
Reincarnation: Is this really happening?

Seth is a 35-year old loser stuck at a dead end job. He wasted his youth in a vain attempt to stay popular, forgoing his studies just to party. Seth, like many others, regrets the path he chose himself. He wished everyday for a chance to prove his life was worth something, but such things only happen in fairy tales...right?

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43 Chs

Imperial Capital Drasphia (3)

"The park sounds nice. How long can we stay? Will you play with me, Master Sona?" She exclaimed happily from the top of his shoulders.

"Of course, Ayame," He smiled softly as they passed by the toy shop. "Let's go in here, first. I need to grab a couple of things for you," Sona continued speaking and gently grabbed Kono's hand.

"S-Sona," She whispered in her monotone voice and squeezed his hand as they walked into the shop. The store was filled with other parents and kids as they walked through the aisles. "Ayame, do you see anything you'd like? Don't hesitate to ask us for something," Konotsune told Ayame and nodded her head.

"A-are you sure it's alright, big sis?" Ayame asked shyly and looked around at all the toys. Her mother could never afford to buy her anything like this before. She found a stuffed animal that really caught her eye. It was a small dragon, red cloth covered most of it with spots of black.

Kono saw her eyeing the stuffed dragon and grabbed it from the shelf. "This is what you want?" She asked and handed the toy to Ayame.

"Yes, it makes me think of that moment when Sona glared at that man. His aura was so intense, like that of a dragon," She hugged the stuffed dragon tightly and giggled.

'You have no idea how right you are, Ayame.' Sona thought to himself and chuckled out loud.

"W-what's so funny, Master Sona?" Ayame buried her face into the dragon that was resting on top of his head.

"Nothing sweetheart. Just laughing at how adorable you are right now," He covered up his thoughts with a sweet compliment to her. 'It's a weird feeling having been a man in my mid-30's to being a 17 year old again. Now I've taken charge of a child. This life is going to be an interesting one for sure.'

"Thank you for this gift, Konostune," She whispered through her dragon.

"Sona, I'll buy this for her since you bought food twice and all her clothes. No objections," She walked over to the counter and gave the man thirty copper pieces for the toy. She bowed her head and returned to Sona's side. "It's taken care of," Konotsune informed them and grabbed Sona's hand once more. She looked at a couple next to them holding hands. They had their fingers laced together. Konotsune observed how it was done before she attempted the same. She spread her fingers and gently pushed them between Sona's fingers.

Sona chuckled softly at Konotsune's actions and spread his fingers to make it easier for her. Their fingers were now intertwined. Konotsune observed the difference between this and how they had been holding hands. This way felt different, but she couldn't figure out why. 'This way feels nicer. I wonder why?' She pondered as the three of them left the shop together.

"Master, can I walk beside you, too?" Ayame asked shyly. Sona smiled warmly and lifted her off his shoulders. He sat her down beside him and she reached her hand out to him. "It's only fair if you're holding big sis's hand, Master," Ayame pouted and puffed up her cheeks.

"Hahaha. Of course, of course. You are correct. Here," Sona smiled sweetly at the jealous Ayame and gave her his other hand. She giggled happily and grabbed it with both hands. "Now, everyone content?" Sona chuckled as they made their way to the other side of the town where the park was located. The hairs on the back of Sona's neck stood up and he quickly turned around in place. 'What was that?' Sona's heart beat quickened and his pupils dilated as he looked around their surroundings. 'What's happening? I can see everything in slow motion?' Sona's eyes dashed around looking for anything suspicious. Nothing stood out but something was making him feel uneasy, like they were being watched.

Only three seconds had passed since he turned around but everything slowed down when his heart started racing. 'I need to ask Master about this. It might be a trait unique to ancient dragons.' Sona's eyes shifted back to their original state as his heart beat returned to normal.

"Sona, you felt it too, didn't you?" Konotsune questioned but she already knew the answer. They were being watched, and both of them could sense the blood lust. Whoever was watching them wanted them dead. That much was certain. "Should we head back to the Academy? You can't even summon a weapon yet," Konotsune stepped closer and whispered to him.

"As much I hate to say it, you're right. Other than the training I had with Saphira, up until now, I've never had any combat experience. This could all go south if my power alone isn't enough. All these people must be why he hasn't attacked yet," Sona leaned towards Kono's face and kissed her cheek as he whispered softly in her ear. They were trying to feign ignorance to whoever was stalking them. If they knew they had been found out, it's possible they would attack anyway.

"Hey, Ayame. You are going to hate me for saying this," Sona chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his head. Sona wasn't good at much, but he could act like a professional. "I left the rest of my money back in my room. We have to go grab it otherwise we can't get more food later," Sona laughed out loud at his own foolishness. "Man, I'm such a klutz sometimes. We can come right back, though once we have the rest of my money," Sona spoke with confidence and belief in his every word.

"Yes, and I spent the last of mine at the toy store, so we have to go back first," Konotsune added to make it more believable.

"Okay, let's come right back so we can play!" She shouted happily as they turned around to head back towards the gate.

Several knights marched past them and turned around. "You there! Come with us now. Do not resist!" The knight shouted orders to Sona.

"No chance! You work for that man!" Sona put his hand out and gathered the air around his fist. "This shouldn't hurt, it'll just knock the wind out of you," Sona threw the ball of air at the group of knights and they were sent flying. They landed a few feet away in a big pile.

"Get off of me this instant! Go after him!" The knight captain shouted but the men on top of him had passed out.

