
Reincarnation: Is this really happening?

Seth is a 35-year old loser stuck at a dead end job. He wasted his youth in a vain attempt to stay popular, forgoing his studies just to party. Seth, like many others, regrets the path he chose himself. He wished everyday for a chance to prove his life was worth something, but such things only happen in fairy tales...right?

Otaku_Central · Kỳ huyễn
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43 Chs

First Day of Class

The sound of birds chirping could be heard outside the window. The sun shone through the cracks in the curtain and rays of light danced on Sona's face. "Mm," Sona grunted and covered his face with his hand. "Okay, okay. I'm awake. Jeez," Sona sighed and started rubbing his eyes. He rolled over to the side and looked up at his bed. "Del?" He asked but the bed looked empty.

"Mm. I'm awake," Deltune spoke but her voice was muffled. He felt movement under his blanket and Deltune brushed past his chest as she sat up, too. She let out a soft yawn and looked at Sona sleepily. "I'm sorry, Sona. I heard some noise outside last night and got scared. I tried to wake you but you were out like a light," She muttered still half asleep while she rubbed her eyes gently.

Sona's face was so bright red that it almost matched the color of his hair. "M-morning, Del," He stuttered as he tried to calm himself down. "Did you sleep alright? I'm sure I wasn't that comfortable to sleep on," He said apologetically and scratched the back of his head nervously.

"It was fine. I was more scared you might roll over and crush me," Deltune said jokingly and stood up slowly. She stretched her arms above her head and let out a cute yawn. "I'm gonna go shower and get ready for class," She slowly shuffled her way out of Sona's room and towards her own.

Left alone with just his thoughts, Sona tried to calm his racing heart. That was the closest he had ever been to a woman. 'It's okay. Deep breathes. She said she was just scared. I can accept that.' He thought to himself and finally picked himself up off the floor. He picked up and began to fold his blanket. Laying it on the bed, he bent down and picked up his pillow. He laid that on the bed before stripping and jumping into the shower.

Deltune got to her room and shut the door, locking it behind her. She slipped her nightgown up over her head and let it drop to the floor. Deltune entered her bathroom and started the shower before shimmying out of her bra and panties. She laid them to the side and climbed into the shower letting the water wash over her body. Her blue hair darkened and stuck to her as she lathered herself up with soap. While she let the water rinse off her off, she started pouring shampoo in her hair. Scrubbing some into her hair, she poured some more to get the rest. It took several minutes for her to finish before she got out to dry off.

Sona was the first to finish his shower and start putting on his uniform. He took one last look in the mirror and straightened the mess of red on his head before stepping into the living room. He took a seat on the couch and waited for Deltune to finish getting ready.

Deltune heard Sona's door open as she finished drying off. She hurriedly got her clothes together and slipped into the the uniform herself. The female's wore a skirt with their outfit, but they wore the same pants as the men underneath. She straightened her hair and double checked her appearance before walking out herself. "Are you ready, Sona?" Del asked sweetly as she turned around to face the handsome Sona. 'Wow.' She thought to herself and couldn't help but stare.

"Del, if you keep looking at me like that I'm gonna blush," He muttered and turned his head to the side trying to avoid eye contact. It was a little uncomfortable, but it also felt kind of good. "Come on, we still need to find our classroom, anyway," He spoke softly trying to change the subject. He made his way for the door and Deltune followed after him. They left their room and made their way to the elevator. The two of them found Jaesu who was already waiting for the ride himself.

"Sona," Jaesu shouted and waved at his new friend. "Ready for your first day? You might be a little behind because classes started some time ago. I'm a late transfer like you," Jaesu explained as the elevator door swung open. The three of them squeezed inside and the door shut behind them. The ride down was filled with an awkward silence. "I never did tell you guys my affinity yesterday," Jaesu tried to fill the elevator with conversation. "I possess the affinity for Holy Magic," He spoke proudly and looked back at Sona and Deltune. "I guess I won't see you guys until lunch," He added as the door swung open. Jaesu took off on his own because he felt kind of like a third wheel.

"Jaesu is definitely an interesting kid," Sona admitted as he and Deltune walked out after him. "Well, it says our teacher for Water Magic is Ms. Valindra Faebella. What an interesting name," Sona thought out loud and looked to Deltune. She appeared to be in deep thought as they made their way outside. "Are you still worrying about what your father did to us?" Sona wanted Deltune to smile again. This serious atmosphere around her was totally different from when they first met. "Arzotz is the King of Gods. I don't know anything about him, but I'm guessing he has reasons for his actions. You just have to trust in him," Sona said and looked to Deltune once more. "And trust in me. If he has something planned for me, help me get stronger and support me," Sona spoke with an air of confidence. He would do whatever it took to prove he was worthy of this new life.

Deltune was in shock for a moment as she stared at the radiant person next to her. He had accepted this life so easily and he was confident in his abilities. Deltune shook her head at her own thoughts. 'How could I think such thoughts? As long as I believe in him and support him, nothing will happen.' She confidently told herself and smiled softly at Sona. "I trust you, Sona. Sorry for not being myself, I don't know what came over me. Let's get going," Deltune said happily as she picked up her pace. Sona took off after her as the two made their way to the forest. "I wonder why she is having class in the forest," She pondered out loud as the two started pushing into the woods by the academy.

After several minutes of walking, the two of them came into a clearing next to a lake. There were several students gathered around the water already. They were all staring out into the middle of the lake with stunned expressions. Sona and Deltune turned to face the same way the other students were staring. Out in the middle of the lake stood a very tall and slender woman. That wasn't the reason people were staring, though. "No way," Sona blurted out and stared at the woman. She was walking across the top of the lake like it was nothing. She was moving her hands side to side and a stream of water followed her movements.

She started rotating her hands around each other and the water changed its form into a ball. Throwing both her hands up, the ball was flung high into the sky and disappeared. Several minutes later it started to rain in the forest. The woman who was to be their instructor started slowly making her way over to the students. Now that she was closer, Sona had gotten a good look at her. She had short blonde hair, grey eyes and pointy ears. "Welcome to my class. I'll be teaching you how to harness your water affinity. My name is Valindra Faebella, and before you ask, yes I am an Elf," She introduced herself and explained her race. "First things first, you all need to hand in the sheet that was given to you during your aptitude test," She commanded and everyone quickly pulled out their entrance sheets. She took them all and looked through everybody's evaluations.

When she got to Sona's name she paused for a second. "Sona, is this sheet right?" She asked and looked up to see which student was Sona. Hearing his name being called, Sona stepped forward and looked at Valindra.

"Yes, ma'am. It's correct. I thought Headmaster Sage put his seal on the paper," Sona spoke confidently as he approached Valindra.

"I needed to be 100% certain before I made a brash decision," Valindra spoke with respect as she took a knee in front of Sona. "You are to be the saviour of this world and I am to be your instrument in that task," She bowed her head and pledged herself to Sona. All the other students were stunned at Ms. Valindra's actions.

"What?" Sona blurted out in confusion.