
Chapter 0- Introduction to myself and the story

Hello everyone. For my own good, I will not be giving you guys my real name. But what I will give you, is my surname. This surname is a name that I created for myself, because I like to hide in the shadows.

So without further ado, my name is Lucarian Morningstar. You guys might have seen my other book, the God of Hell's Champion, but I'm scrapping that book. I lost interest in that story, so I will no longer be writing it. Maybe one day, when I develop an interest for the story again, I'll continue writing it again. However the only way for that to happen is if this book gets enough support for me to work on two stories.

So first things first, the background for this story. So as to not ruin the story, I will only be telling you the name of the character, ranks, points and other miscellaneous information so I don't have to explain it too much later on in the story, where all the action is. But before I do that, what I really need to do is tell you how I got this idea. First of all, I got this inspiration from all the reincarnation and system books I've read on Webnovel. However, I will be introducing a new type of system, with a twist. This system will use the stats from a certain game, however the points themselves will be far different. I will shout-out on my Instagram any one who gets the game right. But it will be only one person. The first person to get it right. I will find a way to contact whoever it ends up being, and if you guys write a story, I will include that in my shout-out.

So as promised, I will give you the name of my character. His code name, is Reaver. But you won't normally find this out until much later into the story. Now, because I'm such a mysteriously great guy, Let me give you one but of more information. I am an RPG fanatic, and I love using my imagination. But readers be forewarned. There will be a lot of blood. This not a hero versus villain. You could even say that's it's not even an anti-hero story. This is purely man vs. the whole world(s). There will be a lot of torture, and yet there will be also some friendship. Sometimes it's good to have some friends, or subordinates. There will be many near death experiences for the beginning of the story. C'mon guys life is a struggle. But besides that, all other information is on the next chapter. There is a fairly decent amount of information, but it is necessary, and useful to know. And as this will not be on the next chapter, enjoy the story guys and I hope you'll be with me all the way through it.