
Reincarnated with JJK Powerset in Harry Potter!

My first fanfic and my first story guys! Updates are every week! No patreon or monetary gain from this at all either, this is purely for the reasons to tell a story, so I appreciate the reads! We'll travel to multiple different worlds but rest assured, I'll make sure to flesh them out 100% of the way. Character will start off strong as all hell, and hopefully I'll be able to bring some nuance, and some humanity. Love you everyone! Isekai is a go!

InAnotherWorld · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs

Lost In Strength

{Authors Note}

We're back again! Though this time I'm pretty sure I can turn out chapters at a more consistent pace! I've seen comments and I would like to say that I once again appreciate all of you for reading! But I would also like to address a few things about the story that people might have questions about further, but it won't get into spoiler territory, so don't worry! 

Will this story have an ending?

Yes? I'm not sure yet. This will be an adventure that will go through several worlds, and there's just so much potential in writing characters and storylines that I've always imagined I'd never write myself. Fanfiction can be so versatile, and it can be love letters to the mediums that helped people like me fuel their imagination and creativity. I know I'm getting a little sentimental, but everyone being so supportive of my work even when they'll have to exercise their patience for new chapters makes me even more grateful. I listen to complaints about the story, and all I gotta say is... wait until the Harry Potter Universe ends and I'll make a discord where people can ask questions and writers much better than me can critique my work so I can be a much better writer in the future. Just know that I'll be throwing major curveballs in the future, and it'll be crazy. I have some balls-to-wall crazy ideas, and It'll be some wild curveballs I swear.

What's the schedule going to be looking like?

So since I'll be starting to have more responsibilities that have to do with my living situation and allat, expect two or one chapter every week. These chapters could range in 2-3 thousand words so I can make every chapter feel as if it's not wasting anybody's time. If it's a chapter that hinges on a crazy cliffhanger, I'll make sure to get the proceeding chapter out on time. Appreciate all the support, and I'll for sure have everything out. 

About the love interests.

This will be unpredictable. I might introduce a harem, or I might not. But depending on how I feel about the story, we could have a whole sprawling adventure with Hermione... Lol, it can happen... Or not. See? For most of you, this book would be one step from ruin if I put it in a harem, so I'll make sure to give you guys jumpscares here and there. There will be Rated-M scenes, and I won't shy away from anything. This series will have sex, this series will have gore, and this series will have Adult themes that I will handle with care and maturity when the need comes. So consider this a kind of trigger warning going more into this book. It won't be here for shock value, but there will be scenes in this book that will have these elements to them, and I just wanted readers to know going into this.

 Be Warned. 

I'm serious. 

Be. Warned. 

Oh! Enjoy the Chapters. Thank you for reading!

As the familiar cold and dry air invaded my senses, memories from my old world would rush back to me in waves. It was something homely about Hogwarts. Maybe it had something to do with how I spent my time watching all of these places from a screen, wishing that I could see for myself how magical this world could be. Finding myself couped up in a classroom with disgusting and admittedly intricate diagrams and photographs depicting dissections of magical creatures certainly didn't leave a good taste in my mouth. 

Defense Against The Dark Arts is one of the most notorious classes, with Its reputation being held as an especially difficult one, but also not widely known for its tendency to curse whoever presides as its current professor. The one teaching us at the moment was none other than Professor Lupin. His voice faded into the background as I read my Mother's Journal. 

Her handwriting impressed me with each word. To think that she would write this just for me to see it struck a chord in me. I know I've only been in this world for a relatively short time, but it still feels surreal sometimes. Am I weird? Probably. Well, everything about this should be.

'Anyway, Where was I?'

These instructions were making my brows furrow with every word. When it came to actual instructive tidbits of information, My mother could be surprisingly profound. A lot of it I had to regretfully gloss over, as she always tended to cut through some paragraphs with little notes...

"Don't be scared of failure baby!"

"I know you can learn it!"


