
Reincarnated with the Rizzler System

A dude dies and reincarnates with the rizzler system and walks the path of killing demons for revenge and attracting womens with his system

WeirdoThatWrites · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

The party of death

The quick sound of the sword was heard, and so was the sound of thumps on the ground. In a flash countless heads were severed and the room was dyed red from the blood of the guests.

A bloodbath is the right word to say at this moment. The slash of swords and the Duke dyed in red caught off guard from the attack, and several demons had attacked the mansion.

Many noble and high-ranking people gathering when else would be a good opportunity to strike on the human than now?

A huge shadow comes forward in the dark red dyed room with her horns sharp and high, and her double sword dyed in red from the blood of humans.

"Ahh the taste of blood, I Cerberus the 10th demon general and the beholder of haste am very much happy in this moment" she says while she is blushing heavily and licking the blood off of her twin sword it's because of that she has her title The Perverted Demon.

"Cerberus the demon of speed, this is going badly. Knights get the child and get out of here fast" Louis says to the knights fighting in a very anxious tone and you can see the fear in his eyes having to fight against a demon general and a whole army of haste-attributed demons.

The knights make haste and pick up the child and start heading towards the east.

The child seeing the fire and having his mother killed in front of him and leaving his father behind to die has a frightened expression on his face.

Back in the mansion-

The sword clangs and clashes can't be heard anymore. The emperor escaped thanks to the magus, but the Duke is unable to fight anymore with rage in his red eyes; the Duke continues to fight, but alas, his berserk state couldn't be held anymore.

Cerberus walks toward the Duke with an aroused expression on her face. Just the thought of being able to lick the blood of the strongest knight of the empire turned her on, but now that thought has come to fruition.

Louis, unable to move, is just watching helplessly as the demon pulls out a syringe and fills a glass up full of his blood and stores them in one of her many blood containers.

As the demon fills up 2 big glasses full of Louis' blood, he passes out.

"Carry him and put him into my lab he must not die, I still want more of him" the demon is very much aroused by the thought of being able to taste more of this strong man's blood.

The demons have started retreating from the mansion and the only ones left are the ones that are dead. The huge white and gold mansion of the Duke has been painted red overnight.


The host has survived an unexpected event +10 all stats

+10 stat points.


In the dark forest a few kilometers away from the Lagoon Of Midas. The silhouette of a group of men wearing knight armor can be seen camping with what looks to be a child. When one of the men , young looking male with brown hair and a naive gullible look on his face, comes forward to break the silence between the men.

"Hey, shouldn't we go save his grace? They should've left the mansion by now. We've camped here for over two days. Maybe his grace has already won the battle and is waiting for us in the mansion and he is called the Empire's sword since he's so powerful he must not have lost against a 10th ranked demon general right?"

The other knights seem to agree with the young man and are thinking of going back to the mansion when Sir Alfred Holmee, a high-ranked knight in his 50s, speaks up to that with his raspy, deep voice.

"Hey, you're new here, right? You can be the one to go back there if you want to die so much, The mansion has probably already been captured by the demons, and they might even be coming for us right now as we speak, and you want to go back to that blood dyed hell? No thanks, if you want to die so much, then die by yourself don't endanger the life of this dukedom's sole hope, Newbie i've been a proud knight of the dukedom for 20 years and i know how strong and capable he is but with him being caught off guard and having those injuries he has died by now"

"We must make haste and head to Ianzu, and use the teleporter there to head to the capital and ask for reinforcement to recapture the mansion"

Hmm how should i use these stat points?(the mc is clueless of the conversation going on between the knights and is plotting revenge in his own world and also trying to understand the use of system)

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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