"This way!" Ayame shouted and ran down one of the many back alleyways. "We can get through here!" She shouted again.

"Ayame, don't get so far ahead!" Sona shouted as he and Konotsune chased her down the alley. She led them through many twists and turns before they stopped running to catch their breath.

"I think we lost them," Konotsune said as she leaned against the nearby wall.

'No, someone's here.' Sona thought and looked around the alley. 'Up there!' Sona jumped back as three beasts landed in front of them.

'You've got good instincts, human. I'll give you that," The ferocious beast let out a guttural laugh. "I'll leave you alive and watch despair fill your eyes as we devour your woman and this child," He laughed again as one of his henchman walked towards Ayame.

"No!" Sona pulled out a match and lit it quickly. He put his other hand up and sucked the fire from the match. The oxygen in the air caused the flames to burn around his hand as he dashed towards the one going after Ayame. The second henchman swung at him but Sona reacted in time and slid under his arm. "Get away from her!" Sona shouted and slammed his fist into the first beast. His anger intensified the flames and in a matter of the seconds, the flames had consumed the beast.

Sona turned around to attack again but the leader was quick. He grabbed Sona by the throat and slammed him face first into the ground. He moved around and placed one hand on Sona's back and pinned him to ground. With the other hand he grabbed Sona by his hair and lifted his head up to watch. "Now enjoy the show before you die boy!" The beast laughed ferociously as the second henchman went for Ayame again.

"Aren't you forgetting someone?" Konotsune's voice came out the same as always. She put her hands to the ground and the area of them started trembling from her touch. Pillars of Earth shot out towards the beast in front of her. He jumped back to avoid the attack, but that's what she wanted. Two giant rock walls appeared on both sides.

"No, it wasn't supposed to turn out like this!" He shouted before the walls slammed together with him in the middle. Blood trickled down the walls before they were pulled back into the ground, his body went along for the ride.

"Damn you!" The leader growled and slammed Sona's face into the ground once more. He extended a claw and push it towards Sona's neck. "If you don't stop, I'll be forced to slice open pretty boy's neck. Do as I say!" He growled like a wild animal and Konotsune stopped in her tracks. "Yeah, don't forget who's in charge here. Now, strip!" He commanded viciously, cackling all the while. "I'll taint this woman so that no man will want her. Do it I say!" He barked again and she went to undo her blouse.

"No! Don't do it, Kono!" Sona yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Shut up, boy. I said, shut up shut up shut up!!!" He slammed Sona's face down again and again.

"This is my fault, Konotsune. Take Ayame. Take Ayame and run," Sona spit out a mouthful of blood on the ground in front him. 'This is because I wasn't strong enough. I failed to protect my friends. All I can do is help them flee.' Sona thought to himself.

"I won't leave you, Master Sona! Please, don't give up! I'm alive right now because of you! Now stand up, Master! Stand up now and fight!!" Ayame yelled through her tears.

"Hahaha! It's foolish, child. He could never hope to overpower me! Huh?" The leader looked down at Sona and started sweating. "It can't be!! How do you possess so much mana? And why couldn't I sense it?!" The beast leader struggled with all his might to keep Sona pinned down, but it was useless.

"You made Ayame cry! You made her cry!!! I won't let you live!" Sona screamed and rose to his feet with ease. 'Saphira. I feel your power flowing through me.' He grabbed the beast leader by his throat and lifted this mass of muscle and evil off his feet with one hand.

"Gah. Don't. Spare me, please. I was just following orders. I'll tell you, let me live and I'll tell you," The beast gasped for air and grabbed Sona's arm, trying to free himself. "It was the Father of the Church. He paid me good money to see you suffer," He gasped and Sona squeezed on his neck tighter. "Why? I told you everything. That's all I know! I swear!" The beast threw a punch and made contact with Sona's face, but nothing happened. "This...can't be," He punched again and still nothing.

"I never said I would let you live for that information. Now, die!" Sona kept squeezing until the beast finally ceased struggling and life left his body. "That's for making Ayame cry. This," Sona kicked his lifeless corpse. "Is for what you tried to do to Konotsune. And finally," Sona slammed his dead face into the concrete. "Is for me. Now rot in hell scum," Sona stood up and then felt all his strength leave his body. "Konotsune. Ayame," Sona called their names before collapsing to the ground.

"Master!" Ayame rushed over to his side.

"Sona!" Kono called out and rushed over to Sona, as well.

"Master! Master! Please wake up!" She cried and buried her face into his chest.

"He's okay, Ayame. His power exploded because we were in danger. He pushed his body well past its limits. He's never used this much mana at one time. Come on, we need to take him back to our school. Grab your dragon, Ayame and let's go before more come looking for us," She bent down and hoisted Sona's body on to her back. He weighed less than he looked. "Come on, Ayame," She grabbed Ayame's hand after she picked up her stuffed animal.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to go with you big sis?" Ayame asked as she grabbed Sona's hand and held on to it tightly. 'I want to stay with you, Sona.' She thought to herself.

"Sona will make sure you can stay with us. He will speak to the Headmaster. I'm certain they can work something out," Konotsune reassured her as they approached the Gate Terminal they entered from earlier. "Hi, Dragon Peak Academy, please. Three travelers," Konotsune pulled out her copper and handed the lady eighteen pieces.

"Thank you, go on ahead please," The lady hurried them through to keep the line moving quickly.

"First we get Sona back to his Master, Saphira. She should be able to explain what happened to him and help us," Konotsune walked through the Gate once it opened and gently pulled Ayame along with them.