'Mage sight: For dummies'

"I would like to preface this by saying Mage Sight is completely different from Mage SENSE, as it only focuses on the feeling of magical signatures and the ebb and flow of this energy. Mage sight, however, is a very magically strenuous task, as it requires the total concentration and willpower of the student to activate. Mage sight allows a Wizard/Witch to see and feel what magic truly is. I can only use it in short-term bursts, as it allows me to form and mold my most complex spells in the heat of battle. Anything more than 30 seconds is a death sentence. I once almost died to this exact time limit, as I've only been pushed to use this technique 3 times in my entire life as a witch. It leaves you winded, with as much magical exhaustion to leave you bedridden for days. Liken it to flying through the most powerful storm conceived, as you were once previously fighting to gain control, to change to the tide. Mage sight helps you arrive at the center. It gives insight and clarity. If you want to be more in-depth, compare it to having the ability to see atoms, quarks, and molecules. The building blocks for what makes existence travel forward to the greater tractor perceptible on a whim."


"Now, activation of this technique is one thing, but learning how to keep this active is where the true challenge lies. All the world's information, all of existence's secrets flooding to you all at once, it's pure bliss, ecstasy. That's why I have little faith for anyone to even learn this technique, as it requires extreme mental fortitude and an almost paranatural control of the flow of their magic. Well, anyone except for you my son. And with your potential, no doubt you will be the greatest wizard to ever use this ability."

Well, that was a whole lot of unneeded pressure. Reading these lessons has only further convinced me of its similarities with the Gojo clan's six eyes. This could be the method to jumpstart them, and the first step to infusing my techniques with magic. Just imagine it! Magically empowered slices or an infinity barrier NO spell can get past-!

"Mr.Concordia, am I sure that I have your attention? These independent reading comprehension lessons must be ever the more entertaining than defense against the darkest creatures." I was snapped out of my musings, the smug professor winking at me with a smile as the candles glowed ever so brightly. "I apologize, Mr. Lupin." I smiled, scratching the top of my head awkwardly.

As I closed my mother's journal, Hermione (The bookworm) sent me a disappointed look as she sat beside me, Ron grinning at my lazy attitude on my other side. "Chuckin' dynamite to DADA has to be some sort of penance isn't it?" he whispered. I looked tiredly at the redhead, not even dignifying with a response. That seemed to satisfy him though, as he smiled and leaned back in his chair, paying attention to the lesson once more. I sighed, reclining back as well. Harry was seated a few seats down. Something about wanting to pay more attention to DADA.

The room presented a stark departure from my accustomed surroundings. While it bore semblance to an old-fashioned classroom reminiscent of my previous life, the arrangement of desks in a large semicircular pattern was strikingly different. The seats themselves had a magical quality, seamlessly shifting between old leather recliners and traditional wooden chairs according to the preferences of the occupants. High ceilings bathed the space in just the right amount of natural light, rendering the option of slumber all the more enticing. Yet, with the storm brewing outside, each flash of lightning dancing across the clouds only served to heighten my anxiety. I could understand now why Hermione regarded me with the scrutiny she did. This is why I don't like prodigious friends. They get all bitchy when we're in class.

Defense Against the Dark Arts was undeniably crucial, perhaps the most vital subject aside from potion-making. It was the very class that equipped Harry to lead others in times of hardship, ultimately contributing to the survival of countless students during the war. The irony wasn't lost on me that these two classes often intertwined; many dark creatures of the magical world could be countered with potions of varying kinds. This realization only deepened my curiosity about how a typical wizard or witch would handle a werewolf encounter. 

As I've read a little nugget of information that would forever change my view on Lycanthropy...

The temptation to raise my hand and inquire about werewolf defense tactics lingered, but a lesson learned from transitioning worlds was to avoid needlessly prolonging class time. I mulled over the thought of how introducing myself to Lupin's werewolf form during a full moon might disrupt the narrative, a mad smile threatening to break across my face.

Anticipation bubbled within me. Perhaps it was wishful thinking, but who wouldn't relish the chance to face off against a werewolf? Yet, did I want to assume Lupin's lycanthropy in this reality? Only time would reveal the truth, and I resolved to be prepared, come what may.

