
Reincarnation: Is this really happening?

Seth is a 35-year old loser stuck at a dead end job. He wasted his youth in a vain attempt to stay popular, forgoing his studies just to party. Seth, like many others, regrets the path he chose himself. He wished everyday for a chance to prove his life was worth something, but such things only happen in fairy tales...right?

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43 Chs

Myrefall's Struggles (2)

"What's so funny, Junichi?" Sona shot his familiar a sideways glance.

"Nothing at all, Master. Come on. They've had more than enough time to prepare for our arrival. Best not to keep them in suspense." Junichi took the lead now and kept his head moving from left to right and back again. 'I must stay on alert now, for his safety.'

'I wonder what the Elder said to him.' Sona thought to himself. He quickly shook those thoughts from his mind. 'I can't think about that right now. A fragment of Eslios? Isn't that how Atsuhide became possessed? Then...' Sona clenched his fist tightly. 'There will be a lot of death and destruction if I can't destroy this fragment. I hope Jaesu made it back alright...'

A portal opened up inside Dragon Peak Academy as a young boy with green hair burst through the portal.

"It's you." The receptionist looked up as the student came barreling into the Academy. "I'm glad you returned. I found out..." Her voice faded when the portal closed and nobody else came through the Gate. "Where are the others?"

"They stayed behind. The Barkeep told us the truth, but Sona he..." Jaesu exhaled heavily, trying to catch his breath. "He couldn't leave the Village of Myrefall alone. He kept going with the mission."

'Oh, no.' The lady ran her hand backwards through her hair. "Okay. Go tell Headmaster Hawthorne. I'll assemble a team of seniors to send after them. I can't believe they would be foolish enough to think they could handle this on their own." She snapped her fingers and three little fairies appeared. "Take these to the Senior Dorms. Find the first three you can and bring them here immediately." She handed the faeries a small letter each. With their orders known, the fairies set out to complete their tasks.

"Thank you. I'm heading to see the Headmaster!" Jaesu dashed off down the hall after he got his second wind. 'Hold on, Sona!'

Headmaster Hawthorne was busy reviewing the documents that littered his desk. One hand stroking his massive graying beard.

The door to his office burst open as Jaesu sprinted inside. "Headmaster!"

"Ah, the young Brunfar Prince. What can I help you with?" Hawthorne's eyes peeked over the paper in his hand. "What has happened?" He questioned as he recognized the look of panic in Jaesu's eyes.

"Sona. We took on a bounty, but the village couldn't afford more than a two star bounty, so they lied about their troubles. Sona couldn't leave them like that, even though they had lied. He's there now, trying to take down a necromancer!" Jaesu half shouted as he explained the situation as quick and thoroughly as he was able.

"Hm. I see. Well, I wouldn't worry to much, young prince. We just finished going over Sona's abilities. It took us this long to properly evaluate his powers. His abilities qualify him to undertake 8 Star Bounty Requests." Hawthorne leaned back in his chair slowly. "He is, however, undisciplined and lacks the real world experience to undertake such quests, but his abilities are strong enough to qualify him. I'm sure my staff is taking steps as we speak to secure Mr. Harata. Would you like to join them in this recovery effort?"

"You would...allow my assistance...?" Jaesu looked up and locked eyes with Hawthorne. "Then, I will go back to aid my friend."

"Good. Before you go," Hawthorne leaned down and scribbled a note on two separate pieces of paper. "Give one of these to Sona, and make sure he gives the other to Saphira. I'm sure the news written there will make them both unbelievablely happy."

'Unbelievablely...happy...?' Jaesu thought and gently took the notes from the Headmaster. "Of course. I'll be taking my leave, then, Headmaster." Jaesu bowed and then dashed from the office, back towards his friend.

'Saphira. I'm happy you found someone, finally. Live a happy life with him. Ah, to be young. Sona, you better treat her right.' He paused for a moment. 'Ha. Who am I kidding? She would just swallow him whole if he was unworthy.' Hawthorne laughed at his own joke. "I give you my blessings, my young wards."

