
Reincarnation: Is this really happening?

Seth is a 35-year old loser stuck at a dead end job. He wasted his youth in a vain attempt to stay popular, forgoing his studies just to party. Seth, like many others, regrets the path he chose himself. He wished everyday for a chance to prove his life was worth something, but such things only happen in fairy tales...right?

Otaku_Central · Kỳ huyễn
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43 Chs

Who is this kid?

The line moved at a steady pace as each person tried to find their elemental affinity. Mr Yun could be heard at the front yelling out everyone's element if they possessed one. Before they knew it, Deltune was the next in line. She walked up to the teacher and handed him her sheet from the office.

"Alright, Deltune. Your next. Start picking them up until one resonates with you," He ordered and took a step back. Deltune looked at the six crystals in front of her. The brown was Earth, that one she knew didn't stand out to her. She looked at the bright red crystal and picked it up. Deltune looked it over but nothing happened so she put it back. Her fingers brushed the blue crystal and she felt a tingle in her hand. 'This one.' Deltune thought to herself and grabbed the blue crystal.

It felt warm in her hand and started to glow a bright blue. "Wow," Deltune whispered and turned to the instructor.

"Nice. Water affinity, and pretty strong at that. Congratulations, you passed. Next," Mr Yun shouted and Sona walked up next. He gave Mr Yun his sheet and turned to Deltune who gave him a thumbs up. "Sona. Alright. Take your pick," Mr Yun ordered and Sona looked them over himself.

There were so many of them, Sona couldn't decided which one felt right. "Mr Yun, has anyone ever possessed more than one affinity?" Sona finally asked after a moment of thinking.

"Well, it's not unheard of in this school. There are those who could possess two to three elements. Why?" Mr Yun questioned Sona's train of thought.

"I want to know if I can, too. I'm gonna pick up multiple ones just out of curiosity," Sona spoke these words and Mr Yun's face turned red.

'This brat.' Mr Yun thought to himself.

Sona reached out and touched the red crystal. Yun's mouth dropped as the crystal glowed a bright red. Sona sat it back down and confidently picked up the blue one just like Deltune. This one, too, began to glow bright. The same thing happened to three other crystals; a clear one that glowed a bright light, the brown one and a green one. The only affinity he couldn't posses was the dark black crystal.

"Mr Yun, what does this mean?" Sona looked to his instructor for answers. Deltune was excitedly cheering on the outside, but in her mind she started to worry. Yun finally broke out of his stunned state and looked to this student who possessed five elemental affinities. All the students behind them started murmuring amongst themselves. They were to far for Sona to hear anything, though.

"Sona, Elemental Affinites; Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, and Holy. This is unbelievable. Take your sheet to the headmaster. He'll want to see this for himself," Yun finished scribbling down his notes and passed the sheet back to Sona before hurrying him along. 'Who is that kid?' Yun thought to himself as the two kids took off together.

Sona and Deltune walked in silence for several minutes before Sona started laughing. "Wow. That really had my heart racing. I couldn't pick up the black crystal. It's like my body refused to touch it. I wonder why that is?" Sona questioned outloud and looked over to Deltune. She was smiling, but Sona could feel something was bugging her. 'Is it because she shared herself with me?' He thought to himself and touched Deltune's shoulder gently. "Del," He spoke her name gently before continuing. "I know something is wrong, what's got you worried?" He asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

Deltune smiled at his concern and sighed softly. "I knew it. I can't hide what I'm feeling from you. Thanks to my powers, you are linked to me. You can sense what I feel," She explained as they kept moving to the headmaster's office. "The ability to possess an affinity isn't given by me. It's given by my father, King Arzotz, God Of Beginnings. He erased my holy affinity and gave me water. I still don't understand why he allowed you posses five of them. I have to speak with him soon," Deltune whispered softly and made sure nobody was listening. She had to pause several times because other students got to close.

Sona was shocked by this revelation. "Your the daughter of the King of God's?" Sona blurted out a little too loudly. Thankfully nobody was nearby at the time. Deltune covered his mouth with both her hands and silenced him for a moment. "Sorry," Sona apologized, though his words were muffled. "It's true, then?" He whispered softly when she uncovered his mouth.

"It is," She whispered and went silent as they stopped at the nearby door. "Here it is. Go on, knock. I won't be allowed to go in with you, so mind your manners," Deltune chastised him and reached her hands up, straightening his mess of head. Sona wanted to ask her more about this, but he knew he should wait until they were alone. He knocked on the door and Sona was welcomed in by the door opening on its own.

"Come inside, young one," A gruff voice called from inside. Sona looked to Deltune and she gave him a playful push inside. "Now, how can I help you? I don't recognize your face. Come closer," The man continued speaking as the door shut behind Sona. He made his way to stand in front of the desk at the end.

"My name is Sona, Headmaster. Instructor Yun wanted you to get this paper as soon as possible," Sona spoke loudly but respectfully and placed the sheet in front of the man. Stealing a closer look, Sona remembered this man's face. It was Hawthorne Sage, the headmaster whose picture he saw earlier. Sona was in disbelief at this discovery. His long white beard touch the middle of his chest. His skin, while wrinkled, still looked like that of a younger man. He leaned forward and took a peak at Sona's sheet before gently taking it from him.

He looked at the sheet then to Sona before pushing a button on his desk. A short, little green goblin walked in through the wall on the right. In his tiny hands he carried a brown satchel. "Thank you, Greacs," He took the satchel and the goblin bowed before he walked through the wall again. Hawthorne opened the satchel and took out the five crystals that glowed for Sona before. "Test your affinity again with these. I would like to test them myself using my set," He spoke and laid the crystals out in front of Sona.

These crystals looked older than the ones Instructor Yun let them use. Sona did the same thing he did for the aptitude test. He picked up each crystal and every one of them glowed at his touched. The Headmaster let out a hearty laugh and slammed his hand on the desk. "Impressive young one. Very impressive indeed. It would be an honor for us to enroll you in our prestigious academy. However, because your skills are so unique, you will need to be taught by several instructors. We don't have any teachers with more than two affinities, so your training will be different," Hawthorne bellowed happily and wrote down the names of four different people.

"These four are the best at their elements. They will teach you well. One of the teachers possesses a dual affinity. She will help you learn to use multiple affinity spells at the same time. She is perhaps the best teacher we have employed," The Headmaster laughed again and shook Sona's hand before sending him away. "Could this kid be the one the prophecy foretold?" Hawthorne asked out loud once Sona was no longer there.

Deltune was waiting on a nearby bench by the door for him. "Del!" He said her name excitedly. She jumped off the bench and ran over to Sona. "I got accepted! Even the headmaster was astonished!" Sona half shouted from excitement.

Deltune smiled happily and went to hug him, but she stopped herself for the time being. 'I need to give him time and some space. I don't want to force myself on him.' Deltune thought and nodded along as Sona explained what happened.

"I'm happy for you, Sona. Come on. We have to go get our room assignments and then we need to go clothes shopping," Deltune pulled on the sleeve of his shirt and the two set off to find their rooms.