
Reincarnation: Is this really happening?

Seth is a 35-year old loser stuck at a dead end job. He wasted his youth in a vain attempt to stay popular, forgoing his studies just to party. Seth, like many others, regrets the path he chose himself. He wished everyday for a chance to prove his life was worth something, but such things only happen in fairy tales...right?

Otaku_Central · Kỳ huyễn
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I have to return to school?

Deltune was nothing but smiles and laughter as she walked hand in hand with Sona. 'Hehe. I feel so happy being next to him. I knew watching him for all those years wasn't a mistake.' She thought to herself and grinned even bigger.

"Del, easy. You're gonna tear my arm off," Sona joked to her as he tried to keep pace. "Where are we going? What's the hurry?" He asked focusing on her tiny hand enveloped by his rather large hand. 'This is so unreal. I've never even gone on a date with a woman, let alone held a girl's hand. No wonder everyone does this, it feels nice.' He thought to himself, grinning ear to ear. He accidently squeezed her hand, but she squeezed back and giggled a little bit.

"I told you, it's time to start our new life," Deltune whispered, her pale face turning red. She was thankful Sona was behind her so he couldn't see her blushing. "Sona, will you call me Del from now on?" Deltune whispered shyly and stopped moving for a moment.

Sona paused for a minute and smiled, "If that's what you want, then," Sona hesitated for a moment before he continued speaking. "I will call you Del," He turned a little red when he finished his sentence. 'Why am I getting so flustered over her nickname? It's normal for people to give friends nicknames, right?' He pondered this question in his mind during the silence.

'He called me Del!' She thought happily to herself and started pulling Sona by his arm again. "Let's keep moving. The entrance to the school should be just ahead of us. We have to hope you can pass the test to be accepted, though I gave you some of my divinity. It shouldn't be a problem for you," She spoke proudly of Sona and kept searching for the entrance.

"School? I have to go to school?" His curiosity was peaked at this idea. "I always wished I could return one day and make up for being an asshole to others," Sona whispered, his voice breaking a bit as his lip trembled slightly. Deltune was facing forward, but she could feel his anxiety and regret.

Deltune stopped and turned around to face Sona. "None of that, Sona," She placed her hands on both sides of his face and leaned in slowly. Sona closed his this time but was shocked when Deltune started pulling on his cheeks. He opened his eyes and her face was bright red. "Smile. Maybe after you've sorted through your feelings, I will do 'that' again," She whispered sheepishly and turned her back to him. "Now, smile, Sona, I have found the entrance," Deltune boasted happily and extended both of her arms in front of her.

Sona watched from behind as Deltune started to chant in a foreign language. 'What is she doing?' He thought to himself and watched in silence. Two blue orbs appeared in her hands and Sona's jaw dropped slightly as she threw the orbs into the group of trees blocking their path. The ground started to tremble and the trees retreated off to the sides, allowing them to pass through safely. "Come on, Sona. It's through here," She reached her hand back towards Sona and waited.

"Del," He spoke her name and took her hand in his own. "Will I be able to do stuff like that too?" Sona asked eagerly, hoping against hope he would be able to do that. She didn't say anything for awhile as she led Sona through the trees. They came through the other side and Sona was shocked once again. Sitting in front them was a gorgeous and ridiculously huge building crowded with people. Several of which were flying around like it was no big deal.

"Welcome Sona, to the school for the magically gifted, Dragon Peak Academy. This is where we will live and attend this academy. They will teach you everything you need to know about your abilities. As for the history of this world, I imparted that knowledge to you when I gave you some of my divinity," She explained and her lips burned slightly at this thought. She caressed her lips shyly and started to blush again. 'How could a goddess of Rebirth like myself feel like this for a mortal man?' She questioned herself in her thoughts as they drew near the building. 'It doesn't matter right now. The last thing he needs is a distraction.' She completed her thoughts as several students walked over to greet them.

"Wow he's hot," a group of three girls stood nearby.

"Yeah totally," one of them whispered back. The three girls started giggling amongst themselves. Deltune shot them a glare and they went quiet for a moment before turning to leave. Deltune nodded happily, satisfied of the result.