Junichi and Sona reached the edge of the forest, the mouth of the cave just out of reach. "It's to open. We would never get close without being seen." Sona whispered softly to his familiar.

"Indeed. Hm." Junichi scanned his eyes side to side. 'There must be something we could use as a cover.'

Sona eyed the cave and kept his focus centered on the opening. "They don't have guards posted. Do you think they believe nobody would come snooping around?"

"It's plausible. He is a Necromancer and the villagers all seemed aware of the danger. He probably thought they wouldn't be brave enough to test him." Junichi nodded in agreement with his Master's theory.

"Should we risk it, Junichi...?" Sona questioned as he tried to mull over several ideas.

"Let's be patient, Master. We should wait and observe the cave for at least an hour." Junichi let out a soft sigh as he leaned his back against a nearby tree, the bushes in front of him masking his body.

"Very well." Sona sat down on the ground and crossed his legs. 'Maybe I should call out to Baenthor...'

'You called for me, Partner?' Baenthor's voice rang loud and clear inside his mind.

'Oh, I can't believe that actually worked...' Sona replied in disbelief.

'Our connection gives you power over myself and my domain. Speak my name and I will heed your call. Now, what troubles you, youngling?' Baenthor yawned softly.

'I've taken on my first mission.' Sona sighed and shook his head. 'Maybe I was being to impatient. If I had waited longer...'

'Impatiance isn't always a bad thing, child. Given what your future holds, it is necessary for you to take certain risks. Rest easy, young one. I peered inside your memory, I understand the situation. Forgive me for doing so without your consent. However...' Baenthor paused and Sona thought he could feel this Ancient Dragon grin.

'You have something in mind, huh, Baenthor?' Sona grinned with him.

'Quite possibly. Now listen well. You must draw the undead towards you. Trying to assail a mine, with no guide and no map, against an undetermined amount of enemies would be suicide. Lure them out and destroy them, but you must try to rely only on your physical prowess. Your mana must be conserved for the battle ahead. Do you understand?' Baenthor instructed his new rider and partner.

'I do. Thank you, Baenthor. When can we meet? I'm anxious to actually see you.' Sona questioned as he tried to chat up his companion.

'Soon. By the time you return from your mission, I will be prepared. Stay safe, Sona Harata. I am anxious to meet you, as well.' Baenthor bid goodbye to Sona, and once again, he was left alone with his own thoughts.

"What did he have to say, Master?" Junichi eyed Sona.

"Our best bet is to draw them out from the cave. Lure them to us and destroy them." Sona repeated his partner's words.

"An ambush. I see. Not a bad call. Perhaps we could lure him out." Junichi added, referring to the mastermind behind the occupation of the mine.

"I'll be relying on you a lot, brother. I must conserve all the Mana that I can for the Necromancer. Forgive me for burdening you in such a way." Sona bowed his head.

"Your burdens are mine to bear, Master. I will protect you, even if it costs me my life. That is the my task. Fear not, though, Master. I have no intention of dying and missing your marriage to my darling sister." Junichi teased his Master and grinned as he tried to take his mind off the coming battle.

"M-marriage..." Sona stumbled over the word and his cheeks tinged pink. "I suppose that is true..." He scratched his cheek shyly and stared down at the ground. 'I couldn't even get a girlfriend in my world, but here...' The faces of all his lovers, Del, Konotsune and Elandeli, Sulris, Ayame, Subaru and Saphira filled his mind. 'Lend me your strength, ladies.'

Junichi eyed his Master as a slight smirk graced his lips. 'Good. Remember who is important to you. Let their thoughts and feelings give you strength, my Master.'

Sona looked up at Junichi and smiled softly before inhaling deeply.

"I guess it's time." Junichi rose to his feet and dusted himself off. He slipped one hand into the pocket on his coat and pulled out a pair of black leather gloves. He finished his task as a loud scream bellowed out from his Master.

Sona's voice echoed deep into the caves and filled the mine with his deep voice.

