
Reincarnation: Is this really happening?

Seth is a 35-year old loser stuck at a dead end job. He wasted his youth in a vain attempt to stay popular, forgoing his studies just to party. Seth, like many others, regrets the path he chose himself. He wished everyday for a chance to prove his life was worth something, but such things only happen in fairy tales...right?

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43 Chs

Sona's New Life

Sona grunted softly as his eyes slowly fluttered open. "Where...?" Sona groaned as his hand moved to his side. 'Ouch. That stings.' He grimaced. Sona looked around the area. "Master?" He called out softly and tried to sit up. "Mmm," He groaned again but managed to lift his body up. "She sure didn't pull any punches, huh," Sona muttered and rose to his feet. He heard several voices coming from inside his Master's house. 'I wonder who came to visit my Master?' He staggered towards the door still woozy from the fight. His hand gripped his side tightly as he kept staggering forward.

"I'm glad Sona was able to meet some kind people. Please take care of him. His life hasn't been an easy one. I ask in his place for your friendship."

Sona paused at the door when he heard his Master speak of him so sweetly. 'But who in Arzotz name is she speaking with?' Sona thought to himself.

"Obvious statement. We are already friends. I will one day bear his child."

'I recognize that emotionless voice. Konotsune? What does she mean bear my child? She must be joking.' He continued thinking to himself but his thoughts were interrupted by another familiar voice. Despite his attempts, Sona could not prevent himself from eavesdropping some more.

"That's right. Sona is already my friend and he will be my future husband."

"Aside from the marriage part, I agree with them. Sona is the first guy friend I made since moving here. I know we haven't been together long, but all of us consider him our friend."

'Elandeli and even Jaesu, too? I can't believe I actually have real friends who care about me now. I'm happy.' Sona thought to himself as tears started to form at the corners of his eyes.

"I, too, will become Sona's wife and bear his future children." Deltune's words caught him the most off guard. Sona thought for sure his heart would explode.

"Del, you really feel that way, as well? Why? I'm useless. You know about my past the most. So how could someone like you care about a good for nothing man. What if I can't make you all happy?" Sona spoke as he finally worked up the courage to walk through the door.

"Sona! You doing alright man? Miss Saphira beat you up pretty good," Jaesu said jokingly to his friend.

Deltune, Elandeli, and Konotsune walked over to Sona noticing the tears in his eyes. The three women surrounded him and held him tight.

"You aren't useless, Sona. I can already feel how much stronger you've become thanks to Saphira. I may not like her clinging to you, but I can admit that she is teaching you well," Deltune placed her hands on his cheeks and wiped away his tears. "Smile. You have three beautiful women throwing themselves at you."

"Affirmation. Deltune is right. We will make sure you are happy and we will help protect you. Addition. Whatever happened in your past doesn't change anything, you aren't alone anymore," Konotsune's emotionless voice was the same as ever, but behind her words, Sona felt kindness from them.

"She's right, darling. We will become strong enough to protect you together. We will fight together. Doesn't sound like to bad of an arrangement now, does it?" Elandeli teased him with her words, but he knew she spoke from her heart. Despite her seductive nature, Ellie was a gentle soul to her core.

"I don't feel like I really deserve this, but if that's how you three truly feel, I'll do my best to make each of you happy. All I ask is for time to get know you more and let me learn more about myself. When that time comes, I will make each of you truly happy," Sona used his hands to pat the top of each of their heads.

"I think the three of us can agree to that," Deltune smiled softly and stood on her tippy toes to kiss Sona's cheek. Elandeli and Konotsune both kissed either side of his cheek at the same time.

"Well I won't be left out, ladies," Saphira walked over and grabbed Sona's chin gently. She pulled his head down and leaned forward to whisper in his ear. "After three years as my student, I won't be your teacher anymore. When that time comes, I'll become your wife, too," Saphira kissed his cheek and turned around to walk away chuckling softly.

Sona's face turned deep red as he scratched his cheek shyly. "I'll be waiting for that time to come, Master," He replied sheepishly and looked at the three girls embracing him. "Can we finish hugging later? I'm sorry but I'm completely famished," Sona whispered shyly.

The three girls reluctantly agreed and pulled away from his arms. "Jaesu, I've never had a guy friend before, so I hope you'll be patient with me as I learn the ropes to this friendship thing," Sona sat down at the table as Elandeli, Konotsune, and Deltune returned to their seats.

"No worries man, though I gotta say, I kind of hate you right now, dude. You got these fine women drooling for you. How did you do it man?" Jaesu spoke up and rubbed his head furiously. "Either way, Deltune can we eat? After all, Sona's awake now," Jaesu pleaded for the food Deltune had brought.

"I said Sona got first dibs, remember?" Deltune reached over and pinched Jaesu's cheek hard. "Now, Sona. Eat your fill!" Deltune put the wooden box on the table and removed the lid.

"Owowow. Deltune you're hurting my face!" Jaesu shouted and watched as she put the food on the table.

"Oh, it smells so good, Deltune. I'm sure Sona will love your cooking," Saphira complimented her rival and smiled.

