
Reincarnation: Is this really happening?

Seth is a 35-year old loser stuck at a dead end job. He wasted his youth in a vain attempt to stay popular, forgoing his studies just to party. Seth, like many others, regrets the path he chose himself. He wished everyday for a chance to prove his life was worth something, but such things only happen in fairy tales...right?

Otaku_Central · Kỳ huyễn
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43 Chs

Lunchtime [2] | Two Months Later

"Please let us know if you need anything." She looked to Sona. "Especially if you want something, cutie." She purred and reached her hand out, caressing his cheek with the back of her hand as she left.

Sona's face turned red and he went speechless. A pair of hands reached out and pinched his cheeks hard. "Owowow!" Sona complained as the hands pulled his cheeks apart. "Deltune. Why?" Sona rubbed his cheeks.

"I just didn't want that going to your head. You have plenty of women now. Are we not enough for you?" Deltune pouted.

"Indeed. Does your lust know no bounds, Sona?" Sulris avoided looking at her fiancee.

"I didn't even do anything, though." Sona pouted and hung his head in defeat.

"Aren't all men lustful and insatiable?" A familiar voice called out from behind the group.

"Hey, it's Sona's familiar. Subaru, right?" Toshi smiled and waved. She waved back at Toshi.

"Subaru, my sweet familiar, I thought you were supposed to stick up for me? Why are you picking on me, too?" Sona reprimanded as Subaru's arms looped around his neck from behind. "Besides, you should know I'm different. I'm not like that." Though, that isn't to say that the thought never crossed his mind. He had so many lovers now, how was he not supposed to day dream about sleeping with them?

"I know you're different, my darling student. I'll always defend your honor." Saphira smiled at Sona.

"You spoil him to much, Saphira." Konotsune stuck her tongue out at Sona's Master.

"Be nice, Sister." Elandeli grabbed Kono's ear and pulled.

"Ow. That hurts, sister." Konotsune complained.

"Haha. It's always entertaining around you guys." Artemisia giggled and clapped her hands. "I'm glad we all became friends."

"Me, too! It's so nice to have other girls to speak with." Aki piped up.

"I'm glad you all think so. My Master is still very inexperienced in matters of the heart, though, so I'd like to ask for your continued patience and support." Junichi appeared beside them and had one arm folded across his chest. He bowed deeply.

"Always quick to play damage control, huh, big brother?" Sona looked to Junichi and smirked. "Thank you." He mouthed those words to his familiar.

"Big..." Subaru started to speak.

"...brother...?" Ayame finished Subaru's sentence.

"That's right. Sona and I have become sworn brothers. I look out for him, and he does the same." Junichi smiled at his Master. "We had our own conversation while you ladies had yours."

"Oh, right. What did you guys talk about?" Sona was curious and turned to face his lovers.

"Oh, Saphira just invited us to a two week training camp when summer break starts." Deltune left out the other part of the conversation and blushed.

"That's right. In two months, we will be leaving for that camp. You'll hardly recognize them, I promise." Saphira smiled.

"In that case, could I ask Subaru to join you? Just to put my mind at ease. Not that you couldn't handle anything, Master. Just a personal request." Sona looked to Subaru who was still holding him.

"I'm okay with that if they don't mind, Master." Subaru kissed Sona's cheek.

"I'm fine with it. A second teacher would help me anyway, so I was going to ask you at some point." Saphira agreed to his request. "Okay. Let's order. I'm starving."

"Excuse me. We're ready to order." Sona called to the maid who had been flirting with him.

"What would you like, cutie?" She smiled and winked at him flirtatiously.

"We would like twelve teas and twelve Rice Omelettes." Elandeli spoke up and smirked at the maid. 'I won't make it easy for you.' She thought.

"Good choice, sis. I hope you guys love it. The rice omelette is their house special." Konotsune grinned to her sister. 'Nice block, sis.' Konotsune thought to herself.

"Okay. Twelve teas and twelve Rice Omelettes. Coming up." She smiled and turned on her heels as she sighed softly under her breath.

"Thank you, Ellie. I was totally unsure of what to order." Artemisia giggled.

"Yes. Thank you. I've never been here before so I was at a loss." Aki smiled as the maid came back with their teas on a huge tray. "Ah. This smells so good."

Sona put a little bit of honey into his tea and took a sip. "Wow..." He closed his eyes and sighed happily. "I haven't had a cup of tea this great in a long time." He smiled and continued to sip happily on his tea.

"Mm. That is good!" Ayame smiled.

