
Reincarnation: Is this really happening?

Seth is a 35-year old loser stuck at a dead end job. He wasted his youth in a vain attempt to stay popular, forgoing his studies just to party. Seth, like many others, regrets the path he chose himself. He wished everyday for a chance to prove his life was worth something, but such things only happen in fairy tales...right?

Otaku_Central · Kỳ huyễn
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43 Chs

The Dorms are co-ed?!

Sona and Deltune finally found the way to the dorms after getting lost several times. This place was enormous and would take some time for them to adjust. They exited the school building and entered into the garden behind the school. It contained benches all up and down the sidewalks. They offered a track field, many varieties of sports, and even a botany building for people to study and grow plants.

"Wow," Deltune whispered and tried to look at every detail along the way. The dorms took several minutes of walking to reach. "This place is so huge, Sona. They have pretty much everything we would ever need," She exclaimed happily as they finally reached the building where the students lived. Something was strange, though, and Sona looked around for a second building.

"Shouldn't there be a second building? I thought they would separate the males and females," Sona said as he looked at the building in front of them. He paused for a moment and Deltune got behind him and started gently pushing him inside.

Upon approaching the front desk, there was nobody around. A sign was posted on the counter and a clipboard with some papers sat next to the sign. "Out to lunch. Rooms are first come, first serve and the rooms are coed," Sona read the sign out loud and was shocked for a moment. 'Coed? That's crazy. How could they allow such a thing?' Sona thought to himself and looked to Deltune. She was busy signing up for one of the empty rooms.

"Come on, Sona. I registered us as roommates. We are on the second floor, Room 45," Deltune said happily and started making her way to the elevator. Sona followed after her and stepped into the elevator after her. She pushed the second floor button and the doors started to close.

"Hold the elevator. Please!" A familiar voice rang out and Sona managed to jammed his foot between the doors in time. He slid the doors open and Jaesu rushed over to the door with an armful of stuff. "Thank you," He breathed heavily trying to catch his breath. He looked up and smiled at the two of them. "Oh, hey. It's you guys. Sona and Deltune, right?" He asked trying to remember their names.

"That's right. Second floor, too, Jaesu?" Sona asked and allowed the doors to close this time. The floor shuddered and started rising slowly. "Which room did you choose?" Sona asked trying the break the silence between them. He would strive to be kind and make many friends.

"I chose room 51. There was a name already written before mine, so I'll have a roommate. What about you two? Seperate rooms?" Jaesu asked and tried to continue the conversation.

"No. We chose the same room. Sona and I have been together ever since we were kids," Deltune whispered softly and smiled at Sona.

"Oh. Are the two of you lovers?" Jaesu asked out of curiosity and jumped when Sona started coughing. That question had surprised the hell out of him. 'What kind of question was that?' Sona thought to himself but found himself staring at Deltune. She blushed and looked away from the boys in the elevator with her.

"Not at the moment, no. We both decided it was best for us to focus on our studies first," Sona quickly spoke the first thought that popped into his mind. Deltune's pale face turned an even darker shade of red. She reached her hand out and latched onto the sleeve of Sona's shirt.

"Oh. I understand," Jaesu spoke and looked at the two behind him. "You guys passed the aptitude test, right? Otherwise you wouldn't be registering for a room. What element do you guys possess?" Jaesu asked nervously trying to change the subject.

"I have the water element," Deltune spoke up shyly and gripped Sona's sleeve a little tighter.

"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you, Jaesu," Sona said and chuckled softly at his own response.

"Try me, Sona," Jaesu shot back and grinned at the other boy.

"I posses five elemental affinities," Sona said calmly, not trying to brag about his ability. Jaesu started laughing at Sona's answer.

"He's telling the truth, Jaesu. Even the Headmaster himself confirmed Sona's multi elemental affinity," Deltune piped in trying to convince Jaesu.

The elevator dinged and the doors slowly slid open. The elevator opened up into a hallway that ran left and right. "Sona, we are have to go right for our room," Deltune spoke softly and pulled gently on his sleeve.

"Alright Sona. I'm heading to my room. I'm on the left over here. Come give me a visit whenever you manage to get settled later," He waved goodbye and stuffed his arms full of his luggage and struggled down the hall to his room.

"I made my first guy friend, Del," Sona whispered excitedly. "I can't believe it was that easy. Why did I never try before?" Sona asked and turned to face Deltune. She was bright red and acting shy now, twirling her body side to side. A soft smile was on her face as she looked to Sona.

"I'm proud of you, Sona. Really," She was holding both of her hands together in front of her. Sona gave her his first genuine smile ever. 'Adorable.' Deltune thought to herself and started walking to their room. The door was supposed to be unlocked with two sets of keys inside. Deltune opened the door to room 45 and Sona fell in behind her. He shut the door once he was all the way inside. The room was fully furnished and the living room was where you entered.

On the left and right were two doors that were both open. They led into separate rooms each which could be locked from the inside. "Wow," Sona exclaimed as he walked into the room on the right. Both rooms had individual full size bathrooms which were not decorated and devoid of supplies.

"We have to go to the Academy Mall. Students get 50% off everything. We can get our school supplies, clothes and stuff for our rooms, too," Deltune spoke to Sona as she walked into the same room as him. "Do you want this room? Not that the other one is different or anything," Deltune continued and leaned against the door frame.

"That works for me. As long as you come over and visit me. I might need your help every so often," Sona tried to come up with an excuse on the spot. He started scratching his cheek shyly with his finger. A small spot of red appeared on his cheeks after he spoke.

"Of course," Deltune blurted out eagerly and covered her mouth quickly. "I mean, if that's what you want," She rephrased her sentence shyly, but her eagerness had already been expressed. Sona chuckled softly and walked past Deltune and into the living room. The kitchen and dining area were in the same room as the living area. Two keys were sitting on the table in front of the couch. Sona picked up both keys and pocketed one of them for himself.

"Del, catch," Sona called out to her and gently chucked the key to her. Deltune looked up and caught her key easily. "Where do we find money for our expenses?" Sona asked and looked to Deltune as they went to leave their room.

"The Academy gives us enough to start out with, but after that, we have to start taking on bounties from the board inside the school. They are sorted out by difficulty and rewards. We will be assigned a rank once the school gets a feel for our powers and strength. It stands to reason that the more difficult the bounty, the higher the reward," Deltune explained as the two of them left and locked the door behind them.