

Anon is lying inside the cave, The floor underneath him is fully covered in blood and He is eating berries, While smoking cigar.

[Master, You should take some sleep. You have lost too much blood in today's training.] Auric Energy suggested.

"Fuck Sleep... What's the next thing in the list ?" Anon asked with a serious expression.

[Master, The next training is 'Self-Control'.] Auric Energy spoke.

"What do I have to do in this Training ?" Anon asked with a serious expression.

[Master, Try to bend your pinky finger forward without moving rest of your hand.] Auric Energy spoke.

"Hmm...? What's hard in that ?" Anon asked as he immediately opened his hand and tried to bend his pinky finger forward without moving the rest of his hand, But he failed to do so.

"What the fuck ?" Anon spoke with an Irritated expression as he tried again but failed again.