

I awoke in a dark space.

Quite the opposite of Limbo, where it was infinite whiteness.

My mind couldn't think deep thoughts, as if time itself was sped up my mind sprinted.

Thoughts flew faster than I could register them I was in a complete daze trying to catch my thoughts.

They flew and flew but I couldn't even tell what I was thinking.

I stared out into the darkness, unable to even catch a single thought.

In the midst of the darkness, a small mote of light came into existence.

My thoughts started to converge, and I was finally able to capture stray thoughts.

It was like I was unconscious the whole time and finally, I had some semblance though it was being half-conscious it was an improvement.

It felt like a thousand years had passed watching it yet not a second ago had the mote of light came into existence.

As my thoughts slowly started to focus into one and my mind slowly returning, the mote of light grew.

Almost noticeably, it grew.

In the instant I regained my mind, the small, tiny light imploded.

In a moment, faster than I could register the mote of light had grown into a giant star.

I could feel the heat searing my soul, but the event wasn't over.

The star moved.

Slowly at first, as if getting used to its body.

From the side of the orb, large majestic wings stretched out.

Sharp claws of flames stretched from the bottom.

Soon an enormous bird, made of flames sat in it's place.

The bird glanced around before staring at me.

I could feel it, it knew of my presence and it stared into my very essence.

My soul burned even hotter, screams at the edge of my non-existent throat.

Quickly I blacked out and awakened in the real world.

'A familiar ceiling. Am I back at Master's island?'

I sat up in the bed, still in a daze.

Pain started assaulting my head in the instant, and dream came to me.

I was able to recall it so vividly.

The helplessness I felt as my soul burned in its presence.

The flames, the birth of the Ancestral Phoenix. Most likely.

Recalling it, my understanding of flames rose even higher almost matching my understanding of runes.

(POV change)

The doors slid open and Ignatius walked in.

"You really did it kid. I didn't think you were going to but I guess I should've expected you to break my expectations."

Cyrus looked at Ignatius in confusion.

"...Don't look at me like that. Did you seriously go out and kill yourself days after I kicked you out?"

"Ahem... I didn't kill myself."

"Yeah you got killed because you attacked the abomination in front of the group. Idiot."

"...I couldn't hold it in. It was revolting." Cyrus clenched his fists, remembering the feedback his senses gave him.

"...Remember this Cyrus, Human limits knows no bounds. Be it cultivation... or cruelty."

Cyrus stayed silent and nodded.

"Enough of this. You must have questions, why you are alive and such."

"Yes master."

Ignatius nodded and continued, "Us Phoenixes, we have a few innate abilities. Immense elemental affinity and Elemental Rebirth and Nirvana Tribulation."

"Our abilities of Rebirth and Tribulation are often mistaken since they are similar in looks and benefits. The difference between them is how they are activated."

"The two abilities allow us a chance at enlightenment, a scene from long past is displayed to us and depending on our level of comprehension the amount we can remember varies."

"Elemental Rebirth is of course what you have experienced, activated through death as long as your soul is safe and a body is rebuilt for you it's mostly safe. Nirvana Tribulation is seeking the enlightenment without death. A Tribulation would be sent to test us, and if we survive we would gain an immense increase in strength."

"Since the end product is the same, an increase in strength, most do not bother to focus on the details. Any questions?"

Cyrus thought for a moment before asking, "since my body is rebuilt... what about my cultivation?"

"Well your cultivation is gone of course!"

'Seriously? Damnit... sigh...'

"Hahaha, don't look so down. I have rebuilt your body to be better. Countless valuable treasures, even to me has gone to rebuilding your body. When you cultivate later you will experience the difference.

Not to mention, with your talent rebuilding your previous cultivation level wouldn't take a month even.

Rest for now, in a week you will have to return to the our realm. Thankfully you awoke before the nine year deadline, it was close though."

Ignatius left Cyrus to his thoughts after that.

(Cyrus POV)

After master left, I sent my consciousness into my body poking around.

'Hmm... so in general an increase in fire and runic abilities? There's too much to tell... well it should be a good thing I suppose.'

I stretched my hand before me as I formed a rune made from flames as I took note of my gains.

'I guess I'm better connected to fire now? I can control it better...'

The rune looked less showy, where before the runes looked as if drawn with a frayed brush and a touch of too much push causing unwanted lines, now it seemed the brush was at the very least new.

The rune wasn't the best it could be, but it was a huge improvement.

I could feel the rune express it's meaning better, clearer and no longer clogged.

I formed a few more runes, getting more practice with them.

'This should be enough...'

I moved myself and sat in the lotus position. It didn't really matter how I sat, but maybe it was the mentality that came with the position that helped.

Like before, I created runes after runes, slowly forming a ring.

Returning to my cultivation before in an afternoon. Of course I didn't intend to stop there, I had gleamed more insights creating my first ring again, and I soon formed the second.

Checking my dantian, it was now a bright orange reminiscent of fire. Two rings orbited the orb, the first was in a brighter shade of orange than the orb, the runes were sparse but it radiated immense heat.

The first ring contained the majority of my insights into fire, mostly gleamed from the rebirth.

The second ring was a dark red, like an ember about to give. Runes covered the entire ring giving it a feeling of mystery.

'If I remember correctly... I need at least three rings to form a golden core but that would be the lowest tier. Well lowest for this technique, looking at it, it's blatantly obvious it's already better than most.'

After forming the two rings, I was already feeling tired again so I went back to sleep.

I spent the rest of the week getting used to my new strength and control. My physical body, while still at the level of Mortal God had increased slightly in strength.

The main point that master had stressed when building my body was towards runes after all.

"Are you ready? Forget anything?"

"I'm fine master."

"Alright, take this with you. I don't know when I'll see you again."

Master hands me a stack of books which I received with both hands, promptly sending them to my ring after.

"I didn't expect you to go through rebirth so quickly so I was a little ill prepared. Remember to read the books, practice only what you can handle. Don't push yourself too much, and remember to be safe.

A prodigy is a title given to the young, no one calls a matured cultivator a prodigy. Remember. The title speaks of potential. Not strength. Do not blind yourself in it's fame. Go."

Master flicked his hands dramatically, a portal forming at the end of his swing.

I of course entered the portal without delay, trying not to smile.

Exiting the portal, I found my parents welcoming me back.