demeanor couldn't entirely mask the seriousness of the situation.

"Paul, what brings you here?" Philip asked with a playful smile.

Paul cleared his throat nervously. "We need to talk about this arrangement. It seems there's been a misunderstanding."

As the discussion unfolded, Hilda Boreas Greyrat, Philip's wife, entered the room. Her initial coldness towards Arthur softened when she saw him, a reflection of the complicated history between their families.

"I never expected to see another Greyrat in this manner," Hilda remarked, her eyes studying Arthur.

The meeting took an unexpected turn when Ghislaine Dedoldia, the talented swordswoman from the beast race and a trusted member of the Boreas Greyrat family, entered the room. Her imposing presence, adorned with scars and a revealing leather outfit, added a layer of intensity to the atmosphere.

"Ghislaine, this is Arthur Greyrat, Paul's son," Sauros introduced. "And this is Ruby, his daughter."

Ghislaine's expression remained stoic, but her eyes hinted at a certain curiosity. "Paul's son, huh? The one who's causing a stir in the family."

As the discussions continued, tensions ran high, especially when the topic of arranged marriage was broached. The clash of familial histories, expectations, and personal aspirations created a delicate balance that threatened to tip at any moment.

Paul, with a bead of sweat on his forehead, ventured to address the matter directly. "Sauros, about this arranged marriage..."

Before he could finish, Sauros raised his hand, signaling a temporary pause. "Let's discuss this over a meal. It's not a conversation to be had on an empty stomach. Hilda, ensure the preparations are expedited."

The family and guests were led to a dining hall, where the air seemed to thicken with anticipation. The clinking of cutlery and occasional glances exchanged across the table hinted at the unspoken tensions lingering beneath the surface.

As the meal progressed, Sauros, in his characteristic boisterous manner, tried to diffuse the tension. "Now, let's not make this a gloomy affair. We're all family here, aren't we?"

The uneasy smiles around the table betrayed the complexity of the situation. The Boreas Greyrat family, with their intricate dynamics, faced the unexpected entry of the Greyrat siblings into their lives.

Philip's laughter echoed through the dining hall, a deep, hearty sound that reverberated off the walls. "You took that seriously, Paul? I was just jesting! I never thought you'd believe I'd let Eris be engaged to someone unknown."

Paul's face shifted from pale to a mixture of confusion and relief. "You mean it was a joke?"

"Of course! I may be a schemer, but I wouldn't joke about my granddaughter's future," Philip chuckled. "But since you're already here, why not stay for a few days? It's been too long since we had a family gathering."

Relief washed over Paul's features, and even Sauros cracked a smile. The tension that had gripped the room seemed to dissipate like morning mist under the warmth of the sun.

"Stay for a few days, enjoy the hospitality of the Boreas Greyrat estate," Sauros boomed, clapping Paul on the back. "We can catch up on old times."

As the atmosphere lightened, Hilda busied herself with ensuring the guests were comfortable. The Boreas Greyrat estate, despite its imposing appearance, exuded an air of warmth and familial camaraderie.

The dining hall, once a battleground of negotiations, transformed into a place of laughter and shared stories. The Boreas Greyrat family, with their complicated dynamics, found common ground with the unexpected guests, and the echoes of genuine camaraderie filled the air.

The dining table at the Boreas Greyrat estate was adorned with fine silverware and an array of exquisite dishes, served by several maids with distinctive beastfolk features. Ruby observed them with a hint of amusement, her curiosity piqued by the diversity within the household.

Philip, the patriarch of the Boreas Greyrat family, leaned back in his chair, a twinkle in his eyes. "So, tell me about your lives, Paul. I'm curious to know what the Greyrat siblings have been up to."

Paul, his demeanor relaxed after the initial misunderstanding, shared tales of their adventures, the growth of Arthur's swordsmanship, and Ruby's prowess in magic. As the stories flowed, Philip's interest deepened.

"Ah, a sword genius, you say?" Philip mused, his eyes shifting to Arthur. "How about a friendly spar between Arthur and my granddaughter, Eris? I'd love to witness the skills of the renowned Greyrat siblings."

Paul beamed with pride at the mention of Arthur's swordsmanship. "I'd be happy to oblige, Philip. Arthur, what do you say?"

Arthur, always eager for a challenge, nodded in agreement. "Sure, I'm up for it."

The dining room emptied as the family members made their way to a spacious courtyard where sparring often took place. Eris, the fiery-haired Boreas Greyrat, stood opposite Arthur, her eyes filled with a mixture of determination and confidence.

