
The four portals to hope

"They're here." Puma muttered, glancing behind him as he focused on the soldier's raging cry outside.

"Indeed they are." Gudan said with a grin, "Puma, I can handle things from here, we don't wanna keep old Vlad waiting".

Puma groaned, "You're right, I'll be off then, but do not go overboard for any reason." He said before vanishing into a puff of smoke.

Sato and Yuri stood there as they observed the whole thing, neither of them feeling overwhelmed even though the situation was not looking in their favor.

Gudan on the other hand was bursting with joy at the very thought of him being the one with the upper hand.

He looked around him and made a sad expression at the sight of Luke and Gigz's bodies lying dead on the ground.