I was slightly surprised how much the King of Spirits knew about me, and even more of my people the Arboren, he particularly knew and liked Ivy and Selene.
"Yes, Ivy has inherited the powers of the brave spiritual knight Bark, he wielded the power of spirits in his sword. His memories were hazy, but I believe he was once an Yggdrasil Knight. You have many powers, reincarnating people is a wondrous one," Freyr said.
"And Selene, yes, the wonderful Saintess, she is attuned with the Nature Spirits, even more now with Yggdra and Naturia's contracts. Both of them are wonderful children. They will grow big, and strong… One day they might help us protect and change the world."
Protect and change the world! What does he even mean with that? How is that even going to happen, exactly, I wonder?
I mean, I am not really planning on letting them outside of my dungeon, so how are they going to do that though?