
Reincarnating Into The World of Pokémon

I will try my best.

YourGuy1900 · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs


Jin interrupted Bren, "That doesn't make sense. In every settlement there is a possibility for them to experience a Pokémon stampede so their business wouldn't be safe anywhere."

Bren nodded at Jin's words, "That is true, One can never know where the next stampede will be. 

We can only prepare and face the stampede, hopefully preventing them from breaching and destroying the town.

The stampede will always result in huge loss of life, the best case scenario is little loss to fighting power, and civilians losses.

The next best case scenario would be little civilian losses.

Worst case is that a stampede is the complete destruction of the town.

In the case of the last stampede in Cape town the Pokémon were able to breach the walls here in the north gate.

Thankfully just the north was breached, as the remaining gates were able to fend off the Pokémon.

Through the breach from the north the wild Pokémon caused quite a bit of civilian casualties.

Enough about this just recalling that day gives me a sense of dread even though I wasn't in the brunt of it."

Jin nodded as Bren, despite his fierce looks, seemed a bit uneasy, "Then what's my last option?"

"Of course selling it to the guardsmen."

"What's the catch since it wasn't the first one you mentioned."

"Well.. you know maintaining a fighting force for the town ain't easy. So we try to buy Pokémon cheap."

"I understand that but there isn't much I can do about that. Do I just show up at the Guardsmen quarters?"

"John and a few others are about to rotate their position but I'll send John early with you.

"Shift rotations?" hmm, Jin pondered, "How come you're here every time I'm here?"

Jin's question causes Bren to show a look of loss. One that Jin noticed as he briefly chastised himself.

"I'm sorry I didn't know."

Bren sighed, "Don't worry kid, we all face hardships, but I'm fine."

Silence ensued between the two, as Jin didn't know what to say so he stood up and said his goodbyes before he followed John who was still carrying Teddiursa.

As Jin followed through the Guardsmen quarter he saw many people training in an open field performing Pokémon battles.

In another instance he saw Pokémon wearing heavy weights with people near them as though they were wearing quite a lot of protection on them.

Jin noticed those people had long whips.

He watched as those people beat the Pokémon yelling orders as the Pokémon had to follow them if they didn't want to be beaten.

There were some that simply refused to obey. Jin could tell as those Pokémon had many wounds on their body.

As they passed through buildings, and some tents, Jin managed to peer through one of the flaps of a tent when a person came out of it.

There he saw a glimpse of cages containing Pokémon.

'Damn are Pokeballs that rare, I figured that the military of a town would at least have them for their guards. 

Did the league think that a common guard being equipped with a Pokeball was too luxurious?

Also the way they trained their Pokémon, it's nothing like the anime.

The God who sent me here must have a sadistic nature.'

John led him into a building as John approached a man that was at the front desk.

"Hey Alston, this young kid here got his hands on this Teddiursa, and wants to sell it to us."

Alston stopped a middle aged man, who was of average build, stuffed into his paperwork.

Until the word 'Teddiursa' registered into his mind did he pry himself away from his paperwork as he eyed the Teddiursa, "Will there be any problems with their pack?"

"Going by the kids' words there shouldn't be a problem," said John as he recounted Jin's story.

"Do we, the military of Cape town simply take words of a kid at face value, did you at least verify whether his words were true or not?"

"We did not but the kid has a bagful of Ursaring Claws and Rhydon claws so his words should hold some truth to them."

Hearing John's words Jin showed his bag full of claws to Alston.

"Very well you may leave John, and report Gordon about this information, there wasn't any report on a nearby pack of Ursaring in recent years."

"Understood, but before I go I will take Teddiursa to the medical building."

As John left Alston looked at Jin, noting the obedient Pidgey on his shoulder, "Hmmm, you're quite young, but you have such a docile Pokémon near you. Have you thought about joining the military, the guardsmen?"

"No sir, I'm just trying to sell this Teddiursa," 

Alston kept a keen eye on Jin, "Why sell him, surely you could train just as you did with the Pidgey?"

"As stated earlier, I accidentally ran into a pack of Teddiursa while trying to escape Arboks. Which led to Ursarings chasing me, which eventually led to a brawl between Ursarings and Rhydons. 

I'm not sure if the Teddiursa recalls me or would blame me for it packs death.

Therefore I don't dare train it."

Alston kept quiet as he listened to Jin's explanation, his piercing gray eyes trying to notice discrepancies in Jin's facial expression.

However all he saw was a tired expression, "Quite the experience I must say, very well, let's discuss the price.

A Teddiursa's market price at the moment sits around a hundred thousand yen, for a healthy, average quality Teddiursa."

"Well instead of money I was wondering if I could get something else?"