
The Battle Under the Sea

The South Atlantic waters churned with the echoes of the recent battle. The Valorian submarines, led by the VNS Phantom and VNS Sea Serpent, had just executed a successful hit-and-run attack on the Ruthenian fleet. Now, they were desperately trying to slip away, evading the furious counterattack that followed.

Onboard the VNS Sea Serpent, Captain Marcus Renner kept a watchful eye on the sonar display. The echoes of depth charges and distant explosions reverberated through the hull, creating an almost maddening symphony of noise.

"Captain, sonar is picking up multiple signatures converging on our position," reported Lieutenant Armand Steiner. His voice, though steady, held an undertone of tension. "Looks like a Ruthenian submarine flotilla is closing in. They must have tracked our attack."

Renner nodded grimly. "All ahead slow, Lieutenant. We can't afford to make any more noise. Rig for silent running."