[One Hour Earlier]

The three fairies who had been dispatched to the Senior Dorms frantically searched the empty rooms. Laughter echoed down the halls and the three fairies looked at each other before rushing towards the voices.

"Azutoshi, stop. You're killing me." A female voice could be heard before laughter echoed soon after.

"Hotaru, you're so loud." Another female voice could heard.

"Lem, try to lighten up. You're always so serious." The female voice replied.

The three fairies flew into the room and each of them dropped a letter in the students laps before vanishing from view.

"What the hell...?" The young man picked up the note that was dropped on him.

To Any Seniors.

Three Upper Class Students are needed for an Emergency Five Star Bounty. Two of our students were fed false information about the difficulties of what was supposed to be a Two Star Bounty. Report to the Gate room immediately upon receiving this letter.

Receptionist Claire.

"Tch. Those damn villagers." The young man crumpled up the paper. His blonde hair was pulled into a top knot as he rose to his feet. The ends were dip dyed a deep indigo shade. "Lem. Hotaru. Let's go, ladies."

"Right behind you, Azutoshi." A young golden brown girl rose to her feet. Her short blonde hair was lightly gelled and she had on pastel eyeliner.

"Hurry up, Azu." A tan skinned woman with red hair stood by the door, her silver cat ears and tail twitched happily.

[Back at the Gate Room]

Jaesu was waiting by the desk with the Receptionist when three older students approached.

"Claire, we are here to assist our junior." The girl with the cat ears and tail rushed forward.

"Who's the plain looking guy with green hair?" The tall girl beside Azutoshi questioned.

"I don't know, Lem. Never met him before." Azutoshi exhaled slowly. 'Hotaru, you need to learn some patience.' The young man thought to himself.

'A cat girl...and...' Jaesu looked to the girl beside the man as they walked towards them. 'Hm. They both look like delinquents.' Jaesu thought as he eyed the piercing on the man's chin and the exquisite tattoo on the girl's upper thigh. "You guys are here to help?" Jaesu questioned and extended his hand towards the cat girl. "I'm Jaesu."

"I'm Hotaru!" The cat girl cheered and grabbed hold of Jaesu's hand. She shook his hand up and down energetically. "That's Lem and he's Azutoshi!" Hotaru introduced her two young companions.

"You can't expect me to remember everyone's name, but..." Azutoshi rubbed the back of his neck. "Who's in trouble?"

"My friend, Sona. He stayed behind to try and help Myrefall." Jaesu replied after he finally managed to pry his hand from Hotaru's vice like grip.

"Oh, I've heard of him. The boy who can wield five elements, if the rumors and papers speak true, anyway." Lem replied in disbelief. 'Five elements? What does this school take us for?' She mentally scoffed at the idea.

"Well, they say he managed to cast a Level 10 Incantation on his first try. I don't think that's something you can just make up." Hotaru replied happily. 'If that's true, then maybe he could help me.' She thought to herself.

"Enough you two. Doesn't matter what's true and what's fiction. He is in danger. That is very real. We can sort the rest out later." Azutoshi commanded and reigned in the ladies. "We are ready, Claire. Please open the Gate to Myrefall."

"Boo. You are always so serious, Azu." Hotaru pouted.

"True." Lem agreed. 'But I suppose...that is what made me fall for him.' She thought this last part to herself.

"I'm going, too. I know where they were headed last." Jaesu stepped up beside them as Claire activated the Gate spell.

"All of you come back alive, with Sona, you hear?" Claire commanded, but there was a hint of worry in her voice. 'I hope they are both okay. This is all my fault.'

[At the Same Time - Inside The Myrefall Mines]

A loud scream echoed down the shafts and reverberated off the walls.

"What in Eslios' Name is that horrible racket?!" A cloaked figured nearly spat out his heart in rage. "Go, now!" He commanded as several shadowy figures began shuffling from the mines to follow their Master's orders.

[Outside The Mine]

"There." Sona breathed and stood up straight. "If that didn't get his attention, then I don't know what will." He reached behind his back and pulled out a small dagger. 'Tch. When I get more Gold, I'm upgrading to a better blade.' He thought to himself.