"You're more than welcome to join us. We are using your house after all," Deltune watched as Sona grabbed several different sandwiches and placed them in front of him. 'I hope you enjoy them, my sweet Sona.' Deltune thought and watched as every one began to dig into their own food.

"Mm. Del, your cooking is amazing. I know they are just sandwiches but you did very well. Ah, I could eat like this everyday," Sona sighed happily as he continued to dig into the many sandwiches before him.

'He could...eat like this everyday?' Deltune's face lit up like a Christmas tree as she fainted to the ground.

"My, my, Sona, you are quite the ladies man," Saphira teased and watched Deltune quickly jump back to her feet. She slapped both her cheeks at the same time and stood there grinning ear to ear. "Well, at least you spring back as easily as you fall, Deltune," Saphira stuck her tongue out at the blue haired beauty. Deltune returned the action and stuck her own tongue out at Saphira. The two of them started laughing as Sona looked up from finishing his food.

'Good. I'm glad their relationship is improving. Master has been alone for so long. I'm happy to see her smile.' Sona thought to himself and blushed when he caught Saphira staring at him. She smiled sweetly at Sona. 'Oh, gods. I hope she can't read minds.' He thought to himself and looked around the room. "We should have invited Miss Valindra," Sona said out loud and a sharp knock came on the door behind them.

"I didn't forget her, Sona," Deltune walked back and opened the door. In stepped their beautiful Elven teacher.

"Miss Valindra. I'm glad you could make it. I'm sorry I haven't been around lately. A few things came up," Sona spoke as she joined them at the table.

"Yes, I'm well aware. We know -he- showed up and Headmaster Hawthorne is taking care of some special arrangements. Which is why I must speak with all of you. You included, Saphira," Valindra's face held a stern expression and the air around her was very tense.

"What's got your panties in a twist, Valindra?" Saphira questioned crudely and grinned. She always loved messing with this elf woman.

"How crass. I see your manners haven't improved. This is serious, Saphira. Eslios appeared on the school grounds," Valindra warned Saphira but she merely yawned at the news.

"I'm well aware he presented himself. I know who is after. That's why I've taken precautions of my own," Saphira informed Valindra and turned her attention to Sona.

"I'm sorry, but when you say Eslios, you can't be talking about the God Of Death, Eslios, right?" Jaesu blurted out and looked at the two teachers.

"They are telling the truth, Jaesu," Sona admitted and decided to clear his guilty conscience. "Eslios," Sona paused and looked around the room before continuing. "He's after me. The only way he will stop coming after me, is if I'm dead," Sona admitted and the room went quiet.

"Query. Sona, why is he coming after you? Please tell us," Konotsune inquired and every one looked at Sona.

"I suppose I should start at the beginning," Sona took a deep breathe.

"Sona," Del whispered his name in fear of what he would say.

Sona started at the beginning. He told them how he wasn't born in this world. He told them of how he was killed and then reborn in this world. He left out the parts about Deltune's involvement. That wasn't necessary. He then described his encounter with Eslios and told them of Arzotz appearance.

"Well, that's everything. So, questions?" Sona looked around the room for a moment. It seemed like everyone understood most of the explanation.

"Darling, I'm sorry you were killed. This may be selfish, but I'm glad, because it gave us the chance to meet you," Elandeli was the first to break the silence.

"Man, Sona. You got the devil's luck. Both good and bad stick to you like glue," Jaesu rubbed the back of his head. "But look, you're my friend man. I'll watch your back. I'll become strong and when I do, I will become your sword and shield," Jaesu proclaimed confidently and gave his best friend a thumbs up.

"Confirmation. You need us, yes? I shall lend whatever power at my disposal to you, future husband," Konotsune gave her input to the group discussion.

"Good. I'm glad you all wish to assist Sona. That will make this next part easier to understand. For the safety of Sona, and for the safety of those he calls friends, we are assigning a private house for you all to live in together. Safety in numbers is a good stratagem. Saphira will be required to move in with you, as well. She can guarantee your safety," Valindra finished her explanation and looked at the others.

"This will be just like living in the dorms. Each room is coed with separate sleeping quarters. You may keep your current roommate or swap if you find someone willing to trade. Please gather your belongings from your rooms and meet me here," Valindra pulled out a map of Dragon Peak Academy. She circled an area in the map five miles north of Saphira's current house. "Now, dismissed," Valindra barked out orders and herded them around so quickly that nobody had time to react.

Thirty minutes later, all five students stood outside the forest once more. "They seriously set us up in a private dorm? This is gonna be sweet," Sona said to the others who nodded in agreement.

"It seems like they are giving you preferential treatment after finding out you're destined to be our saviour," Deltune piped in her own comment. They would still share rooms. Deltune wouldn't trade for anything.

They all set off on their five mile hike to their new home. After some time, the path cleared and left enough room to walk without struggling through the brush. Some time later, they came upon the new building they would call time. "I guess this is the start of a new chapter in my life," Sona commented.

"-Our- new life, Sona," Deltune, Elandeli, and Konotsune corrected him and all five of them started laughing.