
Reincarnation: i became a baby dragon!!!!

Sly. An emotionally broken boy who died unjustly [like a bitch] got reincarnated into a godly world filled with wonders. He was born into a family of royal dragons that are on the verge of extinction. After promising himself to become a better person, he awakened the imperial domination system that will help him dominate the world.

Dennis_Asare_9647 · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs


The sun was shining on the world. giving it warmth like a mother nurturing her child. the scene was beautiful. the sun was shining, the flowers were blooming and swaying with the wind. A vast ocean surrounded this spectacular world providing it with a cool and comfortable breeze. Somewhere in the ocean, A school of fish were swimming with haste as if trying to escape a dangerous predator. After a while they finally got a place to hide. it was a small cave that only they could fit in . it was too small for their pursuers.

A few seconds after their escape, a large figure the shape of a serpent flashed past their hideout . this gigantic figure swam very fast it's size was a about the size of two adult wales. it swam forward without even caring about the small school of fish that was trying their best to hide. the gigantic figure swam deep into the ocean and got to it's deepest part. it then start to swim in weird angles and paces. it got near a gigantic oceanic mountain that was covered by a thick layer of fog and went into the fog. the view of the mountain changed as the gigantic serpent went deeper into the fog. A huge oceanice kingdom came into view. it had gigantic walls that was covered in gold. two figures were standing guard at the gates of this city. they were about four metres in size and had deer antlers protruding from their forehead.

they got on their knees when they saw the gigantic serpent and shouted "welcome back home young mistress " the gigantic serpent started to shape shift into a humanoid figure. she was about two meters in size,she was a lot slender than the almost brute looking guards and also had antlers protruding from her forehead but unlike the guards, hers looked golden. she was very beautiful and had nice assets to boot. she looked at the guards and nodded she then asked the still kneeling guards"is my youngest brother truly about to hatch?".she asked with a doubtful but worried look on her face. her youngest brother hadn't hatched from his egg for the past thousand years which made the family very worried and anxious. they were the last of the royal blood ancestral dragons which made the a very endangered species. A calamity struck the world which led to mass extinction of most of the beings living in this "peaceful world". At the mention of the youngest young master, the guards showed an anxious look on their stoic faces. they answered the woman" young mistress we just received information that the youngest young master's egg has started to gloow and vibrate. it seems that it has started to hatch". the woman hurriedly entered the city and directly went to the gigantic palace that was situated on the highest peak in the city. she ignored the beautiful bustling city made of jade and gold and directly went towards the gigantic palace. she entered the palace and ignored the greeting servants. she went towards the large hall that was situated in the middle of the palace . when she entered,there were people in the hall. they ranged from adults to children. the children were about a meter tall and looked very beautiful and handsome. there was a very handsome middle aged man standing with a very beautiful woman who was standing infront of a large egg, they looked at the egg with affection and worry especially the woman who looked like she would kill anyone who came near the egg.when the young mistress saw these people she greeted with courtesy "Kayla greets mother and father". the woman who was guarding the egg barely nodded and continued to stare at the large egg. the middle aged man looked at Kayla and nodded firmly at her. kayla looked at the egg and asked her father "how is he?" her father looked at the egg and answered in a deep majestic voice " he is about to be born!"

Just as he finished his sentence,the egg started to vibrate violently and started to crack. not long after, it burst with extreme vigour. A golden shock wave swept through the palace and a mighty dragon roar came after that stunning the audience in the room and the people in the city.

Outside the city and the ocean, dragon roars stunned the denizens of the world.

At the same time, in a place that looked like a void a soul of a human was floating without a sense of direction. it floated in the void until it "saw" a golden light from afar. it started to float towards it and entered it's glorious brilliance. it had finally entered one of the many lights that it saw during it's endless journey across eternity. this soul belonged to sly, a very successful looser who had experienced the feeling of loosing his job to being betrayed by his friend and girlfriend at the same time!. He was an orphan who worked hard to survive. he had no family, the only person close to that was his friend who he met at school. his friend was a second generation heir who had everything he ever hoped for but this same friend stabbed him in the back by plotting with a girl to break him emotionally. they plotted everything from the day they met him to the day they broke him.You may be asking why they did all this.why will someone so rich waste his time to befriend a nobody just to dupe him in the end?. well this was because sly was too handsome!! it was his handsome face that got him into all this trouble. he had been handsome since the day he could remember, this caused a lot of people to envy his looks, that was including his "friend " who could no tolerate someone so handsome to live comfortably in the same realm as him. the girl, Lois liked him at the beginning but because he was too much of a simp and too poor to satisfy her material needs, she chose to listen to the plan of tristan the second generation heir who was far better in terms of money in order to curry favour with him. they chose the day sly had planned to propose to her to break the news to him. before sly came to meet Lois, he got a message from his boss announcing that , the company's board of directors had instructed him to fire him. sly was shocked by this but did not take it to heart when he thought of his future with Lois. he went to the hotel they had planned to meet only to see lois and tristan f**king on the bed whiles facing towards him with delight on their faces. he died from shock,...such a tragic death