

Only Two Female Fairies are standing inside the headquarters right now, One is Sylvi and other one is Renna.

Renna is a small, she has purple hairs, Black eyes and beautiful glowing wings.

"Are you two sure that you want to do this ?" The general asked with a serious expression.

"YES SIR." Both of them shouted together.

"Very Well... I never expected the males to be such pussies. Well then, Soldiers... You will leave in about one hour.

Meet your loved ones fi you want to, Eat your favourite food... Pack your food and other necessary supplies.

Do you have any questions ?" The general asked.

"I have One..." Renna spoke as she looked at the General.

"Fire Away." The general replied.

"What happened to your wings, Sir ?" Renna asked.

"Get out... Both of you." The general shouted.

"YES, SIR." Both of them shouted together as they exited the Headquarters.