Hermione leaned in, her whisper tinged with accusation yet laced with amusement. "Would you cease your smiling at the professor? I'm not one to talk, but mimicking me won't do you any favors." Suppressing a snicker that took all my self-control, I countered with the same tired look I often gave Ron, only to witness Hermione bite back a grin, her lips pursed in a valiant effort to contain her laughter.

Leaning closer, I whispered back, "But wouldn't you appreciate the idea, Professor Granger?" The sarcasm dripped from my words, causing a flush to spread across Hermione's cheeks as she shot me a glare, her ears betraying her embarrassment.

I'm gonna pay for that one, am I?

 To be honest, I hoped we wouldn't have to face a boggart today, but I would soon curse myself with what would come next. 

"Now, I'd assume all of you are tired of this lecture, but please be sure these are the precautions we have to take. Defense Against The Dark Arts should be taken seriously at all times. Who knows? It may one day save your life." He ended with a pointed look, before breaking out into a devious smile. My contended attitude halted to an immediate stop as the professor sauntered over to the oversized curtain, revealing an equally sized mirror in its place.

"Time for a practical lesson don't you think?"



Well, it was fun sitting down while it lasted. We were all directed to stand in a group, facing the giant mirror as it tremored. With me at the front, I could only hiss in annoyance as Ron cowered behind me. "Why did you have to put me in the front? Now he's gonna call on me!" I scowled. Ron shrugged his shoulders as he appeared aloof, rubbing his nose. Selective stupidity? 

"Now, can anyone tell me what a Boggart looks like?" Lupin's gaze locked onto mine, and I couldn't help but exhale sharply. "A Boggart is a creature that takes the shape of whatever a wizard fears the most," I responded.

Professor Lupin's smile brightened, his hands coming together in approval. 

'You thought I wasn't paying attention, didn't you?'

I turned to find Hermione tensing beside me, her chin noticeably locked in place.

The fact that it took every ounce of her being to NOT answer a question from a professor is by far the funniest and sad thing I've ever witnessed, and I've made it my life duty to tease her about it forever. For as long as I'm alive.

Boggarts are messed up creatures, to be frank. Matter of Fact, when Ron's mother Molly Weasely had to clear one out in Grimmwauld's place, one of the sons of a bitches cycled through all of her dead family members because she loved them and feared their deaths equally. That's fine and all, but what bothers me is another issue entirely. 

How the hell do you love family members equally? That just doesn't make any sense.


I don't know what I fear the most. 

I mean, I'm not scared of ghosts or anything like that. Maybe it's because I've faced one of the biggest cosmic horrors of all time, or it's something to do with me. I couldn't come up with a legitimate answer. I care about the trio, but is this world even real? I'll just be whisked away to whatever world that comes next.

What's the point of being scared about something that wouldn't even matter? The purpose was to get stronger, not make friends...

'But you've already done that.'

Do I fear Azathoth? No, not really. I guess you could say It's more of a boss/employee relationship at this point. I do what the god needs me to do and I get to reap the benefits of my labor as well. If I were to fail then I would assume I'd just die again. No do-overs or respawns. Simple. You either survive or not. Not something worth being scared of if you're fighting to live.

I hated the fact that a god could just up and take someone from wherever their supposed to go and use them for their selfish means, but does it even matter? Azathoth is a God. An Outer God to be exact. Beyond the concept of everything I ever knew. Would I care about this if I was in that position? 


The room grew brighter as Mr Lupin turned it up a notch, pulling silly dances and transfiguring an old 80s-style record player. He minds as well have pulled that track straight out of his ass. Blues? Seriously? The worst type of music to dance to.

I raised a brow, Harry laughing at my expression as the light fixtures on the walls glowed more intense, and the cold and grey atmosphere subsided. Lupin continued, his smile never fading. He took us through the incantation, putting us through more conditioning to retain its enunciation and wand movement. It was simple and concise, but the banging of the mirror was all I could think about. 

And It didn't let me go.



Do you know how your body reacts to dread? All of a sudden you become way more aware of the organ beating to keep you alive, the sensation of your blood vessels seemingly stretching, your hearing reduced, and your brain starting to buzz. I felt squeamish for a few minutes, my body unconsciously moving to the back of the class.