"Hey, man, what's going on?" A young voice called out to him. Sona looked over and a short boy with dark, messy green hair was approaching them. "Nice to meet a new face. My name's Jaesu Woo," He introduced himself and extended his hand towards Sona.

Sona looked down at Jaesu's hand for a moment. 'Alright, Sona. Don't fuck this up. You've been given another opportunity. You won't be the same loser you were before, right?' He thought to himself and extended his hand towards Jaesu. "You can call me Sona," He shook the man's hand and turned to Deltune. "And this is my friend, Deltune," He introduced the Goddess next to him. 'Why didn't I tell him to call her Del?' He pondered as Jaesu shook Deltune's hand this time.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Jaesu," Deltune piped in and looked this boy up and down. He was kind of plain looking, nothing about him really stood out to her. She looked over to Sona's handsome face and felt butterflies in her stomach. 'It must be true, then. He's different.' Deltune thought to herself, confirming her suspicions. "Well, Jaesu, it was nice meeting you, but we have to go register for the aptitude test," Deltune said, grabbing Sona's hand again and pulling him away.

"It was nice meeting you. Hopefully we will see each other again soon," Sona shouted back as Deltune kept gently pulling on his hand. "He seemed nice, don't you think so Del?" He turned back to Deltune who led them through some doors at the front of the Academy.

"Why didn't you introduce me as Del to Jaesu?" Deltune finally worked up the courage to ask Sona.

He paused for a moment to think. 'Why didn't I?' He looked to Deltune and smiled softly, her long blue hair cascaded down her shoulders and her emerald eyes were sparkling. "I want to be the only one who can call you that," He finally whispered, his voice barely audible. He hung his head in embarrassment. Deltune felt her heart skip a beat and heat started rising to her cheeks. She resumed pulling on him again, shyly avoiding eye contact.

"Come on. We have to get to admissions so we can register for the aptitude test," Deltune spoke softly trying to break the silence between them. After a few minutes they finally arrived at what Sona assumed was the head office. "Hello, ma'am. We would like to register for the Magical Aptitude Test," Deltune looked to the woman across the desk from them.

"Name and Age?" The woman asked the two.

"Sona and Deltune. Both of us are 16," Deltune responded to her questions. The woman nodded and wrote down their information on some forms.

"Alright. Go down the hall and towards the back of the building. You will be given further information by your instructor," The woman gave them the sheets she just filled out and sent them away.

"I'm really 16? I'm almost two decades younger. I can't believe this is real," Sona looked at his hand while speaking.

"Well, it's about to seem even more unreal," Deltune chuckled softly at his reactions. 'So cute' Deltune thought to herself as she followed the signs on the wall towards the testing grounds.

Sona tried to take in everything he could along the way. Their were pictures on the walls of the former headmasters of Dragon Peak. He caught sight of the years that one of them served and was shocked. "Headmaster Of Dragon Peak, Hawthorne Sage, 599-780. He was headmaster for over 180 years. How?" Sona asked in disbelief. In his world, the average human lifespan was between 60-85 years old. He had to be over 200 years old. That was almost double from his world.

"This world offers longer longevity then what you knew before. You have a lot to learn, Sona," Deltune instructed as they exited the building and into a wide open field with a small forest in the middle. There were several other people already gathered nearby. Some of them already grouped up and started making friends. Deltune and Sona fell in near a group nearby and waited for the instructor.

"Alright students. Listen up," A stern voice shouted from above them after a few minutes. The students looked up to see an older gentleman hovering above them slightly. "I am your instructor for today. My name is Mr. Yun. You have all come looking to take this test, but know that not everyone possesses a talent for magic. Even fewer ever master their elements," The man barked out the odds of even making it into this academy. "That's why this process has been sped up by the use of these items," Mr Yun pulled out a few small crystals. "They light up based on your elemental affinity. Your latent power affects how brightly they glow," He touched a brownish looking crystal and held it high. It reflected a dark brown aura around the students. "My element is Earth. It took me years to hone my element. As it will take you all. Now, please line up and I will begin the tests," Mr Yun ordered and everyone obeyed. Deltune and Sona stood near the middle of the line and began the wait for their turn.