
Reincarnating In Another World With My Smartphone

What happens if you were suddenly reincarnated in another world where magic exists, where mythical creatures like dragons, dwarves, elves and demi-humans lives, and the only thing that you have is your smartphone? Rubi Red, a 20-year old college student working in a fast-food restaurant as a part-time crew is walking exhaustedly to the train station after his work, busy with his smartphone for status update in social media when suddenly notices that someone is in danger. A woman close to his age is being robbed by a man with a knife. Rubi rushes through the scene to save the woman but unfortunately Rubi has been stabbed. "I don't wanna die.", his last post in his social media. After making flashbacks, a gently voice whispher to his ear, saying "Come with me...". Rubi suddenly wakes up in a forest where unexplained creatures exist. The only thing that he has is his undying smartphone. Rubi wondered around the forest and saw the woman who he saved before reincarnating. Rubi hides himself when a group of royal guards came. Rubi follows them unnoticeable and saw a vast kingdom. Rubi's smartphone suddenly vibrates and tells him, "Welcome to the kingdom of Elsia". Walking down the hill exhaustedly, he met an old man and asks for a ride. Inside of Elsia, the old man offers Rubi a job as a waiter in a beerhouse. Rubi gratefully accepts the offer. Several days later Rubi saw a hooded person passed out and tries to wake the person but suddenly guards came in looking for someone. The hooded person drags Rubi outside. And turns out, the hooded person is the woman who he saved before reincarnating. Rubi's smartphone suddenly vibrates and tells him, "Risaline Elsia". Rubi notices that the woman he saved is actually the princess of the kingdom. Risaline asks Rubi as her knight to defeat the demon armies. Risaline explains to Rubi that she is the one who reincarnated him and tells Rubi that he has superpowers and one of it is immortality like his undying smartphone. What will Rubi's gonna do in another world where the only thing he has is his smartphone?...

Rubigo_Interius · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs


"I don't wanna die...", this is my last will before reincarnating in another world.

My name is Rubi Red, 20-year old college student who is actually living alone in an apartment and working as a part-timer in a fast food restaurant. My life is somewhat-- normal I guess? Wakes up in the morning, goes to school, work at the restaurant, sleeps then repeat. I don't have any special talent to show. I'm just an ordinary person. Like a background character in a movie that's what I think. But unfortunately, this life is over.

One day, My body is so tired after taking an overtime at work. Walking exhaustedly to the station while updating my status--posting in social media is actually my habit. It's late now, all I think about is my bed. Going in a detour, I ran into this couple and noticed something suspiciously. I found out that the man is robbing the woman after it took out his knife.

Unexpectedly, my body rushes between them. I don't really know why I did that. Maybe watching action movies where the "Hero Saves The Day" stuffs?

The woman is unharmed, the man runs away, while me? I've been stabbed. "I'm gonna die?". Memories keeps on flashbacking in my eyes--actually there ain't much interesting events.

All that I've ever done is to call an ambulance but I think I won't make it in time. Last thing that I did is to update my status, posting "I don't wanna die...".

As I gently close my eyes, a sweet voice whisper in my ear, saying "Come with me...". With a voice like surely an angel-- I'm in my death bed so I think it is an angel.

But then something strange is happening. I'm somewhat floats in the air then goes into a hyper-speed like five times faster than a bullet train. "Really, is this how everybody die?", that's what I've been asking myself until I lost myself. All that I see is white spaces everywhere.

As I regained my conscious, I found myself in the middle of a forest where I could say an "Enchanted-like"? Because it's so unbelievable compare to the earth. The trees are so different, it's like an unfound-type of trees. And the living creatures are somewhat mythical-like compare to the ones living on earth. And the scenery is like a paradise. Then I remembered something, that I actually died. How could I forget that? This is the afterlife. Ofcourse this is the paradise.

There's not much to do, so I wondered around. Going here, going there, then I saw someone. It's the woman that I saved. I asked myself, "Wait a minute, did she died too?", As I slowly approaches her, a group of men came --with their swords and horses. So I simply hid in a tree to look what's going on, and they took the woman with them. I simply followed them unnoticeable to see where will they take her. As we go at the end of the forest, I stopped, I can't follow them anymore without being notice.

As I look closely, I saw this huge kingdom where tall walls surrounds it. It's really beautiful. But wait, how am I supposed to go there?

Suddenly something is vibrating in my pocket. It's actually my smartphone vibrating and telling me, "Kingdom of Elsia". --Even in the afterlife I have my phone?

Walking down a hill is so exhausting. I can't even tell if I can follow them. But then I met this old man riding a horse with a cart. I asked him if he could give me a ride and he accepted it. My smartphone vibrates again and tells me, "Rei Riege", I don't know what's that supposed to mean. But the old man introduced himself and said, "I'm Rei Riege, and you are?". Surprised at the moment, I replied, "I'm Rubi Red, nice to meet you sir!". I'm surprised at my smartphone because it tells information ahead of time.

"So this is the Kingdom of Elsia...", Rei suddenly laughed at me and asked if I'm an adventurer. "Adventurer? What's that?". I honestly don't know. This is the afterlife right? Even in the afterlife you can go in an adventure?

I actually said to Rei that I'm kinda lost and don't know where to go. He offered me to go to his place and asked if I want a place to stay. I gratefully accepted it. But in order to stay there, I have to work there.-- Even in the afterlife I have to work?

As the time passes, we arrived to his place. Unexpectedly, it's a beerhouse. and the place is full of adventurers. So going inside, he offered me to become a waiter.-- Even in the afterlife I have a part-time job? But who cares? I politely accepted the job offer.

