
Reincarnation: Is this really happening?

Seth is a 35-year old loser stuck at a dead end job. He wasted his youth in a vain attempt to stay popular, forgoing his studies just to party. Seth, like many others, regrets the path he chose himself. He wished everyday for a chance to prove his life was worth something, but such things only happen in fairy tales...right?

Otaku_Central · Kỳ huyễn
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43 Chs

First Day of Class (4) - Dragons are beautiful creatures!

"I did it," Sona muttered under his breath and looked over at Elandeli. She was smiling gently as she softly clapped for him. "That does take some time to pull off. Earth magic is powerful but you can't rely on it in mid combat," Sona clenched both his hands shut and looked at the boulder he just obliterated. "Stronger. I have to get stronger," Sona muttered under his breath.

'He truly is something else for being a mere human. I think I could fall for someone like him.' Elandeli thought to herself as she gently caressed her lips with her finger at this thought. She was getting excited at the prospect of drinking his blood. 'I hope it tastes good.' She thought once more and started rubbing her tongue against her fangs. A small crowd had begun to form around the hole Sona had created. Fearful murmuring could be heard from the top of the hole. Sona shrugged off these comments and slowly climbed up the side. "Alright, Sona. A deal is a deal. Later today you have to repay me for my tutelage. I expect to see you later after the sun has gone down. Until then," Elandeli cut off her sentence as she approached Sona. He looked up at her in time to see her stand up on her tippy toes.

"W-wha...!" Sona went to interject but it was too late to stop her. Her eyes were closed as she leaned in and quickly kissed Sona's lips. Shocked and confused, Sona just stood there helpless while Elandeli kissed him. Several students witnessed this scene causing their jaw to drop at the sight.

"The Ice Cold Princess is actually kissing someone!" One of the students shouted as they all stared at the two people in front of them.

Sona finally managed to regain his senses and grabbed Elandeli's shoulders gently. With a little effort he managed to finally pry his lips free. Elandeli looked up slowly, a smile on her face as she stared at Sona. "That was my first kiss," Elandeli whispered and turned her back to Sona. 'Why did that make my lips burn? I felt a passion when our lips locked.' She thought to herself.

Sona was still a little stunned at the events that had just transpired. Before he could form even a single word, the bell tower began to chime loudly causing the other students to celebrate. "I don't have time for this," Sona muttered a hint of anger in his voice. 'Why am I so mad? Most people would kill for a kiss from such a beautiful woman. Why?' He thought to himself and stormed off into the woods. Elandeli watched him leave in a hurry, his anger apparent on his face.

"I shouldn't have done that. I made him mad," Elandeli whispered to her self before turning around to grab her sister's arm gently. "Come along, my darling sister. It is almost time for lunch," Elandeli said breaking the silence between the two of them. 'I should apologize to Sona later.' She thought and made a mental note to herself.

Sona's anger had eventually begun to subside the longer he walked. Pulling out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket, Sona looked at his schedule again. "Okay. My last class for today is my dual casting teacher, Miss Saphira. That's kind of strange. No last name?" He thought out loud to himself. Sona paused when he heard loud grunts and snarls coming from the clearing ahead of him. "What the hell?" Sona questioned as he crouched down behind a bush quickly. "What creature makes those sounds?" Sona felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up straight. He felt fear and exhilaration as he crept closer to the sound. The grunts and noises only grew louder as Sona crept closer to the source. Swallowing hard, Sona slowly and quietly spread the branches of his bush to peek through the opening.

The creature went quiet almost immediately when Sona tried to get a look. 'Gone? Something that sounded that big couldn't have moved that quick, right?' Sona was confused as he looked around from the safety of his hiding hole. It was indeed gone and Sona let out the breathe he had been holding, but was immediately stricken with fear when he felt something breathing on him. Sona paused for a moment and debated on whether to turn around or run. Could he outrun something this big? Would it be better not to move? Sona had never been in a situation like this and didn't know how to handle this creature. Against his better judgement, Sona shifted his body and turned around slowly. What stood in front of his eyes nearly caused his heart to jump out of his chest. "Beautiful," Sona muttered before the dragon's jaws opened wide.

The dragon paused for a moment when Sona said it was beautiful. The hesitation lasted only for a moment before the dragon lowered its head and snatched Sona up in its mouth. Sona squirmed and struggled inside the dragon's mouth as he felt the dragon take flight. "I hope I give you heartburn, dragon," Sona said softly as he stopped trying to escape. This thing was so much stronger than him, how was he to overpower this dragon? Several minutes passed by and Sona sat inside the dragon's mouth wondering why it hadn't swallowed him yet. "Hey. Can you hear me? I don't know if you can understand me, but I didn't mean to startle you back there. I got lost looking for my teacher, Miss Saphira," Sona spoke aloud to the dragon, unsure whether or not it would understand or listen. "I think you're pretty awesome. I've always been in love with dragons. Never thought I would meet one, or get eaten by one," He joked and laughed at his own comment. He always made jokes when he was nervous. Sona was pretty sure his life was over with already. "I turned out to be a loser even in this world," He sighed softly and just laid back, waiting to see how things would unfold. He could try to use magic, but if this creature had no ill will, attacking it could provoke it into swallowing him.

Sona's perception of time was altered and to him it felt like he had been in the dragon's mouth for hours. He was starting to get impatient at this dragon's actions. Sona felt something tremble this huge dragon and tried to brace himself against the dragon's tooth. The dragon finally opened its mouth again and Sona could see daylight through the mouth. He tried to crawl for the exit but before he could take a step, the dragon used its tounge and pushed Sona out of its mouth. Sona was puzzled at this turn of events. "Why did you free me?" Sona asked the dragon, amused at the fact he was talking to a creature who couldn't respond.

"I never intended to eat you. I thought you were an intruder, not a student," A voice came from seemingly nowhere and just added more confusion for Sona to decipher. He looked up at the dragon but was forced to turn away when a blinding flash of light filled the clearing. Sona was stunned and blinded for several seconds before he could finally open his eyes again. Where the dragon once stood was replaced by a rather young looking woman. She was smaller than Sona but not by much and she was dressed in rather unique armor. It appeared to be made of dragon scales but Sona had no knowledge of this world. Was such a thing possible? Two large wings, shaped like a dragons, were attached to the back of the armor and the woman appeared to be flying. She had shoulder length, strawberry blonde hair and her eyes constantly changed colors.

"Beautiful," Sona breathed these words again as he watched the woman floating in front of him. Her hair bobbed ever so slightly as she flapped her wings.

"That's the second time you have called my dragon form beautiful. You are quite the charmer," She let out a soft chuckle and gave Sona a coy smile. "Well, a true gentleman should always introduce himself before flattering a lady," The dragon woman spoke sweetly as she slowly raised her hand to Sona.

Without thinking, Sona took her soft hand in his own and raised it to his mouth. He pressed his lips against the back of her hand and gave it a soft, quick kiss. "My apologies, you may call me Sona. I've just always dreamed of meeting a dragon. I never would have gotten this chance before," Sona carefully returned her hand to her side and gave a soft smile, face tinged red from embarrassment. 'This is so unreal.' Sona thought to himself and looked around the clearing where this woman had landed. Inside this area, encircled by trees, stood a wooden cabin of enormous design. The wood appeared to be super expensive, probably made from some of the finest trees in this world. "This is where you live?" He asked and looked over at this woman.

"Yes. I'm a teacher for the school and I like my privacy, so Headmaster Hawthorne approved this area for me to reside. I am the only teacher here who is capable of teaching dual casting so I am treated very well. My name is Saphira,"