

Fire surged forth from me as I tried to burn the duo. My senses were revolted as my eyes laid on that small body.

An Ancestral Phoenix was a being born of nature, and as their descendants True Phoenixes keep a close connection to nature.

As a result we are able to sense life itself, it's a bit complicated but in essence, my senses revolted at the very presence of that child.

That child was human, she was wolf, she was worm, she was feline, she was ape, she was so much and so disgusting.

My flames came forth like a wave drowning them.

A moment later, I released my flames.

The duo appeared from the sea of flames, a bright blue dome covering them, protecting them from the flames.

Still, they did not get off lightly. Their skin were burnt badly, but the girl quickly regenerated as if the burns never happened.

Her skin still sizzled under the remaining heat, but it seemed she was building resistance.

'No matter.'

Above head, countless runes of flames manifested and merged.

Very quickly, a giant blade of flames made of condensed runes appeared over the dome.

The blade fell as soon as it formed, crashing into the dome.

David didn't stand still as this happened.

My defense runes blinked into existence behind me as David rained down his conjured blades.

'Wait. I need to stop. I-Shit!'

More defensive runes appeared, but this time in mind.

From a distance away, Rina could be seen holding her head glaring at Cyrus.

The moment of weakness was captured by the man, a gun appeared in his hands and a gun shot rang out.

I knew it wouldn't hurt me. I knew that it wouldn't even scratch me.

Yet, a defensive rune manifested in it's path. I was still afraid of it.

My attention captured by the bullet and my defense slightly shifted, David quickly upped the caliber of his blades.

In an instant, my defense crumbled.

In response I forwent defense and increased the power of the blade to the max, in an instant the blade burned brighter than the sun.

It pierced the dome, reaching inside and exploded.

I wasn't able to watch the resulting mess, a ultra great sword embedded itself in my head.

My body burned in response, combusting in an instant.

'Argh... back to Limbo I guess...'

Not a moment after my consciousness faded.