'I... can't.'

The gaze of my three friends lingered, their curiosity palpable as we filed into the room single file. I sensed Professor Lupin's notice of my sudden withdrawal from the front, but I didn't want their scrutiny, not now.

I waited, observing as each of my friends faced their fears effortlessly. Voldemort, spiders, McGonagall—each traversed their challenges with a resolve I couldn't muster. Something held me back, a force at the very core of my being. It could have been anything, but my mind drifted back to the other world.

My original world.

"Are you ready, Mr. Concordia?" Lupin's voice penetrated my thoughts.

I nodded, my gaze unfocused as he swung open the mirror.

The air seemed to freeze. I recognized that voice.

"Gaan net. Gee my 'n laaste sigaret op pad. Ons sal eendag saam een ​​rook."

"What is this?" My growl reverberated with anger and apprehension.

But it was only the beginning.

Three grotesquely large humanoid figures materialized in the mirror, their forms flickering in and out of existence. The warmth of the room vanished like a snuffed candle, replaced by darkness, coldness, and lifelessness. The wind within the classroom rose as if the storm outside had invaded. I gritted my teeth, feeling powerless as the figures drew closer, their voices merging with the cries of students. 

It wasn't like The Man In The Gulf. All I'd have to say is Ridikkulus, right?

"Veg tot jy doodgaan."

Say it.


Say it!




Just as the monstrous tendrils reached out to ensnare me, Lupin appeared, as if he had been there all along. The three figures collided into nothingness, transforming into the full moon. With a swift incantation, Lupin shouted, "RIDIKKULUS!"

The moon swelled, its surface smooth and glistening as it careened around the classroom violently.

"What the bloody hell—" Ron's protest was swiftly halted by Lupin's authoritative tone. "That will be all for today's class!" He announced it breathlessly, his tone ragged and tired. Must've freaked him out quite a bit too. "Thank you, everyone! you've all passed this lesson and you.." He pointed to me. "Will stay in my class. Thank you!". As he gestured for the kids to leave, The trio hurriedly came from behind me, concern etching their faces. Before I could say anything, Ron coughed, gesturing to his face.

My eyes?

"They're glowing" Hermione whispered. 


If there was any way to describe a conversation with Professor Lupin, I would be frustrated with trying to do so. He always gave off this attitude of smug confidence. However, I could see the concern etched onto his face. 

 I'll accept and say he's passionate about his work, but isn't this bullshit a little too passionate? I'll give the man some credit, he didn't care much for my six eyes. If he was any part shocked or wary he didn't let it show. He only looked in mild interest. Ron conjured a calming drought, motioning for me to drink it as he left with Harry and Hermione.

A sly smile came to Lupin's lips. "It seems that you've grown on a few people Mr.Concordia." I could only shrug in response. "They've been... helpful." I scratched my head awkwardly, wondering what the professor could say about the boggart turning into a vibrant monstrosity as it tried to skewer me, but what he did next almost made me rip out a dismantle purely out of pettiness. "This ought to give us some privacy," he said, slapping his hand on my shoulder.

I could only register my surroundings twisting violently as he apparated us.

 In my defense, subsonic speeds are in my area of skill at the moment. A complete displacement caught me off guard, the sudden rush disorienting my senses. I guess I'd have to work myself up from these dollar-store teleportation techniques. Huge difference between a cosmic being transporting you and a Lycan doing it. Apparation sucks.

"Ah, Apologies Mr.Concordia. A bit of a warning would've been nice." I shook my head. "Never knew what it felt like to Apparate. Floo powder is better than this." I said dejectedly. The enigmatic Professor chuckled as he buttoned his robes, the wind forcing me to do the same. "You indeed have a point." 

It was odd. I looked around, my brows furrowing. It looked as if we were in a rainforest. The trees reaching high, but not to the ones of my Mother's creation. It was warm and dense, chock full of different species. Macaws, Red Pandas. Even Okapi ran past. What attracted my attention the most, however, was the leaves. Instead of lush greens, I was greeted with combinations of Reds and Yellows. My eyes helped me put the pieces together. If it wasn't evident enough...