"Indeed. I didn't know you could get tea to taste like this." Sulris nodded in agreement.

'Hehe. He's so cute. I'm glad he's having a good time. Things won't stay this peaceful forever. Sona, I'll always have your back. Even through the turbulent times that may lay ahead of you.' Subaru thought as she squeezed Sona's chest.

"Ah, Subaru." Sona blushed. "Sit next to me and enjoy your tea." Sona tried to persuade her off him. 'Not that I don't mind this, I'm still just not used to all this affection, especially in public.' Sona hid his face in her long, chestnut hair. 'She smells...so nice...'

"Okay." Subaru pouted and retreated from their embrace. She sat beside him and started sipping on her tea. "Oh, yeah. Sona, where is Jaesu? He couldn't join us today?"

"Hmm. Oh, no. He went home for the rest of the week. Something came up at home so he had to go back. He should return sooner or later." Sona hoped everything was okay with his friend.

"Here we go. Twelve rice omelettes." Three maids came bearing their food this time. Each member of the group had a plate placed in front of them. "Made with love and care!" The three of them said happily and each made a small heart with their hands. "Please enjoy. Masters." They bowed and then left as quickly as they arrived.

"Well, that was...interesting, to say the least." Junichi watched them leave and shook his head, chuckling the whole time. "What do you say, Sona? Let's dig in." Junichi picked up his spoon and started cutting into the amazing cuisine in front of him.

"Hm. Sounds good, Junichi." Sona nodded as everyone else started digging into their own plates.

Thirty minutes later.

"Oh, wow. I think I ate to much." Toshi complained as everyone finished their own plates.

"I told you not to rush. You know you get tummy aches if you eat to quickly." Aki chastised her brother.

"Whew. Ellie, this was a good idea. Thank you for bringing us here. It almost reminded me of home." Sona smiled at the pink haired beauty.

"I'm so glad you enjoyed it, my darling. That makes me happy." Elandeli giggled sweetly.

"Okay. I have to leave now. I've got plans and arrangements to make for the training camp. Subaru, would you like to come assist me?" Saphira stood up slowly and stretched her arms above her head, yawning softly.

"Master, is that alright?" Subaru looked to Sona and he nodded. "Okay, Master. I'll be back later." She pouted softly and kissed her Master's cheek.

"Do try to get along, ladies." Sona smiled and rubbed his cheek. "Do as she asks, okay? And be nice."

Subaru stuck her tongue out at Sona as the two of them made their exit.

"Sona. What now?" Ayame wrapped her arm around Sona's left forearm.

"Now we go home and study. Then I'm going to take a long, hot soak. Today has been so outlandish. I just want to sleep the rest of today." He scratched the back of his head softly. "Aki, Toshi, Artemesia. Thanks for joining us. It was nice getting to hang out with friends for the first time. See you guys in class tomorrow?" Sona stood up slowly, so did Junichi and the five girls. "Dinner is my treat." Sona laid enough silver to pay for their dinner and left a tip for the cute maids.

"Ah, no, that's not--" Aki went to interject but it was already to late. Sona had already placed the money for the meal and tip. She watched the lively group leave and smiled softly. 'You sure are a strange one, Sona. Just who are you?' She pondered as the three students that were left slowly made their own exit.

Later that night, Sona sat outside in the hot springs, soaking up the warm night air. "Ahh. Seriously, I could do this every night for the rest of my life and still never get bored of this sight." He smiled as he watched the moon slowly drift across the night sky. The rings around the moon were especially bright tonight. The sound of a door sliding open filled the night, but Sona was to deep in thought. "Baenthor. Are you there?" Silence. "How long does he need to rest?" Sona sighed heavily. "There's just so much information that I need, but I've been left totally in the dark. I hope he responds soon."

The water shifted as another person slipped into the bath and started making waves as they walked towards Sona.

"Man, other then lack of information, this place is paradise. And the women..." He closed his eyes slowly. The movement behind him ceased for a moment. "I don't deserve all of them, but after everything we've been through, I couldn't imagine a life without them."

"S-Sona..." The voice from behind him startled Sona and he went to turn around quickly.

His face planted firmly between two soft, cushiony pillows. "U-ummm...." He looked up slowly and froze. "K-Kono..tsune..." His face lit up bright red and he went to withdraw quickly.

"S...Sona..." She sobbed softly and wrapped her arms around his neck, his face now buried in her chest. Her tears ran down her face and hit Sona's shoulder.

