
Nami Joins And Pirate Hunter Kuina

Nami was sitting with her stolen treasures and while looking suspiciously at the other three occupants of the room.

"Hello, My name is Nami, thanks for helping me." She introduced herself.

"It's no problem. And as you Already know, I am Monkey D. Luffy. And these beautiful girls are Ann and Makino." He introduced the girls while pointing towards them respectively.

"Hello." Said both girls with smiles.

"So miss Nami where are you going" asked Makino

"I am going to Shells town." She replied quickly.

"What a coincidence, we are also going there." Said Ann with an excited face.

"Really why are you guys going there?" Nami asked, a bit interested.

"Well we want to find Pirate hunter Kuina. We heard some rumors that she was last seen on Shells Town." Luffy told her.

After Hearing her name Nami started to shiver. "Why do you want to find her? She is really dangerous, She is someone all pirates fear in these parts. A bounty hunter that's said to be a demon wearing the skin of a human. She is said to be ruthless and vicious when hunting her bounties, like a beast hungring only for their food."

At her exaggerated reaction Luffy just rolled his eyes. 'Wow, such an anime reaction it's not like she is just coming here and chopping your head off if you speak her name.' he thought to himself. And well He already knew all about that as he had read in newspapers.

"She sounds Interesting." He said, then continued

"We want to see if we can recruit her to our pirate crew." He intentionally slipped it out.

Upon Hearing that she stiffened. Her face became emotionless. "You guys are pirates."

"Yeah we are pirates." Luffy replied to her truthfully.

"Hey why don't you join our crew. You could be our thief." Luffy asked her.

Ann and Makino didn't understand why He was continuing on this topic when Nami was clearly hateful to it.

"No." she replied quite harshly. "I hate pirates more than anything else in this world." She said.

"I only like money and Tangerines." she said with a cold face.

All three could easily see the pain she was carrying because of some pirates. But they weren't familiar enough with her to talk about it.

"Well there are many pirates who do bad things. But we are not like them. We are good people." He told her. 'well Kinda' he thought to himself.

"See we could have just left you to drown and taken your treasure. But we didn't." He said to her.

After hearing that she relaxed a bit. Maybe they were not bad people, maybe they were not like them.

"Besides the truth is we are not even really pirates. We are not going to go around doing what the pirates normally do. It's just my dream to become a pirate king. That's the only reason I am even a pirate." He told her.

Her eyes widened after him saying that "So you want to find one piece but so many powerful people are already going after it and none of them have been able to find it." She said looking quite worried.

Luffy just stood up and went to her. He put his hand on her head and said "Don't worry I am also very strong."

She felt really comfortable when Luffy put his head on her. But she was still quite worried as she has never even seen him fight. She didn't even know why she was even feeling like that.

"So Nami san why are you going to Shells town." Makino Asked trying to get rid of all the serious atmosphere.

"Well well.." she sweat and tried to answer

Luffy just chuckled at her and asked "Just tell us what were you going to steal there."

"Hehehe.." she laughed nervously then answered "I heard a rumor that there was a map to the Grand line.

After saying that her face took a very determined look. "After getting that map, I will earn a hundred million beli."

None of them missed the very specific number and the determined look on her face. But they didn't ask her about it.

"With the map to Grand line one hundred million beli isn't a dream." She continued.

They let the matter drop from now after seeing how hard it was to talk for her.

"So are you a navigator, Nami san." Asked Makino.

After hearing that her mood suddenly perked up. She bawled her fist excitedly and said "I am the best navigator in the whole East blue."

They just smiled at her enthusiasm.

"Then you have to become our navigator." Luffy told her.

"I won't join any pirate crew didn't you hear earlier." she said a little yelling at him.

"But Nami even if you do get the map to the Grand line you will never be able to reach it alone. So many pirates die on the way to the grand line and even most of them who are successful in reaching just die at the start. So you will just die if you go alone." Luffy explained to her.

She thought about it and it seemed really logical.

"Well how about creating a temporary partnership with us as we have to go to the grand line to become Pirate king. We will need a map and navigator and you need protection. You will even be able to gather more treasure with us." He continued to coax her.

She thought for a second then looked up and smiled. "Alright I will join your crew temporarily.

"Yes we got a navigator." He jumped up and then kissed both.

Nami's eyes were twitching after seeing that. What was going on here, why was he kissing both girls. And he even flirted with her.

"You.. you.. you what are you doing?" Nami Yelled with shark teeth.

"I am just kissing my girlfriends." Luffy told her without a care.