We weren't in Hogwarts anymore.

 I could feel the presence of magic all around me again. The connection still felt as if it was weakened due to the incompleteness of my six eyes, but the information that was laid out to me was more than enough. My mind instantly snapped to the Room Of Requirement.

'No that's not it. It's something stronger than this'

Imagine riding a passenger in a vehicle with windows. The glass in which you are viewing the outside world is imperfect. You might find the glass foggy or dirty in comparison to seeing the world without the window blocking the way. Ambient magic is like oxygen. The haze of magic in my vicinity was too thick to ever assume I'd still be in the real world. ,

It took me only 2 seconds. I love you six eyes.

"We're in a pocket dimension" I uttered. I was surprised beyond a doubt, but I couldn't let it show. Professor Lupin silently walked past me, his eyes burning a blaze of amusement. He conjured a cane to start his stride through the thick Orange and Yellow trail 

"Walk with me, Mr.Concordia. I promise to have you back in time for Potion Class"

After my little freak-out with the whole pocket dimension thing, our walk through this rainforest was mostly pleasant. The environment was mostly humid, but it wasn't distracting as we walked the trail. A question buzzed in my mind though. What the hell were we doing here? Before I could voice my concerns, Lupin started talking. 

"Boggarts are a curious kind of dark creature. They can detect the fear of wizard kind and assume their form. However, this applies to every sentient creature. I've studied dark creatures for years, and yearned for answers I could seldom find. But most commonly, some questions are better left unanswered. In this case, I have never seen a wizard so young cause a boggart to bring out its true form."

"ITS TRUE FORM!?" I stammered. "You're telling me that thing was so confused about what scared me that it just turned into itself?" Lupin only shrugged, his face twisted up into an annoying smirk. "Such promise for a wizard so young. You truly are your mother's son. What you must fear is fear itself."

A sharp wind bellowed below my feet, pushing us up into the canopy. My hair which was twisted up by my mother loosened, causing it to flay violently as we climbed further into the skies.

"Forgive me once again for never properly introducing myself." 

 "WHY ARE STRONG WIZARDS SO UNHINGED?!" I shouted as I felt the deafening winds and Lupins laughing as we flew. Once we both reached the apex of our climb, Lupin smiled. "Remus Lupin, King Of The Yellow Moon, Professor of the dark arts, but also," I sweat dropped.

"Your Godfather"

As I gazed at the man, He pointed his cane towards a clearing down below. The ground still kept its yellow and red motif, but what was once piles upon piles of leaves was now grass. Lupin gently placed us down, his smile never fading. "You can't be serious," I said, raising an eyebrow at the man. As If I wasn't already confused... I should have a sit down with my mother about this. You can't just not tell me anything and expect me to take shit like this in stride!

"Godfather? So my mother put you up to this?" I scoffed. Lupin raised a hand defiantly, placating me. "Oh no no no Mr.Concordia. Quite the contrary. Do you think your mother would send you here without protection? A powerful witch's son is just too appetizing to weaken her into submission." Lupin continued his face now serious. "A powerful couple that was once in the wizarding world fell to the exact circumstances your mother went through with your father."

"Consider yourself lucky Ms.Concordia is still with us to this day."

I knew what he was talking about.

"You're talking about Harry's parents aren't you?" I asked, my demeanor matching the other wizards. Lupin sighed, his cane disappearing. "Why doesn't my mother go and fight Voldemort herself? Everyone seems to recognize her power right? You and the others would be-" Lupin cut my tangent off. Laughing himself to the point of tears.

"You think we haven't tried?" That aberrations power eclipses all of ours combined. But we are not here to talk about you-know-who..." I could see the crazy warlock looking off into the distance, looking down momentarily to check his pocket watch.

"We're here to assess your current level. Your mother cares for your safety, while I daresay go a mile more in her place. You will learn under more... extreme tutelage." The realm felt a tiny bit warmer when he finished.