'She...she's crying...?' Sona looked up as a few more tears hit his face. "Kono, please don't cry." He wrapped his arms around her waist and gave in for now. His face was buried between her breasts and his cheeks were tinged red. 'This is so embarrassing, but she needs me right now.' He held onto the silver haired vampire for awhile and let her cry.

Several minutes later, Konotsune managed to calm herself down enough to realize she was holding her lover's face between her breasts. "Ah, Sona..." She quickly let go and ducked her body into the water, using her arms to cover her small chest.

"Konotsune..." Sona crawled over to the side and grabbed a spare towel he brought. He returned to her side and draped the towel over her back. He took a seat behind her and pressed his back against Konotsune. "Are you...okay?"

"Mm." She nodded as she pulled the towel around her body and tied it tightly. "I'm sorry." She sniffed and placed her hand on the tiled floor of the springs.

"For what?" Sona blushed and placed his hand on top of her hand.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but when you said you couldn't imagine your life without us, it just...made me so happy. It felt so great to hear that I was needed..." She squeezed Sona's hand. "I never thought I would open up my heart like this again..."

"Again? What happened?" Sona caressed her hand lovingly with his thumb.

"Can you...ask me again next time? I'm sorry. It's just...hard to talk about." She turned her head around and kissed Sona's shoulder. "I'm hungry, Sona."

"Okay. I won't push the issue if you aren't comfortable." He shivered when she kissed his shoulder. "Okay. Help yourself." Sona tilted his head to the side as Konotsune sank her teeth into his shoulder.

After feeding for a few minutes, Konotsune withdrew her fangs. The two puncture marks once again sealed like when Ellie fed. "How does that work?" Sona asked and rubbed the spot she had bit. Nothing was different.

"Our fangs secrete a special compound that speeds up the bodies natural healing. It helps if the people we feed on don't die." Konotsune joked and started giggling under her breath.

"Are you...laughing?" Sona turned around, astonished. "That's the first time I've heard you genuinely laugh." Sona smiled and gently rubbed the top of her head. "Laughter and a smile are very cute on you. You should do it more often."

"Cute...me...?" Konotsune chewed on her bottom lip and went back to her usual self.

"Hey. Don't." Sona grabbed her chin gently and lifted her gaze to meet his mismatched eyes. "You are cute. Gorgeous, even." He caressed her cheek with his thumb. "You don't need to keep secrets from me, Konotsune. What's going through your mind?"

"I..." She sighed and closed her eyes. Placing her hand over Sona's, she pressed his palm firmly against her cheek. "I don't want to grow close to you, because I don't want to go through the pain of losing someone else."

"Someone else?" Sona kissed her forehead gently. "I won't die. I'll grow so strong that even the Gods in heaven will tremble at the mere mention of my name!" Sona stood up from the bath and pointed towards the Heavens. "That's right, Arzotz! I'll become stronger than you! And then I will love and protect these women for eternity!!" Sona shouted into the night and made this declaration to the heavens.

"Sona..." Konotsune covered her mouth as several snickers protruded from behind her hand. "I...I can't..do it..." Konotsune burst into laughter and her hands covered her sides as she rocked back and forth. "I...I can't believe you did something so overwhelmingly embarrassing. I can't take it. My sides hurt so much." She continued laughing as she wiped away a tear from her eyes. "Oh, wow."

"There." Sona sat down and smiled happily at her. "That stunt was meant to make you feel better, so some embarrassment on my part is a small price to pay for your happiness."

Inside the women's changing room, Ellie stood by the door to the hot springs. "He really is something else. I don't know how he can still surprise me like that. I'm just glad he was able to bring Kono out of her shell again, even if only for a little bit. She needed someone like you, Sona. No deed I complete for you will ever be enough to repay you, but I'll spend my whole life trying, my darling." Ellie smiled and turned around to leave. "For tonight, I shall let you have him all to yourself, dear sister."

"You did that..just for me..?" She smiled softly and gently poked Sona's nose. "That was sweet, dear."

"It was meant to be serious." He joked and kissed her finger gently. "Well, I'm gonna head inside. I need to finish up some of these books I borrowed from the library. See you inside?"

Konotsune giggled softly when he kissed her finger. 'He is so gentle and kind.' She thought to herself as she watched him leave. "I love you." She whispered softly and turned her back to him quickly. She ducked down into the water and hid her face.

Sona froze in place and his face lit up bright red. "And I-I..." Sona stumbled over his words. "I-I love you." He whispered softly and dashed into the men's changing room, panting heavily.

Konotsune giggled happily as Sona dashed away. "I'm so embarrassed...but he was, too. Hehehe." She giggled happily to herself several more times.

