
Reincarnation as Obito Uchiha

What will happens if a Naruto fan transmigrated to the Naruto world in the body of Obito Uchiha... as one of the main antagonist of the series Obito now play with the timeline and re-write the entire series. Timeline will be same but situation will be different. Dark character , R-18 scenes inculcated , Over powerd Obito , Uchiha clan heritage , love+hate , fight scenes included , romance as well massacre.

Suryaputra_Karan · Tranh châm biếm
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36 Chs

Spending some time with Konan , Yahiko and Nagato.

( Hidden Rain Village )

It's been 3 year since the peace between great nations stablish and 2nd Great Ninja war come to an end.

But small nations don't have any peace period treaty so after a year those big nation such as hidden stone village and cloud Village start to show their power.

As the 3 legendary Sannins from leaf village made their name for themselves all the other great nations feel that there power is lacking compared to fire nation to they trying this way to stablish their power back.

Small fights never stop and then half a year back a large fight broke out.

Causing a whole small village from hidden rain village to get destroyed because of this big nations internal struggle.

Obito sitting inside a house that is not to big but big enough to let 4 people stay in it.

"It's good that I learnt all sage art when there is peace" Obito said to himself as he reading a scroll on fuinjutsu.

It's been more then 7 months since he captured Isobu.

After that obito try hard to train himself.

He perfected Nine tailed beasts sealing formation , perfect his SuSanoo , master many types of Jutsus.

Use many weapons to master them such as long range blades , kenjutsu , using sword with nature elements.

Using rinnegan abilities more efficiently.

Such as Animal path he already use his ability of rods that are Chakra Receivers to make many creatures summon :

Giant Drill-Beaked Bird

Giant Multi-Headed Dog

Giant Snake-Tailed Chameleon

Giant Panda

Giant Ox

Giant Rhino

Giant Crustacean

Giant Centipede

Using Deva path more efficiently as well as Human path.

Obito now can able to use 4 inner gates

Gate of Opening (Kaimon)

Gate of Healing (Kyūmon)

Gate of Life (Seimon)

Gate of Pain (Shōmon)

As for 5 one Obito still can't use it but showing signs of...Gate of Limit (Tomon)

Obito all this months with regular training was moving around to find Haku , kimimaru , karin , jugo and other who can be of great use to him.

That's why it took him this long to be able to relax after a long time.

I have worked on my body and timings all this time well I am still not perfect to use all energy perfectly but improve very much.

I come here to hidden rain village to meet Yahiko,Konan and Nagato.

Sakumo talk to me when I go to meet him previously that their parents wanted to meet them but he knows how to let them know that war is going on so it hard.

That's why I am here as for other reason it because Killer Bee is here with the third Raikage "Sandaime Raikage" is also here.

I have send one of my clone to stay and look into the situation this is one of the legendary movement where Minato Sensei use his signature move of flying Raijin against them.

In the past months many big battle has already taken place for leaf village.

As I was thinking about things konan with Nagato comes from the kitchen as she says for today's breakfast, we have prepared a simple yet nourishing meal, We have some freshly steamed rice accompanied by miso soup, topped with sliced green onions and tofu. Additionally, I've made some grilled fish seasoned with soy sauce and a side of pickled vegetables to add a burst of flavor to our meal.

Konan smiled at me saying what she and Nagato has made , Yahiko also join us for the breakfast.

Yahiko put the small table and start to server me first.

Konan come and sit beside me as Yahiko and Nagato also sit in the front and side.

"That's surprising" obito said to himself.

Because even if he has teach them basic ninjutsu and some defence moves he never revealed his name to them or who he is.

They call me Sensei that's all , although I also like it and I will not reveal my identity for now not until Hanzo attack them.

They all are looking at me as I wear mask all the time with gloves on my hand and full body sleeves they can't see even a little bit of me.

Am I like Kakashi now? And they want to see my face , Obito thinks.

"Well that will not work" as I took the bowl of steamed rice and start to eat it.

Took the first rice from chopsticks and then move it towards my mouth with still the mask on.

They all got a surprise expression as thinking how am I gonna eat it with mask on.

To their suprise I use my mangekyo sharingan ability Kamui on that particular little surface of mask and dilivery the rise to my mouth without any trouble.

For them it magic maybe because the chopsticks got inside the mask , yup as i thought they have a surprise expression.

Just like this day's started to pass away.

I give my time to teach Nagato jutsu's that are basic and easy but need practice and time to master.

He is an Uzumaki with large chakra reserves.

And he has affinity for all 5 nature with yang as well.

So teaching him basic jutsu's of that many elements is a good thing , after teaching him basics i teach him some advance moves.

As it was me who give food to Nagato so he can survive that day teach him how to survive become his Sensei and also let him have friends and feel like a family.

He value me very much just like Yahiko , he ask me to teach him jutsu so he can able to help me with anything possible.

Going even a length to say that he want to be like me and many times he ask me who I am , thank me for everything that I had done for him and promising me became better.

Nagato always talk to me politely , respectfully and a way like admiring someone.

As for Yahiko he also learn jutsu with Nagato they already became best friend of eachother.

Yahiko was saved by my from dying that day that what's he think not he Nagato also think the same.

Yahiko don't talk as politely as Nagato but whenever he speaks to me he shows respect , politeness but with confidence and a aura of young leader I see in him.

Both of them don't know anything about me but shows that much believe.

As for Konan she also shows me her paper jutsu progress time to time.

Sometimes when I am reading (learning)Fuinjutsu seals scrolls she comes and sit beside me lean her head on my shoulders and rest on it.

She talks about how things are going out for the little organisation Akatsuki that they have created.

She always has her smile whenever talking to me , always finding time to come and see me although unknown to her I can already see that whenever she is with me she become a little shy.

So she is into me I come to release it , but don't she comes to likes Yahiko look like my appearance has a major impact on this.

For now I will not show any emotions as for why because my hands are already full with problems here , but as for her being this open to me shows she values me greatly.

Yahiko,Nagato and Konan start to organize Akatsuki even better they always want me to be leader and guide them but every time I refused the offers and let Yahiko take care of everything.

Just like that Month's started to pass away.

But for the thing I come here not happening it's been more then 3 months already but there is no sign of Minato Sensei battle with 8 tails.

Look like it will take a while...

I talk with the trio and let them know that I already leaving , well they are sad about me leaving them again , I wish them luck and use kamui to teleport away.

Well I already turn 8+ so the incident of Minato Sensei becaming the yellow flash of leaf will soon separate out and Naruto will born in less then 2 years.

I have to wait until then , so for now why not go and capture another tailed beast.

7 tail chomei will be best because Hidden waterfall villages is not one of the great nation so they don't have any advantage in numbers and about powerful shinobis we will see.

This village is also taking considerable amount of downfall because of leaf and stone nations fight.

What I come to know is that the 7 tail beast chomei jinchuruki is hated by the village people just like Naruto in anime series , well as for why it because many Ninja's attack their village just to get their hands fū the jinchuruki of Chomei.

Well that's relatable...

If anything goes wrong and I find that it's difficult for me to take chomei away I will just use kamui to leave.