
Reincarnation of a forgotten king

Follow the journey of the forsaken king of Britain Arthur pendragon (alter prototype) in a world completely foreign to him wil he finds his reason to live a fullfilling (I don't own anything related to the original story the only thing i own is my oc characters and story)

Lucius_arcadia · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

05: Echoes of a Past Life

In the depths of her own mind, Ruby found herself caught in a vivid and bittersweet flashback to her previous life, one she had never shared with anyone. It was a life that had been filled with seclusion, sickness, and unfulfilled dreams.

The scene unfolded like a hazy dream. Ruby was transported back to the sterile confines of her hospital room, a place that had been her entire world for as long as she could remember. The walls, painted in clinical white, seemed to close in on her. The air was heavy with the scent of disinfectants, and the soft hum of medical equipment provided a constant backdrop.

Her frail form lay propped up in a hospital bed, surrounded by machines and the soft hum of medical equipment. Tubes and wires were her constant companions, weaving in and out of her fragile body. Sunlight filtered through the window, casting a pale, melancholic glow on her features. She was a prisoner in her own body, unable to escape the clutches of her illness.

In those bygone days, she was merely a fragile, sickly girl, her existence defined by the relentless rhythm of the hospital. The outside world remained a distant dream, forever out of her reach, and her only companions were the pages of fantasy isekai manga filled with magic. These stories provided an escape, a brief respite from the sterile confines of her room. In those pages, she dreamed of becoming a mage, of wielding powerful spells and embarking on grand adventures. But even as a child, she knew it was a fantasy beyond her grasp, a distant dream she could never reach. The magic and wonder of those tales served as a cruel reminder of what she could never have.

She was trapped in that sterile hospital room, her dreams slipping through her fingers like grains of sand. The weight of her confinement pressed down on her, a heavy burden that she carried with every labored breath. The world outside was tantalizingly close, yet impossibly far.

Time flowed inexorably, and it led to the inevitable. Ruby took her final breath in that sterile room, a place that had served as both a sanctuary and a prison. Her eyes, once filled with longing and hope, closed for the last time, and she was left in a quiet stillness.

"I died there, alone and unable to fulfill my dreams," she thought, the memories of her past life playing out like a melancholic symphony in her mind. The hospital room, the endless days of isolation, and the weight of her unattained dreams haunted her even now.

But that wasn't the end. It was the beginning of a new life, one filled with magic, adventure, and the unexpected. Ruby's consciousness shifted back to the present, and she found herself in a world vastly different from the one she had known in her previous life.

The first person she laid eyes on was Arthur, her twin brother, who stood beside her with a curious expression.

"He looked so cute… but this is a magical world," Ruby mused, her voice filled with surprise and introspection. "How did I end up here? This can't be a hospital room. It's too… magical."

Ruby's heart brimmed with curiosity and wonder, even as she grappled with the mystery of her reincarnation. She knew that this new world held the promise of everything she had once yearned for – magic, adventure, and a life beyond the confines of a hospital room.

"I may not understand how or why," Ruby thought with determination, "but I won't waste this second chance. I'll embrace this magical world and live the life I've always dreamed of."

With newfound determination, Ruby embarked on her journey in this enchanting world, determined to seize every opportunity and make her dreams of becoming a mage a reality. The memories of her past life remained with her, a bittersweet reminder of the struggles she had faced. But they also fueled her determination to make the most of her new life.

As Ruby broke from her daydreaming, Arthur came to fetch her for their magic training with Roxy. The prospect of learning magic in a world where the impossible seemed attainable filled her with excitement and anticipation. The memories of her past life would serve as a driving force, a reminder of how far she had come and the boundless potential that lay before her.

Magic training with Roxy began, and Ruby's unique approach to magic quickly caught the attention of both Arthur and their instructor. Roxy, at first, had her doubts about Ruby's unconventional thinking.

"You know," she began, "traditionally, we use chants to cast spells. Magic is impossible without them."