"Ho-ho-holy shit. She caught me totally off guard. I've never..." Sona breathed heavily as he placed his hand over his racing heart. "Whew. That's definitely a first for me. I know we mentioned love a couple of times, but she came right out and said it to me. I feel like my heart is about to burst." Sona collapsed to the ground to catch his breath.

"Ah, Master." The door leading into the main hall swung open and Junichi stepped inside. "Are you alright? Your face is flushed." Junichi crouched down next to his Master.

"Y-yeah, totally!" Sona sprung up quickly and dashed out of the men's room in a panic with nothing but a towel around his waist.

"M-Master!" Junichi watched with amusement, unsure whether to give chase or simply watch. "This would liven things up around here." Junichi smirked as his sinister trickster side emerged.

"I left without my clothes. How stupid!" He muttered under his breath as he dashed around the corner and down another hall.

"Well, I think it's time for a bath." Sulris opened the door to her room and walked out into the hallway carrying her after bath clothes. "Freshly washed. They smell so good." She inhaled the scent of her clothes. The next moment, she was looking at the hallway from a different perspective, upside down. "Oof!" She muttered as she hit the ground hard. "What the hell?"

"Owow. Seriously..." Sona sat up slowly. "Today is just not my day." He looked around and everything was black. "Huh?" He reached up and felt something covering his face. He pulled the item off and looked down to see Sulris laying flat on her stomach. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Sona helped her rise to her feet.

"Yeah. What the hell, love? Where are you off to in such a hurry?" She looked down and blushed deeply. "Sona, I-I'm not sure I'm ready for that part of our relationship yet." She turned red and covered her face at the thought of her and Sona naked together.

"N-no. You got the wrong impression." Sona tried to pull her head back down from space.

"But if it's with you, I wouldn't mind. At least let me bathe before we do that, I want to smell nice." She continued and started picking up her clothes off the ground. "I'll come back quickly." She stopped and looked around in a panic. "Where's my...?" She looked around for her lost article of clothing. "Um. Sona darling, what's in...your hand?" She froze.

"Hm? Oh, I didn't even look. It was laying on my face." Sona stretched out the object in his hand and froze. "S-S-Sulris...." In his hand laid a pair of black lace panties.

"D-darling..." Sulris extended her hand slowly.

"R-right..." Sona's hand trembled as he put the lacey garment in her open hand. "They are...um...definitely sexy..." Sona looked away and scratched his cheek shyly.

"You...think so...?" She blushed and smiled softly at Sona. "I um...was told by the store clerk that...guys find girls who wear stuff like this irresistible." She stuffed the garment into her towel and walked towards Sona.

'I know this part. In most anime the guy usually gets slapped for a stunt like this. Even if it wasn't his fault.' He tensed up but was left speechless when Sulris stood up on her tippy toes and kissed his cheek. "H-huh?" He opened one eye and blushed as he met Sulris' beautiful golden gaze.

"I'm glad you like them. Maybe..." She bit her bottom lip and blushed. "Maybe I'll let you...see me wear them...sometime..." She whispered and kissed his lips gently. "I've embarrassed myself enough for one night." She looked down at the ground, face glowing red the whole time.

"You aren't...going to slap me?" Sona watched with a confused expression. "Wear...them...for me?" Sona stumbled backwards. "I will anxiously await that day." Sona tried to brush it off as a joke but he knew she wasn't joking about that.

"Hehe. Why would you think that?" She leaned in and smirked mischievously. "Is that something your into? I could smack you if that's what you want." She whispered in his ear innocently. "Of course. That falls under the category of...wifely duties..." She cupped her face between her hands and started giggling. "I can't believe I said that out loud. Wifely duties. Hehe."

Sona blushed deeply. "I've never tried the whole masochist thing before so I really couldn't say." Sona looked up at Sulris and sighed deeply. "There's no winning against any of you ladies." He shook his head and shrugged. "I'm still new to all of this. Relationships and love? I've never had them. I'm a virgin to all of that, but I'll do my best to learn and be a husband that you can depend on." Sona felt his towel slipping and pulled it back tightly. "Well, as much as I want to keep talking, being half naked in the hall isn't the best idea. I'm going to my room. Have a good night, Sulris." He kissed her cheek before turning to leave.

"Goodnight, my love." She smiled as he left and rounded the corner. Her pale face tinged deep red. "So handsome and innocent. I still can't believe I fell in love with a human. My sister will be so shocked." She giggled happily.