'Master bought that so he wouldn't need to rely only on his magic. Without my sister here, he would be unarmed otherwise.' Junichi thought to himself as he eyed the small dagger. "Master. They are coming. No point in hiding now because the undead can sense the life forces of the living." Junichi stepped from behind the trees and out into the clearing to await the undead.

"I suppose you are correct." Sona nodded and stepped out from the shadows of the bushes he hid behind. 'Arzotz, watch over us.' He said a small prayer as the shuffle of bone and metal armor could be heard creeping ever closer.

"They're here." Junichi rushed forward as a wave of skeleton's in Iron armor shuffled out of the mine entrance. "Return to dust!" He shouted as he jumped off the ground slightly. His body twisted as he swept his right leg to the left, cleanly knocking the first skeleton's head off its shoulders with a swift mid air roundhouse.

The head rolled and the body dropped to the ground. "Remove their heads, Master. It's wear the core that animates and controls them resides." Junichi advised and rushed another nearby skeleton. Two quick jabs followed by a left hook saw to removing that skeleton's head, as well.

"Right." Sona replied and raised his dagger in time to block another skeleton's advance when it tried to slice at him. "Disgusting creature." Sona kicked his leg forward and knocked the skeleton away, putting some distance between them. "Find peace in the embrace of the Gods." Sona ducked low and dashed forward. Flipping the dagger around and holding it backwards, Sona jumped towards his target. Copying his familiar's action, Sona spun in a circle, swirling the dagger around, he lopped off the head of his enemy. "Junichi, how are you faring?" Sona looked up in time to see Junichi pry off the last skeleton's head with his bare hands. 'Sheesh. Remind me to never piss him off.' Sona thought and scratched his cheek nervously.

"That's it for now. However, I doubt that was the last of them." Junichi commented and dusted himself off. "I don't hear any more movement from the entrance. Should we keep moving forward, Master?"

"Yes. I'm counting on you, brother." Sona stepped up behind Junichi. "Lead the way, but first..." Sona extended his hand forward. "Illumination." He chanted and a small flame appeared in his open palm. The flame leaped from his outstretched hand and started hovering above them slowly.

"Master, what's that?" Junichi questioned in awe.

"A little spell I've been trying to perfect. It puts out a bright light strong enough to see up to thirty feet, and it doesn't require much mana to maintain. I thought something like this might come in handy." Sona boasted with pride and grinned.

'A one worded Incantation? He still manages to surprise me, even now.' Junichi grinned at his thoughts. "I am proud of you, my Master." Junichi started walking forward and into the dark mines that awaited them.

[Back in Myrefall]

The Gate in the center of the village opened, a portal was created and four students with similar attire emerged.

"What a small village." Azutoshi commented as he walked through the portal first.

"Azu, be nice." Hotaru chided the delinquent looking boy.

"Cut him some slack, Hotaru. You know how he gets. He's just worried about our underclassmen." Lem replied as she rushed to Azutoshi's defense.

'These three seem awfully close.' Jaesu thought as he followed in line behind them.

"Where to, Jaesu?" Hotaru questioned as she turned around to face the young crown prince.

"We stopped by the Round Table Tavern after an altercation with the bandits who are assisting the evil mage. It's there, near the edge of town." Jaesu pointed to the small Tavern run by the gnome, Zanbar.

"That's our first stop." Azutoshi nodded and began making his way towards the tavern.

"I sure 'ope that young boy is alright." The small gnome sighed as he finished wiping down the counter. 'What have we done...?' He sighed mentally as the door to his tavern was opened. 'Welcome, sit anywhere you--" Zanbar paused when he noticed the four students enter together. "Yer that young student who was here with Sona. What's going on?" He questioned as he looked at the three new students.

"We have come to rescue our comrade." Azutoshi replied and stepped forward. "This is Lem and Hotaru. We are 3rd Year students at Dragon Peak Academy. Please tell us everything."

The four students sat down as Zanbar began to explain everything. The situation, where he had sent the other two, and everything he could think of to help these students save his new favorite customer.