
Reincarnated with an Omni system

This is a story of a guy Lucas who died and get reincarnated with an omni system as a source which makes him immortal. this system allows him to grow his source and collect source point from the surrounding. using this source point the Lucas can do anything he wants. This is the story of the journey of Lucas from one universe to another visiting different planets and Metting new people and races living in the vast Omniverse.

kunal_yadav_6229 · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

The Mental Aptitude Assessment

As the excitement from the Qi Absorption Test settled, the candidates who had progressed were taken to a new testing area, marked by a smooth white banner adorned with the Azure Lotus Sect's emblem. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation and nervous energy. all the participants were nervous about the mental aptitude assessment. Lucas joined the other selected candidates in the designated area, where the examiners were preparing for the next stage. Eris, the young man who had welcomed Lucas earlier, took the stage once again, his demeanor calm and professional.

"Welcome to the Mental Aptitude Assessment," Eris announced. "In this stage, you will be given a portion of a cultivation technique of azure lotus sect to replicate on paper. This exercise will test your understanding and ability to comprehend complex cultivation concepts."

He gestured towards a row of desks, each equipped with parchment, ink, and brushes. "Please take your place at one of these desks. You will be provided with a sealed scroll containing the cultivation technique portion. You will have one hour to study the technique and then transcribe it accurately on your parchment."

Lucas and the other candidates filed into the room and took their places. As they settled in, Eris and several other sect members moved among them, ensuring everything was in order.

Among the crowd, Lucas spotted Baldwin and Daphne. Baldwin, with his intense focus, was already scanning his scroll, while Daphne appeared serene, her posture relaxed but attentive. Lucas's gaze briefly met Daphne's, however, she seemed to be absorbed in his work, barely noticing his surroundings.

The scrolls were distributed, and Lucas unrolled his with practiced hands. The technique was intricate, involving complex diagrams and detailed explanations. He immediately began studying it, his mind swiftly trying to grasp the core principles of technique but after only a few minutes he started to have difficulty in understanding it as he only has Instinctive Comprehension which is the most basic comprehension of cultivators. for the Qi absorption test, he was already a cultivator so it was not difficult for him to sense and absorb Qi, it was basically cheating but for the mental aptitude test he didn't have that much good talent so he asked system if there was a way to comprehend this technique because if he has to give this exam on his ability there is only 30% chance that he will pass.

<host 100 system can directly transfer this technique to host mind for the price of source points>

I decided to use the system to pass the exam without any chances and I have 13140 source points, so I didn't care about spending 100 source points.

As Lucas immersed himself in the cultivation technique provided by the Azure Lotus Sect, the feeling of knowledge transferring directly into his mind was both familiar and reassuring. The intricate diagrams and detailed explanations of the technique settled into his understanding effortlessly, thanks to the system's assistance. He was now confident in his ability to transcribe the technique accurately.

Meanwhile, outside the Azure Lotus Sect grounds, the other major sects were conducting their entrance evaluations, each with its unique approach.

In a rugged, outdoor arena, the Crimson Blade Sect was putting its candidates through a series of grueling physical tests. The sun blazed overhead as candidates sparred with one another, demonstrating their martial prowess and combat skills. The air was filled with the sounds of clashing swords and heavy breathing.

Aldric, now a part of the Crimson Blade Sect's entrance trials, stood among his fellow candidates. He was drenched in sweat, his muscles straining as he faced off against an opponent. The head examiner, a tall and scarred man with a commanding presence, watched the matches with a critical eye. The participants were also asked to fight with the elders to see their combat skills.

Aldric's performance was marked by raw power and determination. He showed impressive strength and speed, but his technique was still rough around the edges. As he fought, he could see the Crimson Blade Sect elders exchanging nods and comments.

The head examiner approached Aldric after his match. "You've got potential," he said gruffly. "But you need to refine your technique. This sect values precision and discipline just as much as strength. Continue training, and you might just make the cut."

Aldric nodded, acknowledging the feedback. Despite the grueling nature of the trials, he was determined to prove himself worthy of the Crimson Blade Sect. He knew that this path was what he wanted, even if it required intense effort and sacrifice.

In contrast to the physical trials of the Crimson Blade Sect, the Ethereal Veil Sect conducted its entrance evaluation in a serene and secluded setting. Candidates sat in a tranquil garden surrounded by mist, their focus directed inward. The assessment here was centered around mental clarity and spiritual connection.

Candidates were required to meditate and achieve a state of profound inner peace while solving complex mental puzzles. The elders of the Ethereal Veil Sect observed silently, their expressions inscrutable as they assessed the candidates' ability to remain calm under pressure and solve intricate problems.

Among the candidates was a young woman named Lyra, who demonstrated an exceptional ability to achieve mental clarity. Her serene demeanor and the ease with which she solved the puzzles caught the attention of the sect elders.

One elder, a woman with a gentle but penetrating gaze, made notes as Lyra worked. "Her ability to connect with the spiritual essence and maintain focus is commendable," she remarked to her fellow elders. "She might be a strong candidate for our sect."

back at the azure lotus sect as the hour for the Mental Aptitude Assessment came to a close, Lucas finished transcribing the technique onto his parchment with ease. He glanced around at his fellow candidates, noting their varied expressions of concentration and frustration.

Eris and the other examiners began collecting the parchments, their faces unreadable as they reviewed each submission. Lucas could overhear snippets of conversation among the sect elders, who discussed the candidates' performances in hushed tones.

"The candidates for the Azure Lotus Sect have shown impressive skill and understanding this time," one elder commented. "It will be interesting to see how many can pass the exam this time and join the sect."

Another elder nodded in agreement. "Indeed. We have some strong prospects this year. It's a promising group."

Lucas remained focused, his confidence bolstered by the system's assistance. He knew that in the final stage, he would pass without a doubt with the help of the system. For now, he had to wait for the results of the Mental Aptitude Assessment.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows over the testing grounds, the candidates awaited the announcement of those who would join the sect.