
2nd Life

Kelvin came to in an unfamiliar place, his body felt weird. After a bit of looking around Kelvin realized he was in a shell and tried to break out.

With some effort Kelvin broke out the shell and discovered his new body.

'What the fuck?! I'm a caterpillar?! I thought I'd reincarnate as a human what the hell!'

The caterpillar, Kelvin's new body rolled around in discontent and regret.

'Shit ok... it's fine I can do this! I can just roll off this leaf and die and reset! Yeah... yeah.'

It approached the side of the leaf and looked down, however with a caterpillars poor vision Kelvin couldn't even tell if he was high enough to die.

'Alright... alright new plan what's a few weeks as a caterpillar. They live like a year right? Okay. Okay.'

Kelvin calmed down as a pang of hunger hit him, surrendering himself to the instinct of his body he started eating his eggshell.

'Weird... why am I the only one awake? What about my siblings?' Kelvin looked around and discovered the other eggs were damaged, not being able to even make a body within.

The hunger continued to grow pushing Kelvin to eat the smashed eggs, 'Shit shit shit, I'm so hungry! Maybe I should eat.. NO don't even think that! Just eat the leaf!'

Kelvin rushed to the end of the leaf and started eating, but his hunger couldn't be sated. Kelvin stood strong and went crawled onto the branch and onto other leaves, eating them too.

Kelvin spent his caterpillar days eating leaves, the only sign of time passing was the light of day coming and going.

Kelvin had surrendered his body to instinct, only taking control when he felt it did something he didn't want. At some point the body expelled all the food he had eaten and made a cocoon around him.

Kelvin's mind melted along his body and only awoke when his body finished reconstructing, as a butterfly.

On a bush planted in a pot put on the balcony of a hotel was a butterfly emerging from its cocoon. The butterfly had green wings and was tiny, smaller than a finger.

Kelvin discovered his new body was better than he expected, he thought he'd have poor vision and be a normal butterfly but he was wrong.

Kelvin could see more around him, having an almost 300 degree vision but he still couldn't see as far as he could as a human. Still, it was an improvement over a caterpillar.

Other than this Kelvin also felt something else, a closeness to the plants around him and found he could control the plants around him. Like H had said it was kind of like discovering a muscle you couldn't flex before.

"Oh! You came out!"

A female's voice came from behind Kelvin as he sat perched on the bush. His wings had dried while he internalized the feeling, when he heard the voice he immediately became wary, in his vision he could see the origin.

A girl in what could be described as a priest's robe looked straight at him in wonder, she looked twelve, having not gone through puberty yet.

Kelvin finally focused on his environment, it was a balcony filled with plants and it seemed the girl was taking care of them.

"Come here." The girl asked lightly as she extended her finger for him to land on.

'Hey maybe she can kill me, that way I can die faster.' Kelvin didn't think twice as he flew and landed on her nose instead, but instead of the frantic swatting he was expecting the girl simply smiled and walked into the room to find a mirror. Looking at Kelvin through the mirror.

As Kelvin thought of how he could get her to kill him the hotel room door opened and another female came in, this time she was dressed in light leather armor and a sword by her hip.

"Hannah are you ready to g- is that a butterfly."

"Yes I am big sis, and yes this is a butterfly. It came out the pupa that was hanging on that bush over there."

"Okay okay can you get it out of the room? I'm really bad with butterflies, I have a phobia."

'A phobia eh?' Kelvin quickly decided and departed from Hannah's face, flying to the other female. However despite his expectations of being sliced up by her he got a an earful, or rather an antenna full of screaming.

Due to the loud sound impacting him Kelvin became dazed and stopped flapping his wings, stalling and falling from the air. Hannah held her hand out quickly and Kelvin dropped onto her hand.

"Big sis, it's alright I have it now. It's been a month since the Transcendence big sis how are you still so afraid."

"Oh shut it you," the lady picked herself up from the floor acting as if nothing happened, "leave that thing and let's go. Ben is waiting for us downstairs."

"Okay!" Hannah left Kelvin on a plant at the balcony and left the room.

'Seriously? I didn't die?! Argh how much longer do I have to stay like this.' Kelvin propped himself up and flew to the edge of the balcony looking into the distance.

'Hmm... maybe I should follow them? It sounded like they were going somewhere and since the lady had a sword maybe it's dangerous? Yeah, maybe but better than nothing... I hope.'

Kelvin flew down from the balcony, seeing Hannah leave the building as well with a few other people, making a group of four. Without another thought he flew down and landed on Hannah's head going along for the ride.

Together the group left the hotel, along the way Kelvin heard from their conversations that their aim was the Hospital, it was a month after the Transcendence and their medical supplies were low.

Weirdly Kelvin didn't feel hungry at all with the group, not needing to leave them to eat. The group had inevitably found him an hour after their departure but they thought he would have left at some point.

The operation seemed to go smooth, the team had procured the leftover medicine and were taking an exit when suddenly a horde was on them. Kelvin didn't see exactly what had caused it but he wasn't concerned.

The group was capable of handling themself, Hannah healed the group while Ben acted as vanguard. The lady which he learned was named Rebecca was the swordsman and had a flame enchant ability, while the last seemed to be an assassin or thief with a speedster ability.

Everything was going well on their retreat, but at slowly the zombies grew organized. At first it was simple cooperation between two but it quickly grew and it seemed the horde became one.

The zombies held onto each other and became a mass of zombies, like a wave rushing towards them.

Kelvin couldn't bear to see them die, he had grown a little attached to them so he started to use his ability.

"Shit shit shit, go faster! Faster!"

"I can't dammit the cars are blocking the way!"

"Fuck we should've cleared them! Wait what is that!?" Ben saw the trees around the roads start to sway and move.

The trees tumbled over as their roots came up from the ground creating a roughly made wooden wall as the car raced past it.

The zombie horde crashed into the wall but it only stalled them for so long, however Kelvin didn't know the result.

The butterfly on Hannah's head laid there motionless, having died from overexerting itself.

'Hah! I'm back here... hey H! Why didn't I reincarnate as a human?!'

[Oh, welcome back. You weren't gone very long were you. Did you reincarnate as a fly? Haha.]

'Dammit why didn't I reincarnate as a human?'

[Who knows? It's your ability not mine. I can give a few guesses if you want but know that I'm not a hundred percent sure of this.]


[So first guess is Karma, when you have bad Karma you will be reborn as something less. A pig or something. Another guess could be that you have not mastered your ability, maybe you can change what you are born as.]


[Hmm... well since this is your second time here let me gift you something.]

'A gift? What could I even use?'

[Hahaha. Well knowledge of course! Alright, so know that there are ways to cultivate your soul making it stronger. You can remember things better among other abilities, you will discover this yourself. Basically my gift is that Soul Cultivation can be done by looking inward.]

'That's it? Not a manual for it but just that I can do it?'

[Precisely, there are manuals but they don't fit you. Child you must think of it like this, we are immortal. At the very least we can live for an untold amount of time, if you can make your own Soul Cultivation method then great! You have something that is custom made for yourself, but if you use a manual not only will it not fit perfectly with your soul. The biggest problem is you need resources! What if you reincarnate as a fly? How are you going to get them? That's why its best you make one yourself. Only you know what you have and what you need.]

'Uh... wow... okay thanks H.'

[Haha. No problem child, go on now, I'll see you next time.]

'Alright! Here we go again, please human!'