As I look around, I saw this beautiful girl running around and taking orders. My smartphone vibrates again then tells, "Ria Riege", Rei called her and introduced me. "Ria, this is Rubi our new waiter.", I politely nod. "My name is Ria Riege, I'm the store owner's daughter.", she introduced herself with this innocent smile.

Wait a minute, they both have the same surname which means, Rei is her father? How lucky am I? This is really the afterlife. Rei goes upstairs to sleep and leaving me with this angel-like Ria. While Ria explains me the job, unexpectedly, a hooded person bumps me causing me trip myself and falling to Ria.

This sensation, what is this? My hand is somewhat grabbing a pudding-like sensation. As I open my eyes, I saw Ria in the ground blushing. I can't believe that I actually fondling her chest without thinking. Ria as expected, slapped me accross the face. The innocent smile on her turned upside down. But even though, her angry mode is so adorable. It's like an angry hamster.

Several days later, I've been accustomed in this job. The job is not hard because I have work experience in my previous life--Do I really need a job in afterlife?

But then, the hooded person came again. I can't help but get pissed after he bumped at me causing the incident with Ria. As the time passes, I think the hooded person suddenly passed out because of drinking. I tried waking him up then he suddenly grabbed my hand then dragged me outside. He told me to stay quiet. But then the guards came looking for someone I think.

I don't know what is happening, but my smartphone suddenly vibrates. So I look it up, and it tells me, "Risaline Elsia". Who is this? It's a girl's name right? Are you telling me that this person is a girl?

Few minutes has passed, the guards goes out. While we in shocked, ran at the back of the store then tripped. What's with this? It feels like I have touched this before. The same feeling as Ria's, but a little bit small? A man ain't supposed to have this right?

The person screamed like a girl while shouting "Pervert!". The person took off his hood. Actually it surprised me, I can't believe that a beautiful girl with pretty eyes are hiding in that hood.

But wait a minute, as I look closely and analyze. She looks like the person that I saved back then. It passed through my mind that I died for this beautiful girl. I guess I became a Hero who saved a beautiful girl in my life?

But then this happened, she asked me that she needs my help. I asked her, "Help on what?". Risaline replied, "To defeat the demon army." I suddenly stopped her and asked "Demon army? In afterlife? Really?". I told her that I died and this is the afterlife. But she actually said to me. "This is not the afterlife, you have been reincarnated here.".

Wait, "Reincarnateeed? So this is not the afterlife?", Risa tells me that I am the chosen hero to defeat the demon army. What's an ordinary guy like me possibly do to fight a demon army? All I have is this smartphone.

So I politely refused her offer and tells her to go home already before her parents looks for her. But as I walk away, she grabbed my clothes and pulled me. As for me, I lost my balance and then (*smooch) I kissed her in the lips.

"Sorr-", before I even finish that word, a big slap came through me. "What's with that slap? You're the one who pulled me.", Risaline cried like a stubborn little kid. Rolling around back and forth. Then looked me in the eyes, "You have to take responsibility." she said it with glistenning eyes.

But then, I told her that I don't even have any super powers. She looked at me with this serious face, "Of course you do have.". She told me that all of the reincarnated person actually does have.

So I asked this question to her, "Why me? Why am I the one reincarnated here?". Actually, she looked away with a face of guilt and told me that I'm the first person who didn't died while reincarnating.

So it means, I'm the first person to be reincarnated here? I asked her again to tell me what is my superpower but Risa apologised and told me that she didn't know.

Suddenly my phone vibrates again, and now it telling me that an enemy is coming. "Wait, whaaat?" How am I supposed to fight it if I don't even know what's my power? A few seconds passed. My smartphone vibrates again and tells me, "Flaming Orc". A pig-like beast surrounded by flames approached us.

My smartphone vibrates again and tells me, "Fireball Incoming!". What's that supposed to be? The orc suddenly prepared this huge ball of fire and aiming at Risaline.

So I grabbed Risaline's hand and then pushes her. As expected, I'm the one whos been hitted. My body is burning. Until I fell into the grounds. "So I'm really gonna die?" A few seconds have passed. I regained my consciousness and my body is back to normal like nothing happened. My smartphone then vibrates again. And now it tells me, "Fireball, Acquired!". I don't know what's that supposed to be, so I gave it a try. "Fireball!" As I said that word, a huge ball of fire--twice as huge to be exact than the orc's, appeared in my hand. So I aimed it at the orc and then released it.

The orc left with nothing, no traces left behind. I guess it's been incinerated? After the scene, Risaline shocked at what happened. And then finally introduced herself. "I'm Risaline Elsia, princess of the kingdom of Elsia. You can call me Risa." She gratefully thanked me for saving her not only once but twice.

"Princess?! You are a princess?!" I shouted. Risa grabbed my hand and we ran away to the fight scene. While running away, a cat jumped in front of us making Risa stopped. So I fell over Risa and then *smooch, I ended up touching Risa's chest and kissed her again. Ofcourse, as expected, slaps from left and right.

A few minutes has passed, Risa finally calm down. She asked me again to help her. Now I have this superpower, I have the reason to help her. Thinking about my superpowers, it looks like my smartphone is telling me informations ahead of time--and it never dies, so no charging of it. I can acquire twice as powerful as the same attacks that's been dealt to me causing me to die. And the most important thing is that I'm actually an immortal.

Is this really it? I'm gonna be the hero who will save the day? I can't believe it. So this is the first step of becoming a hero. A hero from another world with his smartphone fighting a demon army.

My life as a hero actually began, or so I thought.