The two boys dashed towards Kael like mad dogs and Kent was the first to launch an attack against Kael with his fisted palm but Kael was quick enough to grab the punch before it could land on his face but he wasn't fast enough to evade Cent's incoming sickening crunch which had followed Kent's and the blow made contact with his face which made Kael lose grip on Kent's hand.
He staggered backwards due to the sudden attack and his cheeks throbbed lightly. Both enemies saw this weakness of Kael as an opportunity for them to strike again and without much hesitation, they struck their leg into the air with the intent of hitting Kael at the same time at crucial spots that would definitely make him weak and send him on his knees but once again, Kael had caught on with their plan and he successfully evaded the attack by staining himself as he bent himself backwards.