

This way my lord Frank entered the basement with Anon and noticed that there was only one door there.

"Is he behind this door ?" Frank asked.

"Yes, My lord." Anon answered.


Anon opened the door and three of them Entered inside.

"Is this-" as fank was about to ask something he was faced with something very terrifying.

A large city full of ogres was exposed in front of him.

Ogre were everywhere.

"Wh-What...is this place ?" Frank was scared to death as he started to think about different senerios of what would happen if all of them were commanded to attack the royal capital.

"What happened My lord ? I don't see that confidence from before on your face." Anon spoke with a vicious smile on his face.

The blood assassin immediately got the gist of the situation and withdrew her dagger pair.