
Chapter 127

Laura leaves two long patches of ice fog as she flies towards the plateau. Hopefully they get the idea and don't attack her, that would just be a mess in every sense of the word. 

The injured Ogres have begun joining the defense effort, seeing that the main force isn't going to have an easy time of it, and that there are Trolls present in the attacking force. In fact, they don't seem too enthusiastic about the Snapping Turtles either, roaring and throwing boulders at them as they advance. 

The fog is the perfect setup for the battle. Either the Ogres can stay in the area that the Summons can effectively control, or they can spread out and take the damage from lingering Dragon Breath. For most it's not really an option, the Dragon Breath would kill them. Fortunately for them, everything they really want to fight is right up front already. In their minds, they will crush the little beings once they finish with the Trolls and their allied turtles.