As the professor waited for my answer, I felt something deep within, a familiar sense of growing excitement as a smile threatened to grace my lips. I widened my stance, remembering the forms I easily slipped into in my cursed form, analyzing any and all phenomena that come to thought. "By all means, come at me" I couldn't hold it in anymore, my mad smile straining under so much intensity. What is this feeling?

"What a scary presence lad. You sure you weren't the same boy shaking under that boggart?" I was the first to move, unleashing a massive burst of speed to deliver a floaty back kick to his head, only for him to slightly move forward, nonchalantly dodging my strike.


His perceptive nature was impressive. Some kind of hyper-awareness? I grunted, speeding under his legs to a uppercut. His hand instantly moved up to block my strike.


A loud audible crack I could hear from his now broken hand made me chuckle.

I could see his eyes widen in surprise for a short moment, but his features soon smoldered.

Heh, he didn't consider my strength.

"A monster in the making! Hah!" he seemed impressed as he was launched upward by the force of my punch. "It seems... that it's my turn!" he bellowed, his hand beginning to morph.

"You're fast. How would you see about this for me?"

What. The. Fuck. Don't tell me...

All I was able to comprehend was a blur before a clawed hand almost bisected my head from my body. I managed to leap into the air, narrowly avoiding his attack. "You're trying to kill me, old man?!" I shouted through my mad grin from the skies. He wouldn't be. "I assessed your strength, Mr.Concordia. You seem able to keep up. To the origin of this strength I couldn't possibly guess, but I'd say this is what I would describe as...fun"

In an instant he was in front of me, initiating a flurry of slashes that I skillfully maneuvered by, leading to a chase of immense speed throughout the clearing. For his last attack, the enigmatic professor propelled himself high into the air, zooming back down at extreme velocity toward the ground, leaving a mild crater in its wake.

I was two steps ahead, disappearing to his side to lash out a nasty punch to his cheek.

Normally, a dismantle would easily deal him a loss right about now, but I felt no cause to initiate my cursed energy usage. It simply felt... unneeded. Increasing my speed was child's play, I had to dial up the amount of force I put into my movements to land a hit. I suddenly found myself high in the sky, the force of the haymaker he dealt at long rage causing the turbulent wind to lift me upward. What's his next move?

I was soon answered as bright lights of different colors at high speed raced toward me. "Dammit!" I sneered, twisting my position as I dived back down. These were most likely incapacitation spells. Body-numbing charms and the like. I doubt my newly acquired god-father would be putting bone breakers in this barrage, but I couldn't take any chances. As I tried to dodge every spell being thrown towards me I couldn't help but marvel at the speed at which he waved his wand, wordlessly casting these must be the mark of a powerful wizard. I dived carelessly toward the warlock, making sure I reached terminal velocity. 


"FUCK!" I cursed loudly, a bone-breaker nicked me straight in the shin as I tried to aim a devastating kick to his head. I was there kneeling before the professor, the pain souring my features.

"Curious, I couldn't win in a physical match against you. But you still need experience in that monstrous strength of yours, which I can help. You would've been able to get out of that volley with minimal issue." he said dejectedly, pacing around in thought. "Seems like you have more room for improvement, Mr.Concordi-" Within milliseconds, my rage took over. Me? Kneeling? No.

Hell no.

I was instantly at his side, delivering a solid liver shot, propelling the man immediately forward. His body sprawled a great distance before he readjusted his balance as he skidded across the ground. I put in more strength than I had to, but I lost control. Miraculously though, the dust cleared and there he stood, his core swelling underneath his dress shirt. I could see an inkling of dark-colored fur.

"Again, I applaud you on your strength. You seem temperamental. Well, you're just like your mother in that regard."

I felt a little bad honestly. Hated getting angry in my original world.

"But that doesn't explain how you could negate the bonebreaker I sent your way. A combat healing ability of some kind? Curious. Rare." I grew sheepish, lifting my hand to scratch my hair. "You won't tell my mother, right?" The Professor genuinely laughed at that as he walked toward me.

"Wizards have secrets, and those secrets will always be valuable. Whether it be money or easier ways to destroy our enemies. Knowledge is power, and that will always be essential.

"Keep that power safe, Mr.Concordia."