Sona, after much difficulty, managed to make it to his room without any further mishaps. 'Please don't let Del be in yet.' He opened the door and peeked inside. "Whew." Sona stepped inside quickly and made a beeline to his room. "Safe!" He ducked inside and shut the door quickly. "Arzotz save me." Sona grabbed his new pair of pajamas out of the closet and changed into them quickly. "Okay. I'm good." Sona took a seat at his desk and it was piled high with all sorts of aged tomes. Baenthor, Legend or Myth? Crafting spells for beginners. The History of Osgilith. These and several other tomes littered his workspace. "Better get started. I have a lot of work ahead of me." Sona started delving into the pages in front of him. He became so engrossed in his work that he didn't hear his door open. Several figures entered his room and shut the door behind them.

The whispering and the sound of the bed creaking filled the room. Sona still didn't notice the intrusion. He went on studying through the early morning hours.

Sona yawned softly and stretched his arms above his head.

"Are you coming to bed soon, Master?"

"Hm?" Sona turned around to see Subaru behind him. "Oh, Subaru. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you come in." Sona looked behind her and chuckled softly. "I didn't hear any of you come in." He corrected himself. All his lovers were sprawled out on his bed with room for him to snuggle in between them.

"We didn't want to disrupt your studies so we just went to sleep. You were so focused on your work that you didn't even notice us." Subaru walked behind him and per usual, looped her arms around his neck. She pressed her cheek against his and closed her eyes. "I'm so proud of you."

"Y-yeah?" He scratched his other cheek shyly.

"Mhmm. I mean that. You are truly doing all you can to survive in this world." She kissed his cheek gently.

"I don't want to just survive." Sona looked back at the bed behind him. "I want to live, Subaru. Here. With you and them. I want us all to have long and happy lives together." Sona smiled at Subaru. "But to do that, I need to keep relying on you and Junichi." Sona bowed his head. "I'm sorry I must use you to that extent."

"Master." Subaru grabbed his chin gently and lifted his gaze to her face. "We chose this. Junichi and I. We discussed this at length before we even offered ourselves to your service. You are our master and summoner. Our loyalty lies with nobody but you. You didn't force this role on us. We chose this path. Let us walk it with you, my stupid, silly Master." She ran her hand backwards through his fiery red hair.

"S-Subaru..." Sona felt his face inching towards Subaru. She started to lean in slowly. Their eyes closed as their lips met. Subaru moaned softly into the kiss as she sat down down on her Master's lap. "S-Subaru..?" Sona went to complain but was silenced when she pressed her lips back against Sona's awaiting lips. 'If this keeps going...' Sona tried to think of cold places. It didn't help much.

Subaru pulled away and as their lips parted, their tongues were the last parts touching as they pulled away. "M-Master..." Subaru breathed heavily as she pressed her face into his neck.

"S-Subaru..." Sona's breath caught in his throat when she started kissing and nibbling on his neck.

"Ahem!!" A set of voices rang loudly from the bed. "Subaru!"

"Uh-oh..." She froze in place and looked up as a pillow was flung into her face.

"S-Subaru!" Sona looked back as the pillow slowly slid down her face. "Oh, no..."

Subaru was angry. "How dare you! I was trying to turn Sona into a man tonight!" She shouted and picked up the pillow.

"Ahh!" Deltune squealed and giggled as Subaru threw the pillow back at her.

"Pillow fight!" Ayame shouted and giggled as all the girls started flinging pillows around the room.

Sona merely watched in stunned silence before breaking out into laughter.

The girls stopped and watched Sona laughing happily. They all started laughing along with him. Their pillow fight concluded, they all made room on the bed for Sona. Once he got comfortable, they all crowded around him. Sulris ended up being the one to lay on top of him tonight. The other girls each got as close as they could and wrapped themselves around him. "Hey, Sulris." Sona blushed from the proximity of her face.

"H-hey..." She replied nervously. The awkwardness between them hung heavy. She chewed on her bottom lip nervously.

"You'll ruin your beautiful lips doing that." Sona grabbed her chin gently and pulled her lower lip from her mouth.

"Ah." She squealed softly and buried her face in his neck. "I'm just so nervous about earlier. I didn't want you thinking I'm easy or something. It's just...you are so different. I feel at ease around you." She kissed his neck softly. "I don't want to lose what we have built." She whispered sheepishly.