"Why are you kissing two girls, you two timing pervert, you playboy." She yelled.

"What are you saying as a future pirate king I have to have a Harem." Said Luffy

Her Jaw hit the floor after hearing that. "And you are you guys alright with that." She asked Ann and Makino

Makino just laugh nervously.

While Ann said while nodding her head "Of course as a Future pirate king he should have a Harem."

'thank you Ann I knew I could always count on you.' He thought to himself.

Nami could not believe that she heard that.

Luffy went beside Nami and hugged her "Don't worry Nami I have enough place for you in my heart."

Nami said with her signature shark-like teeth "who wants to be in your heart, you Idiot."

Luffy just Laughed and continued hugging her.

Nami just thought to herself. ' what have I gotten myself into.?'

A few hours later

"Land ho." Yelled Luffy

"You are a really good navigator Nami san." Said Makino

She just sighed "It was no problem. But all three of you know just some basics of navigation. How were you planning to sail all over the world?" She yelled with a loud voice.

"Of course we were going to find a navigator." Ann replied Nonchalantly

Nami just sweat dropped at their carelessness.

After docking their boat, they started taking a leisurely walk across the town. The town looked very peaceful And all the people were also looking very happy like celebrating. Luffy didn't feel any underlying tension or worries. which was quite unusual for this town.

He went to a vendor and bought some fruit after giving these to the girls. He gave much more money to the vendor than needed and asked him.

"Old man everyone seems to be in a very good mood, what's the occasion?"

"Yeah young man, we finally got freedom after many years so everybody is in a very good mood."

"Ohh, freedom from whom?"

"The Marine captain Morgan and his son Helmeppo." the Vendor happily told him. 'Interesting' he thought to himself

"Why were they really bad people?" Luffy further asked.

"Yeah, the marine Captain here forced people to pay so much taxes and any one who couldn't pay it was executed because they said that the people were rebelling against them. And his son was very bad and because his father's power went around creating trouble everywhere in the town and harassed women."

All the girls were also listening intently.

"So What happened to them?"

"A few days ago that Helmeppo guy was making trouble in the restaurant down the road With his pet dog like usual. The girl of the owner tried to shoo the dog away who was eating food from the customer's plate. But then the Dog tried to bite the girl and when It was about to bite her it was killed by a sword by Pirate Hunter Kuina, who was also eating there."

"Then that Helmeppo Tried to intimidate her by saying that they will kill the family if she didn't surrender herself, But She just killed that Helmeppo guy instead and when his Father came to take revenge she also killed him in like two moves."

Then she threatened other Marines that If they told about it to anyone She would also kill them. Of course the men who were absolutely terrified of Morgan were even more so terrified of her and kept quiet. And we have been living Free ever since."

Well this Kuina seemed even more interesting then he thought. At Least she seems quite smarter than Zoro was in the anime. I mean who would just agree to be arrested for No crime when you have strength to resist it. And Agree to that he would be tied to a pole for more than a month with no food or water. Where they can do anything to him like beat him or torture him or even kill him just like that Helmeppo guy was about do to Zoro if Luffy didn't save him. It would have been even more dangerous for a woman. And More Importantly who would believe that a dubious guy like Helmeppo would keep his word about releasing them.

"Hey, Old Man, any idea where I can Find this Pirate Hunter?" Luffy inquired.

"Well She Usually Hangs around that restaurant down the road." the vendor told him.

After that they started walking in the direction of the restaurant.

"See, She is a good person, Nami." Luffy said to her.

"Maybe.. " she said while thinking about it.

After some walking they reached the building. where they were told Kuina hangs out.

They entered it and Most people's eyes turned towards the group of one boy and three beautiful girls. Luffy and the girls simply Ignored it.

Then Luffy saw a Really beautiful Girl sitting alone in a corner with a sword with a white handle in a white scabbard, eating and talking to a little girl who was standing beside her. He instantly knew it was Kuina.

She was quite breathtaking to say the least, She Had midnight Blue hair which reached her lower back and was tied in a loosely with some fringes to the side of her face and some bangs on head. She had dark eyes. She had a large bust which was deeply constrained in her low neck white t-shirt. She was also wearing grey color pants and had a white overcoat like thing which was tied around her belly with a belt.

After seeing her the first thought that came to his mind was 'Do people really have nothing to do around here other than fighting and eating.'

He then told the girls to wait a minute and went to Kuina's table and sat in front of her. she looked up to him.

"So I guess you are the one they call Pirate Hunter Kuina."