The onlookers, including Paul, Philip, and Ruby, formed a semi-circle around the makeshift arena. Ghislaine, the formidable swordswoman, observed with a keen interest, aware that this duel could be a spectacle.

As the spar commenced, Arthur unleashed a series of fluid and precise movements, showcasing his evolved sword style, Ragnarök. The amalgamation of various swordsmanship techniques, culminating in this evolved form, demonstrated a level of mastery that left the spectators in awe.

Eris, armed with her own sword, attempted to counter Arthur's onslaught. However, the speed, precision, and unpredictable nature of Ragnarök overwhelmed her defenses. Each strike seemed to carry the weight of years of training and refinement.

Ruby watched with a gleam in her eyes, recognizing the beauty of her brother's artistry in swordsmanship. The maids, initially serving in the dining hall, peeked through the windows with curiosity, captivated by the display of skill.

In the end, Arthur, with a graceful yet powerful movement, disarmed Eris, leaving her weapon clattering to the ground. The courtyard fell silent for a moment before erupting into applause. Philip, though his granddaughter had been defeated, wore a satisfied grin.

"Well done, Arthur! That was an impressive display," Philip called out.

Eris, while initially frustrated, couldn't help but acknowledge the skill before her. She grinned and extended a hand. "You're really something, Arthur. That was an incredible spar."

The tension that might have lingered after the duel evaporated as mutual respect formed between the two young swordsmen. The Boreas Greyrat courtyard, witness to many spars and duels, had hosted another chapter in the ongoing saga of the Greyrat siblings.

Philip, thoroughly impressed by Arthur's display, turned his attention to Ruby. "Now, Ruby, show us what you can do in the realm of magic."

Ruby, eager to showcase her magical prowess, grinned and stepped forward. Focusing her energy, she began an incantation that echoed through the courtyard. The air crackled with magical energy as a shimmering illusion of a water dragon materialized.

As the illusion solidified, the courtyard fell into a momentary hush, the spectators captivated by the intricate details of the magical creation. However, the tranquility was shattered when Ruby, with a mischievous gleam in her eyes, unleashed the sea dragon's roar.

A thunderous sound, akin to the roar of a mighty ocean creature, reverberated through the courtyard. The maids, who had been observing from a distance, gasped and clung to each other in fear. Even Ghislaine, the seasoned warrior, shot a concerned glance at the magical spectacle.

Paul's eyes widened, his face reflecting a mix of awe and concern. "Ruby, that's... that's a destruction class magic! You can't just casually cast something like that!"

Arthur, usually composed, felt a surge of irritation at his sister's nonchalant use of such potent magic. He stepped forward, his expression stern. "Ruby, destruction class magic isn't something to be taken lightly. It could cause harm or panic. You need to be more responsible with your magic."

Ruby, caught off guard by the sudden reprimand, lowered her gaze. "I... I didn't think it would be that intense. Sorry."

Philip, though initially impressed, now wore a slightly concerned expression. "Indeed, the magic of this scale is a force to cause mass destruction of. We must exercise caution in its use."

The courtyard, once filled with the cheers of a successful spar, now bore a weight of caution and realization. The Greyrat siblings, in their pursuit of showcasing their skills, had inadvertently revealed the potency of their abilities, leaving an indelible mark on the minds of their hosts.

As they resumed their discussions in the dining room, the air carried a newfound sense of awareness. The Boreas Greyrat family, while appreciating the talents of their guests, couldn't shake off the reminder that the Greyrat siblings held powers that transcended the ordinary.

After the event in the dining hall, Arthur and Ruby found themselves in various interactions with the members of the Boreas Greyrat family. Ghislaine, the skilled swordswoman, offered to spar with Arthur, curious to gauge the skills of the one causing a stir in the Greyrat family.

"Let's see what you're made of, Arthur Greyrat," Ghislaine said, her tone a mix of challenge and curiosity.

The training ground became a battleground of clashing blades, each strike resonating with the echoes of a practiced dance. Ghislaine's prowess was evident, but Arthur's blade technique held its own, a testament to the years of training and his unique amalgamation of swordsmanship styles.

Meanwhile, Ruby found herself in discussions with Eris, the short-tempered but potentially skilled swordswoman. The two engaged in animated conversations about magic, combat techniques, and the intricacies of their respective families.

"Eris, let me show you a few tricks with magic," Ruby said, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Eris, though initially skeptical, found herself intrigued by Ruby's proficiency in magic. The exchange of knowledge and skills formed a bridge between the two young girls, transcending the complexities of their family backgrounds.