Ruby, however, remained confident in her methods. She closed her eyes for a moment, focusing her thoughts on the concept of magic as a program. "Magic is like a program," Ruby explained, her voice carrying a hint of enthusiasm. "You see, it's all about designing the spell, inputting commands, and using mana as the medium to execute those instructions."

Roxy watched with a mix of skepticism and curiosity as Ruby demonstrated her method, casting a spell without a chant. To everyone's amazement, an intricate illusion of a shimmering butterfly appeared, fluttering gracefully around Ruby.

Roxy, taken aback by Ruby's successful approach, couldn't help but acknowledge her innovation. "You might just be a genius," she said with a hint of amusement. "Or maybe a little bit crazy. But if it works, it works."

As for Arthur, he was intrigued by the possibilities that Ruby's method presented. With newfound insight, he decided to test Ruby's theory and cast his own spell, which led to an unexpected and unique outcome. It became clear that their understanding of magic had taken a significant leap beyond conventional limitations.

Arthur, bewildered by the turn of events, turned to Ruby with a puzzled expression. "Wait, Ruby," he inquired, "you mentioned thinking of magic as a program, where mana is the medium for input and command. But this… this is different. How did this happen?"

Ruby's eyes widened with realization, and she smacked her forehead lightly in a moment of epiphany. "I… I hadn't thought of this! It's like… our thoughts and intent can modify the spell, creating something unique. Magic is more versatile than I ever imagined!

In that enlightening moment, Ruby and Arthur both recognized the boundless possibilities that their newfound understanding of magic could offer. Their journey into the world of magic had taken an unexpected turn, opening up a realm of innovation and limitless potential.

Magic training with Roxy continued, and her understanding of Ruby's unconventional approach deepened. While Roxy's proficiency in magic was limited to intermediate spells, she realized the immense potential that came with this new perspective on magic.

They began to experiment with Ruby's method further, delving into the concept of a magic circle. Magic circles were typically scribed onto parchment, serving as a guide for spell casting. However, Arthur, who had a knack for theory, proposed a unique idea.

"What if we use the magic circle to not just guide the spell, but to enhance the magic output?" he suggested.

Roxy, while intrigued, had her doubts. "Magic circles on parchment are one thing, but to create them in the air using the mana of our bodies and the surrounding mana… That sounds impossible. Mana isn't visible."

Arthur, who had remained silent after Roxy explained a loophole in his theory, suddenly realized something. 'Wait, I can see mana with my Dragon's Eyes ability. Perhaps we can use that to create the magic circle in the air, but I can't share my past life ability with them.'

Ruby, always quick to adapt and innovate, nodded in agreement. "As long as we can see mana, we can manipulate it. What if we create a spell that allows us to see mana? We could call it 'Mana Sight' or something similar."

The group decided to give it a try. Arthur focused on his Dragon's Eyes ability, attempting to enhance the perception of mana, while Ruby worked on the incantation for the 'Mana Sight' spell. With Roxy's guidance, they began to scribe a magic circle in the air using their newfound abilities.

To their amazement, the magic circle took shape, shimmering with ethereal lines and symbols that only they could see. It was a breakthrough that left them awestruck.

Roxy, her eyes filled with wonder, finally understood the concept of the magic program. "This changes everything," she said in amazement. "We can manipulate mana on a whole new level. We can create custom spells, enhance their effects, and perhaps even invent entirely new branches of magic."

As they continued to experiment, the 'Mana Sight' spell allowed them to see the flow and concentration of mana, unveiling the intricate web that connected their world. It was a revelation that promised untold possibilities.

With their newfound understanding and abilities, Ruby, Arthur, and Roxy delved deeper into the world of magic. They created intricate magic circles in the air, manipulating mana to enhance their spells, and pushing the boundaries of what was previously thought possible.

Their journey was no longer bound by convention, and the echoes of their past lives continued to shape their present. In this world of magic and mystery, they were pioneers, forging a path into uncharted territory. With every experiment, they uncovered the hidden potential of their magical abilities, and the future held the promise of even greater discoveries and innovations.