
Reincarnation: Is this really happening?

Seth is a 35-year old loser stuck at a dead end job. He wasted his youth in a vain attempt to stay popular, forgoing his studies just to party. Seth, like many others, regrets the path he chose himself. He wished everyday for a chance to prove his life was worth something, but such things only happen in fairy tales...right?

Otaku_Central · Kỳ huyễn
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43 Chs

Deltune's Decision

Deltune's pace had slowed considerably once she was sure Sona wasn't following her. "I still can't believe I kissed him," She mumbled to her self as her fingers caressed her lips. "I shouldn't have put him in the spotlight like that. Everything is still so new to him here," Deltune continued as she stopped at the edge of the forest. She thought about their first kiss back on Earth. Deltune felt a chill creep up her spine. "That power. Sona!" Deltune realized that Eslios was now on the school grounds and she feared for Sona. "How did he find him?" She turned around to dash back to the dorm room, but as quick as he came, Eslios' power was gone again. 'Was that just my imagination?' She pondered and turned around to head back to the forest.

She stopped when a tall, bearded man stood in front of her. Deltune didn't hesitate as she jumped in the big man's awaiting arms. "Daddy! I missed you so much. What are you doing here?" Arzotz easily lifted up his doting daughter and spun around with her a few times. All the while she was smiles and laughter as she held onto her father's thick neck. After a few minutes of father-daughter time, Arzotz slowly put Deltune back on the ground. "Father, I'm sorry I didn't discuss my decision with you," Deltune apologized as she turned her attention to the ground.

Arzotz gently placed his fingers under Deltune's chin and slowly raised her head. "My beautiful daughter, you have nothing to apologize for. I understand. I wasn't so different when it came to your mother many centuries ago. Love makes our family do crazy things," Arzotz burst out in laughter once more and hugged his daughter again. "I trust and respect your decision. If your mother was still with us I'm sure she would agree with your decision."

"I miss her every day, dad,"

"We all do, sweetheart. She will return eventually. The circle of Life, Death, and Rebirth is a long one. Have patience and someday we will see her again. Cheer up, baby. You know your father can't stand to see you cry," He reached out his hand slowly and wiped away the tears at the corners of her eyes.

"I'm sorry," Deltune sobbed as tears began streaming down her face. Arzotz placed his hand on his daughters cheek and wiped away her tears once more.

"I told you, Deltune. You owe me no apologies. I'm sorry, I have to leave. Speak to Sona. You have much to talk about with him," Arzotz leaned down and kissed his daughter's forehead before disappearing with the wind.

'Speak to Sona?' Deltune thought to herself as she tried to dry her eyes. 'Mom. I wish you were here. You would know what to do.' Deltune started walking into the woods again as she pinched her own cheeks. "Okay. Cheer up, Del. Sona will know something is wrong if you're not cheerful," Deltune tried psyching herself back up as several voices grew louder the longer she walked. 'I hope Miss Valindra isn't mad at me for being late.'

Del finally came to the giant clearing of trees with the huge lake. 'I wonder if this is where Valindra lives? We meet here so often.'

"I heard classes were canceled today."

"Yeah, apparently the teachers are all worked up."

"Something big must have happened. We should just head back if classes are canceled."

Deltune tried not to eavesdrop but the three men standing close were communicating very loudly, it was hard not to listen. "Well, I guess I'll head back and see if Sona is finished yet. If nothing else I can at least prepare some lunch for him," She pondered her thoughts out loud and paused for a second. 'Make his lunch?' Visions of her and Sona living together flooded her mind. 'Here you go darling. I made you lunch for today!' Thoughts of Sona being happy and kissing her for her hard work made her feel hot. Deltune's whole face turned beet red as she quickly pinched her cheeks again. 'That got a little to graphic way to quick.' She thought to herself and turned around to head out of the forest.

Deltune finally made her way to the exit of the forest, face still hot from thoughts of Sona. Despite her best efforts, her thoughts about Sona started to turn graphic once more. "How is a goddess able to think such embarrassing things?!" Deltune blurted out and quickly covered her mouth and looked around. Nobody was around her. Thank the gods. Deltune sighed heavily and raised her hand to her face. Without thinking, one of her fingers began tracing her lips. 'Sona.' Her lips ached. 'I still can't get over that kiss. I wonder how he felt? I've got chills just thinking about his sculpted chest and broad shoulders.' Deltune half fainted at the thought of seeing Sona naked.

"Alright. Let's go. Sona is sure to be hungry after all his training. I'll see if I can't make him something from his world. It might help him feel better," She pondered what she could make in this world as she made her way back to the dorms. "I wonder if I should tell Sona that polygamy is allowed in this world..." Deltune muttered to herself as she rode the elevator up to their room. The door was locked when she arrived and there was no signs of Sona. "I'll start lunch and go from there," Deltune set about her task with such fluid movements. They didn't have anything to fancy so she had decided on just making a bunch of sandwiches for everyone.

