
Reincarnated with the Rizzler System

A dude dies and reincarnates with the rizzler system and walks the path of killing demons for revenge and attracting womens with his system

WeirdoThatWrites · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

The child born of miracle

What does this "Rizz" mean?.


Rizz is the art of picking up women using your words. There are many forms of rizz- you're currently at 0 rizz. It can now go to the negative side or to the positive side, please be careful from now.

He is surprised that the screen can hear his thoughts and is scared of it.

And there's also mana mentioned here. Does that mean I can use magic?


Yes, you can, but you currently do not possess a mana breathing technique yet.

The system also has function's that you currently haven't unlocked yet that can give you rewards for completing tasks.

When do you give out tasks?


The tasks will be given after your 1st birthday. So you just have to act like a child for a year.

1 year later.

The weather is very dark over the land of Duke Vince. One can say that the always shining mansion of the Duke has been struck with misfortune due to the weather conditions.

And the Duke can be seen on the training grounds of the mansion, watching the weather unfazed by it.

The jet black hair unique to only of his lineage with his sharp red eyes in his black uniform.

Clang! Click!

His blade couldn't even be seen by the ordinary eyes; that was how quick and sharp his sword was

The sound of clapping is heard lightly

"You're as sharp as always your grace"

A tall blonde man comes out of the shadows and praises the Duke

"You don't have to call me your grace your majesty Arthur Lawrence"

"As respectful as always aren't you my friend"

"Of course after all you're the emperor"

"No one's here anyway just us two so forget the formalities and that is my order to you as the Emperor"

"Yes I shall"

"So how is your son doing? I was overjoyed after hearing he was born even after the supreme magus had said you and your wife weren't able to give birth, It really is a miracle isn't it"

"Yes, it really is"

The conversation goes on as the child watches the both of them from a window of his room.

"System, Today is the day I get tasks right? So now I can get more powerful and have more rizz"


That is correct, you will be given an easy difficulty task after midnight, so be prepared for it.


My parents, Louis Vince and Elizabeth Vince are a Dukedom that is located in the Lawrence Empire. I haven't been able to walk properly yet, but I have gained some information about this world.

In this world there are 7 kingdoms, all very powerful, and there is currently a conflict going on between the Demon kingdoms and the Human kingdoms but that doesn't have anything to do with me, So I'll just be helping my family and getting stronger at the same time.

And there is Magic in this world!!, It is divided into 7 main elements; they are Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Plants, Holy and Dark. and they all have sub-elements that can be used when you gain a certain level of mastery in the element you have.

And that is the amount of information I've gained.


The night has come and so has the grand birthday party and the Naming ceremony of our protagonist.

The whole mansion is lit up by beautiful gold lights. The venue is full of high profile nobles, beautiful men, and women from all over the Lawrence Empire. Among them there seem to be some with mischievous intentions.

The high priest has also come to do the naming ceremony of the child. There are a lot of conversations, negotiations, and laughter of joy all over the venue.

"Congratulations, your grace Vince on this joyous day"



Many congratulations and talks later. It is finally the time for the main ceremony.

"It is the first birthday and also the day of the naming ceremony of the child of our dukedom. So i thank you all for the congratulations and for coming here today"

The grand cake is presented by the servants and everyone is astonished by the sheer size of the cake.

Much applause and clapping is heard from the venue.

"Now I shall proceed with the naming ceremony before the party; do not disturb me"

The priest is covered in holy mana, and he reaches for the forehead of our protagonist.

"ᚤᛟᚢᚱ ᚾᚨᛗᛖ ᛋᚺᚨᛚᛚ ᛒᛖ ᛋᛖᛒᚨᛋᛏᛁᚨᚾ ᚡᛁᚾᚲᛖ, ᛟᚺ ᚲᚺᛁᛚᛞ ᛒᛟᚱᚾ ᛟᚠ ᛗᛁᚱᚨᚲᛚᛖ"

"He has been named Sebastian Vince"


The host has got a name now

Name: Sebastian Vince

Applause and congratulations can be heard all over the venue

"Dear, Our Sebasti-" Elizabeth is overjoyed


The familiar sound to a warrior, The sound of the sword and a fast one at that was the only sound heard at that moment.