"I've never once thought that about you, Sulris." He whispered softly so he didn't disturb the other girls. "I don't want to lose this, either. Is it a bit of a pain to be pressed together like we are now? Yes, a little bit. However this is something I could never change. Having you all here with me, it makes me feel happy. Like unbelievably happy. I could never live how I used to any more. Without you, without them, life just wouldn't be worth living anymore. You ladies are my life." Sona caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. "Sleep. Their will be time for us later. Okay?" Sona leaned in and pressed his lips to her forehead.

"Sona. See? That's just so you. How did you ever get to be so wonderful?" She smiled when he caressed her cheek and closed her eyes. "Okay." She blushed when his lips landed on forehead. "Good night, love." She whispered softly and laid her head on his chest.

Just like that, two months flew by in an instant. The girls were just finishing up gathering their necessities. All except for Sulris. She had packed the night before so she can spend time with Sona.

"Hehe. I'm glad I planned ahead." Sulris giggled as she sat snuggled up beside Sona. She had her head resting in his lap and her eyes were closed.

"Sulris. You're making me blush..." Sona pouted but he didn't do anything to prevent the issue.

"Well, I think it's cute." She wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled closer. "Two weeks, huh?" She sighed and buried her face into Sona's stomach. "I wonder if it's to late to back out."

"You can't do that." Sona rubbed the top of her head gently.

"I know. I want to get stronger like you." She slid her hand under his shirt and ran her fingers up and down his newly sculpted body.

"Ah, you can't do that, either." Sona blushed and gently grabbed her wrist.

"Look at your body, though." She let her fingers wander around his chest against his protests. "Your shoulders are broader. Your chest is more toned. You even have definitions developing around your abs, Sona." Sulris smiled as she leaned up and kissed his exposed chest near the v-line of his shirt. "I'm proud of you, love. You've pushed through your training and even have results. You deserve a reward."

"Ah..." He exhaled slowly as her fingers touched his developing muscles and abs. "T-that's sweet of you..." He exhaled heavily and once again tried to think of cold places and a cold shower as she kissed the part of his exposed chest. "A reward? That's not necessary. Just having you here is enough." He grabbed her chin gently. "I wouldn't mind a goodbye kiss, though." He smirked.

"Well, you deserve one. I'll think of something while I'm gone." She smiled and pressed her fingers to his lips. "As much as I want to, the ladies and I have a pool going on right now. You'll have to do these two weeks without ANY goodbye kisses from any of us."

"Ah, that's not fair." Sona kissed her fingers and smiled. "Very well. I shall struggle to persevere, but how lonely and cold my body and lips will be without you ladies. How empty and void of life my days will be."

"My, you sure have grown bold these last few months, my lover." She smiled as he kissed her fingers. "Mine will be the same as yours, Sona. That's why I wish to stay, but I want to be stronger. I want to stand by your side as your equal, and give you faith in me. I'll always stand at your side." She grabbed his wrist and kissed the palm of his hand. "That will have to keep you until I...no. Until WE return." She stood up and grabbed her bags as the rest of the ladies appeared.

"Alright, Sona. We are heading out." Saphira appeared and leaned down, planting a gentle kiss on his lips. "I'm not bound by their rules." She snickered.

"Master. I'm heading out." Subaru appeared and was looking anxious.

"Right. Teach them well, Subaru. I'll await your return and be ready to welcome you all home." Sona rose to his feet. "Very well. I know your deal, but I at least want to kiss your hands before you leave. That shouldn't be against your rules, correct?"

"No, it's fine." Deltune replied and held out her hand. The other girls followed suit and waited for their turn.

Sona took Deltune's hand first and leaned down towards her hand. "Xiazenth. Watch over them and deliver them safely to my arms once more. Reinforce Body." Sona whispered these barely audible words and cast a small spell he had been developing. It was incomplete so it probably wouldn't make much difference, but this way, a part of Sona's mana was with them while they were gone. 'It won't take much Mana to maintain this low-level spell. I can manage for two weeks.' He thought to himself and repeated this process for every lady present. "Okay. I'm finished. Good luck ladies!" Sona bowed as they all left the house.

"Farewell, love!" All the girls shouted back and giggled loudly until they were way out of sight.

"Well, what now?"

Hey guys. Otaku here. Sorry it's been awhile. I've been fiddling with some new ideas. Then I had to rewrite some of the parts again because it didn't sound right. I've also been striving to increase the amount i write each chapter, as well. As a result, this one ended being close to 2,000 more words than the previous hand full of chapters. Hope you enjoy and continue to read and support Reincarnation. Remember to take care of yourselves, too. Stay safe, Readers.

Otaku_Centralcreators' thoughts