Time passed rather quickly and before she knew it, Deltune had made close to a hundred sandwiches. 'Well, that's a lot of food.' She thought to herself and gathered the food into a wooden box. "Sona still isn't back yet? I'll go find him. He's probably still with that woman," Deltune kind of gritted her teeth at the thought of Saphira. "Calm down. I know Sona likes her, so I'll have to learn to get along with her. For his sake, but I won't let her monopolize him," Deltune confirmed her decision as she grabbed the box of sandwiches and made her way to Saphira's forest.

"Deltune. Hey Deltune, it's Jaesu," Del could hear her name being called across the field. Jaesu was sprinting across the field with two girls following behind him. "Hey have you seen Sona? He asked us to meet him for lunch but he hasn't been around campus," Jaesu asked as the two women appeared on either side of him.

"Disappointment. Sona isn't here, either," Konotsune spoke and expressed her disappointment.

"Kono, how many times have I told you to show more emotion," Elandeli leaned over and flicked her sister Konotsune on the forehead.

"Ouch. Disapproval. I don't like that, big sis," Konotsune replied and covered her forehead with her hands.

"Now, let's find Sona. He owes me a favor for helping him in class yesterday. I intend to collect," Elandeli spoke seductively and behind her smile, her tongue was rubbing against her hidden fangs.

"Objection. No fair, big sis. You won't keep him for yourself," Konotsune shot back with a cold response.

Deltune was at a loss as these three classmates showed up. The two girls were obviously sisters and poor Jaesu was stuck playing mediator between them. Deltune burst out laughing at the party in front her. She laughed for a good five minutes and the other three looked at Deltune. They looked to each other next and then started laughing with her. The four students laughter finally died off and Deltune had to wipe away a tear from laughing so hard. "No wonder Sona took a liking to you three. I'm glad he made such good friends. Come on, I'll take you to him. He's probably still training with Saphira. This way," Deltune nodded and started leading the way to Saphira's place.

Jaesu and the twins followed after her eyeing the box she was carrying. "Deltune whatchu got in there? It smells great," Jaesu felt his mouth watering as he stared at the box trying to see inside.

"You'll just have to wait. Sona gets first dibs," She replied sternly as the three of them entered into the forest. Deltune wasn't entirely sure where Sona was, but because their souls were intertwined, she could kind of feel him. 'It must be because I shared my divinity with him.' Deltune concluded as they kept pushing forward. The clanging of metal rang out through the forest and the sounds of combat filled the air. "Sona!" Deltune shouted and took to sprinting towards the sounds.

"Dsltune!" The three members behind her shouted her name and took off after her.

'Sona, please be okay!' Deltune thought as the sounds of combat died off, but Del didn't slow her pace one bit. The other three still continued after her, trying to get her attention.

Deltune was the first to clear the brush and enter an open area around the forest. There was a wooden house that sat in the middle with another open area behind the house. Deltune took off around the house as the other three rushed out behind her. "Deltune! Wait for us!" Jaesu shouted after her but she was already rounding the side of the house. Jaesu, Elandeli, and Konotsune came bolting around the corner after Deltune. They skidded to a stop as a now still Deltune stood frozen.

"Deltune, query. What's wrong?" Konotsune asked as the three of them peeked out from behind Deltune. In the middle of a ring of candles sat a woman with Sona's head nestled in her lap. The short woman put one of her fingers to her lips as she looked at the small group of students in front of her.

"He's exhausted. Please let him sleep," Saphira whispered as she carefully slid Sona's head off her lap and on to a nearby pillow. "If you wish to speak, follow me," Saphira motioned as she walked into the house nearby. Jaesu and the girls looked at each other for a moment before walking in behind this woman.

"I've prepared some tea so help yourself," Saphira offered as she sat the small pot in the middle of the table. "My name is Saphira. I teach dual casting at Dragon Peak Academy. It's good to see you again, Deltune," Saphira offered the blue haired goddess a warm smile.

Deltune watched this woman as she poured a cup of tea for everyone and sat out some honey. "Miss Saphira, good to see you again. Though I'm not happy you've been keeping Sona all for yourself, " Deltune responded as she poured a little honey into her own cup.

"Don't be like that, Deltune. Without saying to much, Sona and I share a connection. That's all I can say for now. I'm happy to share him, though.," Saphira sipped her tea slowly and smirked at Deltune. "I'm glad Sona was able to meet some kind people. Please take care of him. His life hasn't been an easy one. I ask in his place for your friendship," Saphira bowed her head and made an offer of friendship on his behalf.

"Obvious statement. We are already friends. I will one day bear his child," Konotsune spoke in her usual unemotional tone.

"That's right. Sona is already my friend and future husband," Elandeli added with a confident tone.

"Aside from the marriage part, I agree with them. Sona is the first guy friend I made since moving here. I know we haven't been together long, but all of us consider him our friend," Jaesu added his own input to the conversation.

'They sound so confident in themselves. They know who they want to pursue. Should I do the same? Is it even right for me to be with him?' Deltune thought to herself and became lost in thought. Sona's face appeared in her mind and she stood up quickly. 'I've decided!' Deltune thought and looked at everyone in the room. "I, too, will become Sona's wife and bear his future children," Deltune declared proudly and sat down smiling, proud of the decision she made.