

ken - this must be how bullies feel ( smirk )..

( it feels good right now , it's like I have let all the stress out after battles . but I never thought that my body fighting skills have become so good . this must be the results of daily training inside the mind arena . it was best choice to purchase it from shop after all .

but what should I do with all these beasts corpses now ? let's see , there are a total of 56 corpses . hmm.. all of them were strong so they must taste delicious too . let's grill some meat and preserve the rest for future. this way , I can eat delicious meat for some next days . )

( inside a small cave besides a small bon fire )

( delicious ... the meat on earth cant compare to this taste at all . I'm just eating grilled meat and it tastes better than any food I've tasted on earth . maybe that's why ichiraku ramen tastes so heavenly, the ingredients uncle teuchi uses with his receipe are too good .

but there are no more beasts in 50 km radius around me now . the feeling of battle and testing my skills was so much fun that i didnt pay any heed to ecosystem in this forest at all . well all of the beasts were harmful and too powerful for normal people anyway so I did a good job exterminating them . maybe many people will be saved due to my small act now in future ..

I'm happy now because I got so much SP now . this method of killing beasts is much more fruitful than ninjas for gaining SP faster .

there were 10 B rank , 30 C rank , 16 D rank beasts here . maybe the strong ones killed and ate many low ranked beasts already . I felt that all the beasts had some some sort of territory for themselves . that wont mean shit now though..

now I have total 5800 SP to spend . I can finally purchase one thing that I wanted most badly since I first read the list of things available for purchase in system shop .

its juubi( ten tails ) . according to the description, it will have only robotic conscience and will listen any orders I give obediently . but the most important reason ,I wanted to buy it is because I can become immortal after becoming its jinchuriki according to the description. it's made up of endless natural chakra so I will have bottomless of natural chakra . I would be an idiot , if I dont want this bad boy..

I had to save it for future purchase because it costs 5000 SP but now I can buy it right now if I want to . I'm too excited as i will awaken rinnesharingan too like madara who awakened it in the anime after observing the chakra tree . in short I will become too overpowered now ..

well its 6 pm now so night is approaching soon anyway now . let's just choose other things that I can buy with remaining SP .)

( 8pm )

( yosh .. finally I have decided on thid thing -

gifting perk - with this I can gift anything I possess to the others . whether its bloodline , information about skills , justsu etc . it only costs 800 SP .

I have decided on this perk now over hyuga bloodline after thinking a lot . according to the description, with gifting , I can pass on any skill , bloodline etc to someone . I will become immortal so I of course want an immortal wife to live with me .

I plan to make tsunade my wife at any cost . I can pass on my bloodlines and juubi from system to her . the best thing is that I dont need to pay SP again to buy these things i already have purchased from system and assimilated in my body . i decided to buy this perk now due to this main reason . now , if i find tsunade on my trip outside for a month then i can make her my wife quickly .. I'm drooling already imagining her too sexy body and especially those huge boobs ..

well let's buy the 2 things quickly and sleep quickly inside my kamui dimension then . I'm looking forward to my newfound powers tomorrow morning ... )